WV Sites (Spruce Knob, etc) - still active?

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WV Sites (Spruce Knob, etc) - still active?

Post by smurfsky101 »

Anyone have any information on WV sites? Looks like the mountaineers site is down, any active WV pilots here?

I'd love to fly Spruce Knob, very much a bucket list site for me.
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Re: WV Sites (Spruce Knob, etc) - still active?

Post by mingram »

I flew it for the first time 2 weeks ago! Such a sweet site! Almost 5000ft msl and super nice grassy launch. Just takes a while to up to launch.

We flew it in a NE cross. Better direction is SE due to landing options.
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Re: WV Sites (Spruce Knob, etc) - still active?

Post by smurfsky101 »

Any site protocols to be aware of / paperwork to sign?
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Re: WV Sites (Spruce Knob, etc) - still active?

Post by mingram »

Not at spruce knob. Other sites require mountaineer membership. I've flown high point which was really nice. I hear there's a new site called North fork that was just cut. And I've heard of people flying zirks and other less flown sites. Lots of possibilities. I'm thinking it would be good to have a lighter hike and fly setup. Also thinking a paramotor would be good to do some exploring of potential XC routes.
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Re: WV Sites (Spruce Knob, etc) - still active?

Post by theflyingdude »

Spruce Knob launch is on Monoghalea National Forest land and consequently, is not subject to restrictions other than the regs that are applicable to anyone recreating on NFS property. When we opened the launch approximately 25 years ago, it was considered a "scenic overlook" that we were improving for a better view. It's still being flown, but due to the height of the trees in front of launch, it's now mainly being flown by paragliders who don't have to run down into the slot to launch. The main PG LZ is south of launch is on NFS property; however, the HG LZ is in the valley on private property and a Mountaineer HGA waiver is required by the landowner. Ben and LE Herrick are the locals and the Mountaineer HGA liaisons between the NFS and the flying community. We still have a site across the valley on North Fork Mountain that doesn't get flown much anymore and that landowner has permitted Ben and LE to open up a new flying site near the existing ramp (that wasn't suitable for PG launches). It's a work-in-progress and uses the existing bailout LZ that we've used since the early 1980's, but it can be challenging for inexperienced pilots.

As for the Mountaineer HGA, we're still alive and well. Besides Spruce Knob and North Fork Mountain, we still maintain the Cumberland, MD sites and while our numbers have diminished somewhat over the years, we're still getting it up when the weather cooperates. Our website recently went down because some dummy (me) failed to renew our Go Daddy account when it came due. Like a Phoenix, I anticipate it rising from the ashes at some point, but we haven't found the motivation just yet since it will require a total re-build.

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Re: WV Sites (Spruce Knob, etc) - still active?

Post by theflyingdude »

The Mountaineer website is now back in business. Thanks for the motivation!


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