Daniels sunday

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Daniels sunday

Post by smurfsky101 »

Looking real good. Anyone else want to join me?
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Re: Daniels sunday

Post by mingram »

5 or more paragliders are planning to go already, but they haven't set a time.

For the day of flying we coordinate via the GroupMe smartphone app.
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Re: Daniels sunday - the results

Post by Dan T »

I think we had a total of 17 paraglider pilots over the course of the day on Sunday and they all flew at one time or another.

The day essentially consisted of two completely different halves with pilots flying both of them. In the morning and up until 1:00-2:00 it was overcast with steady moderate winds resulting in typically relatively short flights. I arrived after the first wave flew and was greeted with a 10 minute extendo for my first flight in 5 months.

Springtime conditions arrived when the sun came out in the afternoon. The soft thermals of the morning were replaced with active and, for a PG, sometimes uncomfortable air. Launch conditions were still in the ideal range of moderate but as soon as my feet left the ground I found myself going nearly straight up. (I'm not complaining, woo hoo!) I worked this launch clearing thermal for a few turns and easily reached 1,000 over launch after just a couple of minutes.

Once settled in I found numerous big but springtime sharp thermals scattered along the ridge especially to the right of launch. After 30 minutes or so I'd had enough of listening to my wing tips collapsing and flew out into the valley where I hit massive sink and ultimately landed.

I think 17 pilots on the same day may be a site record. Ironically the sky was never very crowded.

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Re: Daniels sunday

Post by gkinsey »

Geoffrey, USHPA 87840 (P-3)
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