I flew Bir/Billing, India!

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I flew Bir/Billing, India!

Post by mingram »

So I've been in India for almost 2 weeks for my girlfriend's sister's wedding. We went sight seeing in other cities. Lots of temples and palaces. We ended the trip with 3 days in Bir. The first day was overcast/rainy so didn't fly. That night I got super sick and had my insides cleaned out - probably from drinking the filtered water instead of bottled water - doh! The next day was flyable, but windy and I was too weak and even got sick again because I was still drinking the water. Finally decided to only drink bottled water and eat ramen. I love Indian food, but by this point I'm so sick of it the smell is grossing me out - so much spice!

Day 3 - my last day in Bir - I'm finally rested and feeling good again. Sheesh! The weather was perfect - clear, calm winds. Someone said it was a classic day. I arranged tandem flights for Taryn and Maya ($75/each which included photos, ride up, tip). Taryn got to cloudbase for the first time. They both loved it.

I launched after them and had a good time. Big, fat, strong thermals. Easy to get above the clouds in front of the ridge. Amazing views of snow capped Himalayan mountains. I had winter gloves on, but had to alternate warming up hands because it was chilly. The wind was 20km/h from the east so I chose to fly into the headwind along the range for a couple of thermals and then back. About 1pm things started to get spicy and I took a few wingtip collapses so decided to fly out front. Took a full frontal collapse on the backside of thermal and decided it was time to land. Found some big sink and spiraled down to land at the main LZ for 1:30 minute flight. Long enough for me since I still wasn't 100% energy.

The flight made me think about doing another SIV. Had I been more comfortable with stalls and collapses, I would have been able to fly longer. It also made me miss the easy East Coast flying.

If you choose to come to Bir, stay at the Colonel's Resort. It's an oasis. So beautiful and tranquil here. Just don't drink the water.

Matt Ingram
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Re: I flew Bir/Billing, India!

Post by mcelrah »

Great! Thanks for writing! - Hugh
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Re: I flew Bir/Billing, India!

Post by krryerson »

Did not HG in India, but backpacked all around India (91 & 92). Must have been 200km away from Bir at one point. Don't think they had any HG/PG pilots in India at that time, if not, few?
Took the bus up to Gangotri.
Yes, some beautiful mountains,; however few places to land, where I was.
As you, also got sick, and took me 3 weeks to get over it.
Back in does days, India was closer to Soviet and having a US passport, made me a "suspicious" travel. In Pendra Road, they kept my passport for two days.
Besides some spicy flying experience in India, please show us some pictures of the drive.
Have never been more afraid in my whole life, sitting on those buses, on does mountain roads.
Hanggliding/paragliding in comparison, is a cakewalk.
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Re: I flew Bir/Billing, India!

Post by mingram »

So true Knut! The roads here are terrifying. Not only because of the cliffs, but the drivers are maniacs driving down the wrong side of a road with oncoming traffic and pedestrians just to barely pass a truck and a family on a motorcycle by inches. I don't know how there aren't more accidents. There probably are.

I sure hope I get better faster than you did. I'm feeling sick again. :( so ready to come home. I have about 36 hours of travel ahead of me counting layovers.

I don't think I'll be coming back anytime soon. Too difficult for my weak stomach.

Also I heard the launch was opened by a hang glider in '84. Bruce from Australia?

Matt Ingram
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