DICK Cheney in action

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Joe Schad
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DICK Cheney in action

Post by Joe Schad »

Found this story and thought some of you might like enjoy. It is our great america direct from the VP.

Personally, as a card carrying member of the ACLU I am suprised the FBI hasn't been by my house. Maybe they have and I don't know it cause they can search without telling you now under our great patriot act(just ignore the pesky forth amendment).


Dr. Ben Marble, a young emergency room physician who plays in alternative rock bands and does art on the side, needs our help. Since he was the one who told Dick Cheney to "go fuck yourself" on Sept. 8, that's the least we can do.

Marble is a complex guy, to say the least. Some of the lyrics he writes can be considered harsh by some ? personally what I've heard is very much on target - but he has a softer side as an organizer of breast cancer fund-raisers, not to mention an ER doctor.

When he, like thousands of others, lost his home due to Hurricane Katrina last week, it was the single most traumatic week of his life. That led to his Sept. 8 confrontation with the man who best represents the worst of the most callous, heartless, shittiest administration in U.S. history.

As Marble explains, he was driving to his destroyed house Sept. 8 in Gulfport, Ms., when military police refused to allow him to cross a barricade that was about 200 feet from his home. They forced him to drive an extra 20 minutes and spend even more on gasoline.

"Thanks to Dubya Gump and Mr. Cheney, gas is really expensive and extremely hard to get anywhere Katrina has destroyed," Marble wrote. "So needless to say, I was extremely aggravated that they wouldn't let me pass."

Suddenly a long line of dark cars pulled up, and they honked at Marble to back up to let them through the barricade that supposedly no one could drive through. That only made Marble madder so he did what most of us would do ? or at least consider doing.

"I waved a middle finger at the caravan," Marble wrote.

After driving the extra 20 minutes and filming video of destruction along the way, he made it to his home. Marble overheard a neighbor say that Cheney was down the street talking to people. That's when he got the idea to go meet Dr. Evil himself.

"I am no fan of Mr. Cheney because of several reasons," Marble wrote. "For those who don't know, Mr. Cheney is infamous for telling Senator [Pat] Leahy 'go fu** yourself' on the Senate floor. Also, I am not happy about the fact that thousands have died due to the slow action of FEMA, not to even mention the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time, i.e. Iraq."

So Marble asked a couple police officers if he and a friend could walk down to Cheney. They told him Cheney was "looking forward? to talking to ?the locals.?

"So we grabbed my Canon digital rebel and my Sony videocamera and started walking down the street," Marble wrote. "And then right in front of the destroyed tennis court I used to play on Dick Cheney was giving a pep rally, talking to the press. The Secret Service guys patted us down and waved the wands over us, and then let us pass."

As he stood about 10 feet away from Cheney and his friend and some camera operators from CNN and other media filmed the scene, Marble suddenly yelled, "Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney! Go fuck yourself, you asshole!"

Hey, at least Marble was polite. After all, he referred to Cheney as ?Mr. Cheney.?

"I had no intention of harming anyone but merely wanted to echo Mr. Cheney's infamous words back at him," Marble wrote. "At that moment, I noticed the Secret Service guys with a panic-stricken look on their faces, like they were about to tackle me, so I calmly walked away back to my former house."

His friend videotaped a little bit longer and then came back to Marble?s house. As they were salvaging a few things from Marble's home, two military police waving M-16's showed up and said they were looking
for someone who fit Marble's description who had cursed at Cheney.

"I told them I was probably the person they were looking for, and so they put me in handcuffs and 'detained' me for about 20 minutes or so," Marble wrote. "My right thumb went numb because the cuffs were on so tight, but they were fairly courteous and eventually released me after getting all my contact info. They said I had NOT broken any laws so I was free to go."

So let?s get this straight: A physician with a newborn baby loses most everything he owns in the hurricane, does what most of us WANT to do and ?echoes? Cheney?s words he spoke on the Senate floor last year, walks away harmlessly, mission accomplished, and then once the media cameras leave, he is treated like a foreign terrorist as Cheney?s goons waving M-16s handcuff him in front of his destroyed home? Had it not been for the media cameras filming the initial scene, I doubt Cheney?s goons would have just let Marble go after 20 minutes.

America, land of the free?

Marble and his family have been in the media spotlight before, including his wife, Lisa, and baby, Sofia Grace, who was born shortly after the storm, on CNN. Marble has also been interviewed in art magazines and the Biloxi Sun Herald about his concert fund-raisers and musical success ? one of his bands, dR. O, has had at least 20 No. 1 songs on the MP3.com charts.

"The truth is even with all our losses, we are still luckier than many people down here because at least we didn't die," Marble wrote. "But I thought I could try to raise some awareness to the bad policies of the Dubya Gump administration and also possibly raise some money to replace the many things we lost, and so I decided I would auction the videotape my friend shot of the event. I will also grant an interview to the winner if so desired."

So go to eBay here and place a bid for this important video to help Marble raise some needed funds. I have done so and was at least at one time the high bidder.

Marble also has an Internet site with photographs of some damage in his town at http://www.HurricaneKatrinaSucked.com. A photo of him is here, and you can also email Marble at clone9@yahoo.com.

Dr. Ben Marble, you rock. May we all return the favor.
Marco Zee
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An American hero???

Post by Marco Zee »

wow, is this guy somebody you consider a hero or a person of honor?

Perhaps he was still in shock from the trauma of the storm (although this account makes it sound very premeditated and deliberate)..but anyone who thinks this guy did anything remotely admirable or noble, is as sick and twisted as he is.

If this is your definition of an American hero, it's no wonder you guys keep losing elections. You are really out of touch. Completely classless. The next thing I'm gonna hear is that this guy doesn't hate Bush or Cheney, he just doesn't respect them.

Are there any lawyers on this forum? Could his actions be construed as verbal assault, or a threat to the Vice President?

I don't know about Mississippi, but most State Medical Boards have the power to punish physicians for "unethical behavior". Perhaps this guy's actions might fall into that category. Mississippi is a red state after all. Don't forget that Clinton's law license was revoked by the Arkansas Bar.

I'd be curious to see what happens to this lowlife.
Flying Lobster
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Post by Flying Lobster »

I agree with Marco. As part of the new neo-con Reich this kind of behavior cannot be tolerated. The guy should have been blindfolded and imprisoned on the spot. Or at least his family should be denied medical care--that would learn him!

Great Googly-moo!
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DICK Cheney in action

Post by mcelrah »

Just substitute Cheney for "the low-life" in your whole post. Saying
that to a senator on the chamber floor was "completely classless", a
verbal assault, a threat to a high public official. I'm not a fan of
verbal abuse as a substitute for rational discussion by ordinary
citizens or politicians. The point is that Cheney contributed to the
coarsening of our political discourse - and never apologized. - Hugh

On 10 Sep 2005, at 00:04, Marco Zee wrote:

> wow, is this guy somebody you consider a hero or a person of honor?
> Perhaps he was still in shock from the trauma of the storm
> (although this account makes it sound very premeditated and
> deliberate)..but anyone who thinks this guy did anything remotely
> admirable or noble, is as sick and twisted as he is.
> If this is your definition of an American hero, it's no wonder you
> guys keep losing elections. You are really out of touch.
> Completely classless. The next thing I'm gonna hear is that this
> guy doesn't hate Bush or Cheney, he just doesn't respect them.
> Are there any lawyers on this forum? Could his actions be
> construed as verbal assault, or a threat to the Vice President?
> I don't know about Mississippi, but most State Medical Boards have
> the power to punish physicians for "unethical behavior". Perhaps
> this guy's actions might fall into that category. Mississippi is a
> red state after all. Don't forget that Clinton's law license was
> revoked by the Arkansas Bar.
> I'd be curious to see what happens to this lowlife.
Flying Lobster
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Post by Flying Lobster »

As for medical boards punishing a doctor for cursing at the veep--while unliscensed doctors can go on practicing on patients at their harm for years before they are finally issued restraining orders--Uh huh. Sure.Right. make me laugh some more.

Great Googly-moo!
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Re: DICK Cheney in action

Post by deveil »

mcelrah wrote:Just substitute Cheney for "the low-life" in your whole post. Saying
that to a senator on the chamber floor was "completely classless", a
verbal assault, a threat to a high public official. I'm not a fan of
verbal abuse as a substitute for rational discussion by ordinary
citizens or politicians. The point is that Cheney contributed to the
coarsening of our political discourse - and never apologized. - Hugh

jhhhheeeesshhhhh!......more thinly veiled charges...!!

so..... i'm ssoooooo ssooooooooorrrrryyyy........ already!!! :wink:

and i'm sorry i called you a wonk!......EMBRACE IT...EMBRACE IT AAALLLLL :wink:

i mean, how else is the guy gonna get on a tv sound bite?

otherwise, the only time any protest got through was if they had spent five days on a roof top without food and water! thems some pretty heavy dues to pay just to be able to speak your mind and have someone hear you

he sure as heck can't get into a bush/chaney rally...or even CLOSE for that matter! some one might fake being a cia agent and escort him out of camera range preemptively. maybe he should just send a letter to his congressman filled with a LOT, i mean A R-E-A-L-L-Y LOT of w-o-r-d-s!

and we already KNOW gw doesn't even attempt to hear anyone but those dear people who are closest to him...said so hisself...

this is the first time these guys haven't TOTALLY CONTROLLED the media message OR their public exposure.
yeah, i'm such a low-life that i took joy from this. at least he didn't shout PENIS! PENIS! PENIS! :twisted: whoops,( whispering ) should i have not said that?
okay, i'm going to cut myself off again. maybe there's a 12 step program out there for me. 1) ' I AM HELPLESS IN THE FACE OF........
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Post by deveil »

as president bush will not be facing the electorate again, some republicans have conspicuously been keeping a distance from the administration's response to hurricane katrina. in a further sign of dissension appearing among top officials, the following excerpts of the presidents personal diary were apparently leaked to the press by persons close to the president.
as printed in todays washington post:

day nineteen: i got to sit at a microphone and announce the designation of a presidential delegation to the inauguration of president kurmanbek saliy evich bakyew of the kyrgyz republic. i almost didn't go because i thought it was another trick by cheney. he keeps putting me in front of microphones and handing me scripts to commemorate "bituminous aluminum linoleum day" or congratulating "the mount pleasant pheasant pluckers society." i finally wised up when the message was, "many an enemy anemone gets an enema and an m&m amenity."
day twenty: the washington post quoted anonymous administration sources as saying that we are lowering our expectations for what we can accomplish in iraq. i asked rummy if that meant we were wrong all along, but he said, no, that things have gone almost as expected: we expected to be greeted with light resistance, open arms and a gaggle of girls with garlands. it turns out we were greeted with light arms, open, resistance and a mess of martyrs with mortars.

inexplicably reports of this explosive issue have yet to appear in the washington times or the murdoch news outlets such as fox.

(there aren't any 12 step meetings til thursday)
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DICK Cheney in action

Post by mcelrah »

Well, now that you mention it, and since Cheney is unrepentent, I
hope this really catches on - crowds waving signs and chanting his
highly original contribution to contemporary rhetoric. He'd have to
go back to lurking at his undisclosed location. Just think: this
will be Cheney's quote in Bartlett's, right up there with Marion
Barry ("Bitch set me up!"), Dan Quayle ("Potatoe"), G.H.W. Bush
("Read my lips: no new taxes!"), Reagan ("Mr Gorbachev, take down
this wall!"), Nixon ("I am not a crook."), Clinton ("I did not have
sex with that woman!") and G.W. Bush ("Nuke-yuh-ler"). - Hugh

On 10 Sep 2005, at 13:00, deveil wrote:

> mcelrah wrote:
> Just substitute Cheney for "the low-life" in your whole post. Saying
> that to a senator on the chamber floor was "completely classless", a
> verbal assault, a threat to a high public official. I'm not a fan of
> verbal abuse as a substitute for rational discussion by ordinary
> citizens or politicians. The point is that Cheney contributed to the
> coarsening of our political discourse - and never apologized. - Hugh
> (end of quote)
> jhhhheeeesshhhhh!......more thinly veiled charges...!!
> so..... i'm ssoooooo ssooooooooorrrrryyyy........ already!!! [Wink]
> and i'm sorry i called you a wonk!......EMBRACE IT...EMBRACE IT
> i mean, how else is the guy gonna get on a tv sound bite?
> otherwise, the only time any protest got through was if they had
> spent five days on a roof top without food and water! thems some
> pretty heavy dues to pay just to be able to speak your mind and
> have someone hear you
> he sure as heck can't get into a bush/chaney rally...or even
> CLOSE for that matter! some one might fake being a cia agent and
> escort him out of camera range preemptively. maybe he should just
> send a letter to his congressman filled with a LOT, i mean A R-E-A-
> L-L-Y LOT of w-o-r-d-s!
> and we already KNOW gw doesn't even attempt to hear anyone but
> those dear people who are closest to him...said so hisself...
> this is the first time these guys haven't TOTALLY CONTROLLED the
> media message OR their public exposure.
> yeah, i'm such a low-life that i took joy from this. at least he
> didn't shout PENIS! PENIS! PENIS! [Twisted Evil] whoops,
> ( whispering ) should i have not said that?
> okay, i'm going to cut myself off again. maybe there's a 12 step
> program out there for me. 1) ' I AM HELPLESS IN THE FACE OF.........
> gary devan
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DICK Cheney in action

Post by TQ »

Definitively an enemy combatant who should be sent immediately to Gitmo. We
must have order.

-----Original Message-----
From: Flying Lobster [mailto:in_a_cloud@hotmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2005 12:49 a.m.
To: ot_forum@chgpa.org
Subject: DICK Cheney in action

I agree with Marco. As part of the new neo-con Reich this kind of behavior
cannot be tolerated. The guy should have been blindfolded and imprisoned on
the spot. Or at least his family should be denied medical care--that would
learn him!

marcgot art?
wanna fly?
Marco Zee
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What did Leahy say to Cheney?

Post by Marco Zee »


Can we all honestly agree that we have all used the F word when addressing another individual in the past.....usually because they have said something "personally" offensive to you in the course of a conversation or direct interaction.

So Cheney got mad about something and said "go F*** yourself to Leahy , but what did Leahy say to Cheney to illicit this response? Does anybody know? There is no record of this exchange because it did not take place as part of a regular Senate proceeding, speech, or discussion that the Senate was conducting. It happened "off of CSpan" in the hallways.

Just imagine if Marc had sad "go f*** yourself" to Joe, ... I would think,.... "wow, what did Joe say to piss off Marc that would illicit that response?" And we all could think of a couple of things that could possibly be said (ie your momma, your sister, your wife, your kids, you suck as a pilot, whatever..) that would "justifiably" warrant the F bomb response from Marc, and perhaps Marc would not feel obligated for apologizing afterwards either, depending again on what outrageous or hurtful thing Joe had said to illicit the F response. So, what did Leahy say? What's the WHOLE story?

As for your latest liberal hero (step aside Cindy S.) , Cheney never said or did anything to him personally to warrant such a response. Cheney has never met or spoken with this guy before.

And now this guy is trying to peddle this video on ebay for profit, knowing some deranged liberal will "cherish" his "courage and fortitude". Yeah, he's a real "principled" guy alright. In the midst of all that death and destruction, he should have been spending his time helping his family, friends, and neighbors instead of going out of his way to shout at a politician because of one year old expletive directed at another politician.

Just goes to show how devoid of "real" heroes the liberals are these days .

Keep spewing that hatred guys, and exulting those who do, and you will find that you are only hurting yourselves, both politically and personally.

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Re: What did Leahy say to Cheney?

Post by deveil »

Marco Zee wrote: .a......R E A L L Y W H O L E L O T OF W O R D S
(take anybody's word for it)
yes, but sometimes, one may feel that the other person isn't worth the trouble, and may merely wish to express disdain. and sometimes something like
'go f_ _ _ yourself, marqaida boy' just simply F E E L S good. ya see, it's about the F E E L I N G., the expressiveness of the phrase. something that can't be truly expressed by using........... (wait for it...................)
..... A .R E A L L Y W H O L E .L O T OF BLOODLESS W O R D S !

this was meant to be a freebie, wasn't it...really?
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Re: What did Leahy say to Cheney?

Post by deveil »

deveil wrote:
Marco Zee wrote: .a......R E A L L Y W H O L E L O T OF W O R D S
deveil wrote:
deveil wrote:...
to expand...IMHO - people very often seem to think that if they hide behind enough trees they can deny the existence of the forest... 'finesse' the language enough and maintain they are not screaming insults, only delicately whispering learned opinions...maintain that if it can't be tortuously proven in a legalistic fashion then indeed it's not what was heard...tell one to go and perform an impossible sexual act upon ones own body, or as our v.p. so famously suggested to a colleague in the halls of congress, go f___ yourself.

...oh, i almost forgot my main point.

that this type of dealing is as obnoxious and outrageous as i was straining to be....( well....it wasn't really all THAT much of a strain, it's really sort of a gift).
allow me to add the words,' obscene' and 'vulgar'.

marco(roni-boy)...as a gentleman (yeah, i know, you were meaning to exclude me via such wording 8) )....
may i...(imagine a low, soft, gentlemanly voice )... humbly suggest that you return to some of your earlier postings (those to which i had , admittedly indelicatly, posted objections and criticisms) and by viewing them with the lense that i had previously offerred ( above self reference) perhaps see if a touch of hypocrisy might be aglimmer in your latest post. just a thought, a mere suggestion,
and if you don't detect anything of concern....then...well.... just allow this whisp of a request to gently drift away as though it had never slipped from my lips and softly floated into your consciosness............
I.E. if the ONLY thing you GOT is " NO!...PROVE IT !"
..(returning to gentle tones) then don't trouble yourself further. fare thee well...............
Joe Schad
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Post by Joe Schad »

Marco said:

As for your latest liberal hero (step aside Cindy S.) ,

Joe asks: How did you come to this conclusion? Don't recall anyone saying the doctor was a hero.

Marco said:

Just goes to show how devoid of "real" heroes the liberals are these days.

Joe asks: How do come up with this conclusion or is it just you personal view that there are no "real" liberal heroes. Just what would you define as a "liberal hero" versus "conservative hero"?

Marco said:

Keep spewing that hatred guys

Joe asks: Who among us has spewed hatred and what exactly was the hatred speech or comment? Just the facts please.



Can we all honestly agree that we have all used the F word when addressing another individual in the past.....usually because they have said something "personally" offensive to you in the course of a conversation or direct interaction.

So Cheney got mad about something and said "go F*** yourself to Leahy , but what did Leahy say to Cheney to illicit this response? Does anybody know? There is no record of this exchange because it did not take place as part of a regular Senate proceeding, speech, or discussion that the Senate was conducting. It happened "off of CSpan" in the hallways.

Just imagine if Marc had sad "go f*** yourself" to Joe, ... I would think,.... "wow, what did Joe say to piss off Marc that would illicit that response?" And we all could think of a couple of things that could possibly be said (ie your momma, your sister, your wife, your kids, you suck as a pilot, whatever..) that would "justifiably" warrant the F bomb response from Marc, and perhaps Marc would not feel obligated for apologizing afterwards either, depending again on what outrageous or hurtful thing Joe had said to illicit the F response. So, what did Leahy say? What's the WHOLE story?

As for your latest liberal hero (step aside Cindy S.) , Cheney never said or did anything to him personally to warrant such a response. Cheney has never met or spoken with this guy before.

And now this guy is trying to peddle this video on ebay for profit, knowing some deranged liberal will "cherish" his "courage and fortitude". Yeah, he's a real "principled" guy alright. In the midst of all that death and destruction, he should have been spending his time helping his family, friends, and neighbors instead of going out of his way to shout at a politician because of one year old expletive directed at another politician.

Just goes to show how devoid of "real" heroes the liberals are these days .

Keep spewing that hatred guys, and exulting those who do, and you will find that you are only hurting yourselves, both politically and personally.

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DICK Cheney in action

Post by mcelrah »

Cheney is the President of the Senate; I hold him to a higher
standard. I don''t talk to my colleagues at work that way and I bet
you don't either. If it was a lapse and he didn't mean it, the
honorable thing would have been to apologize. No apology has been
forthcoming. - Hugh

On 11 Sep 2005, at 01:39, Marco Zee wrote:

> Gentlemen,
> Can we all honestly agree that we have all used the F word when
> addressing another individual in the past.....usually because they
> have said something "personally" offensive to you in the course of
> a conversation or direct interaction.
> So Cheney got mad about something and said "go F*** yourself to
> Leahy , but what did Leahy say to Cheney to illicit this
> response? Does anybody know? There is no record of this exchange
> because it did not take place as part of a regular Senate
> proceeding, speech, or discussion that the Senate was conducting.
> It happened "off of CSpan" in the hallways.
> Just imagine if Marc had sad "go f*** yourself" to Joe, ... I would
> think,.... "wow, what did Joe say to piss off Marc that would
> illicit that response?" And we all could think of a couple of
> things that could possibly be said (ie your momma, your sister,
> your wife, your kids, you suck as a pilot, whatever..) that would
> "justifiably" warrant the F bomb response from Marc, and perhaps
> Marc would not feel obligated for apologizing afterwards either,
> depending again on what outrageous or hurtful thing Joe had said to
> illicit the F response. So, what did Leahy say? What's the WHOLE
> story?
> As for your latest liberal hero (step aside Cindy S.) , Cheney
> never said or did anything to him personally to warrant such a
> response. Cheney has never met or spoken with this guy before.
> And now this guy is trying to peddle this video on ebay for profit,
> knowing some deranged liberal will "cherish" his "courage and
> fortitude". Yeah, he's a real "principled" guy alright. In the
> midst of all that death and destruction, he should have been
> spending his time helping his family, friends, and neighbors
> instead of going out of his way to shout at a politician because of
> one year old expletive directed at another politician.
> Just goes to show how devoid of "real" heroes the liberals are
> these days .
> Keep spewing that hatred guys, and exulting those who do, and you
> will find that you are only hurting yourselves, both politically
> and personally.
> Marco
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Post by deveil »

an observation: a certain party to this 'conversation' employs a specific tactic over and over. keep the other team's offense off the field. use whatever means to make you go 'three and out'. the ole 'say anything' offensiveness to keep YOU worked up and YOU defending, defending ANYTHING, including your 'momma' if need be. CONTROL THE MESSAGE.
fool ya once, shame on him. fool ya twice.......
Marco Zee
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higher standard or double standard?

Post by Marco Zee »

Ok guys, let me see if I got this right......

It's praiseworthy, laudible, and "enlightened", in the midst of a horrific natural disaster, for this guy to yell profanities at a politician who he never has met before, and deos NOT apologize for his remarks afterwards..........


It's deplorable, unenlightened, and a coarsening of political dialogue if the VP yells the same profanities (minus the "asshole" part) at another politician whom he DOES know, and does NOT apologize for his remarks.

Hugh calls this a "higher" standard,.....perhaps.....but I would call this a double standard.

This guy Marble only had political motiviations for making his comments, nothing personal.

Like I said before, I believe there are times when the F bomb is warranted, and Cheney is not known as a hot head....so....if he used the F bomb on Leahy, I would presume he, at the very least, had some personal justification to do so, and it was not simply due to a "another routine" political disagreement. But, if Cheney simply "lost it" and blurted out the F bomb unmeritoriously, then he should have apologized.

So, what did Leahy say.....what is the whole story here? Has Leahy apologized for what he said to Cheney?

So Joe, Hugh, TQ, Gary, et al....would YOU say this to the VP if you had the opportunity to come within 10 feet of him?

Or, likewise, are you encouraging others to say this to the VP in the future?

I wouldn't be too concerned about this guy Marble, he'll probably get a major role in Michael Moore's next movie.....he's well on the way to becoming a liberal icon. You can have him !!!
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DICK Cheney in action

Post by huddlec »

My reaction to the good doctor was a good laugh?that he was able to get to the front lines (and make it obvious), when we know that the powers that be have made it very difficult for anyone who doesn't support them to even be a part of the event. This was the case when the powers that be were running for office and it's the case, now that they're in office. I don't recall ever seeing such paranoia by someone in office (in the US)?that someone in the crowd might have an adverse comment, since Nixon.

Marco Zee <marcoz757@aol.com> wrote:
Ok guys, let me see if I got this right......

It's praiseworthy, laudible, and "enlightened", in the midst of a horrific natural disaster, for this guy to yell profanities at a politician who he never has met before, and deos NOT apologize for his remarks afterwards..........


It's deplorable, unenlightened, and a coarsening of political dialogue if the VP yells the same profanities (minus the "asshole" part) at another politician whom he DOES know, and does NOT apologize for his remarks.

Hugh calls this a "higher" standard,.....perhaps.....but I would call this a double standard.

This guy Marble only had political motiviations for making his comments, nothing personal.

Like I said before, I believe there are times when the F bomb is warranted, and Cheney is not known as a hot head....so....if he used the F bomb on Leahy, I would presume he, at the very least, had some personal justification to do so, and it was not simply due to a "another routine" political disagreement. But, if Cheney simply "lost it" and blurted out the F bomb unmeritoriously, then he should have apologized.

So, what did Leahy say.....what is the whole story here? Has Leahy apologized for what he said to Cheney?

So Joe, Hugh, TQ, Gary, et al....would YOU say this to the VP if you had the opportunity to come within 10 feet of him?

Or, likewise, are you encouraging others to say this to the VP in the future?

I wouldn't be too concerned about this guy Marble, he'll probably get a major role in Michael Moore's next movie.....he's well on the way to becoming a liberal icon. You can have him !!!
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Re: higher standard or double standard?

Post by deveil »

Marco Zee wrote:
and,oh yeah, also

So Joe, Hugh, TQ, Gary, et al....would YOU say this to the VP if you had the opportunity to come within 10 feet of him?

i think i already answered that. please....do try and pay attention.

deveil wrote:. kurt vonnegut writes:
it so happens that idealism enough for anyone is not made of perfumed pink clouds. it is the law! it is the u.s. constitution.

...george bush has gathered around him...most frighteningly, psychopathic personalities, or pps, the medical term for smart, personable people who have no consciences.
to say somebody is a pp is to make a perfectly respectable diagnosis, like saying he or she has appendicitis or athlete's foot.
...congenitally defective human beings of a sort that is making this whole country and many other parts of the planet go completely haywire nowadays. these were people born without consciences, and suddenly they are taking charge of everything.
pps are presentable, they know full well the suffering their actions may cause others, but they do not care. they cannot care because they are nuts. they have a screw loose!
and what syndrome better describes so many executives at enron and worldcom and on and on, who have enriched themselves while ruining their employees and investors and country and who still feel as pure as the driven snow, no matter what anybody may so to or about them? and they are waging a war that is making billionaires or of millionaires, and trillionaires out of billionaires, and they own television, and they bankroll george bush, and not because he's against gay marriage.
so many of these heartless pps now hold big jobs in our federal government, as though they were leaders instead of sick. they have taken charge.
...they might have felt that taking our country into an endless war was simply something decisive to do. what has allowed so many pps to rise so high in corporations, and now in government, is that they are so decisive. they are going to do something every fuckin' day and they are not afraid. unlike normal people, they are never filled with doubts, for the simple reason that they don't give a fuck what happens next. simply can't. do this! do that! mobilize the reserves! privatize the public school! attack iraq! cut health care! tap everybody's telephone! cut taxes on the rich! build a trillion-dollar missile shield! fuck habeas corpus and the sierra club and In These Times, and kiss my ass!

anytime it might occur to you to direct a question off into the ether, demanding that someone answer it...well, just keep this handy....you'll already have mine. if you think you may need further clarification, well, buy the book. your cynical word-play(twisting)(and btw, i've satisfied myself that you are indeed NOT sincere) may entertain you...but i ,too, find it wearies me.
but if this is all just entertainment to you (LOL!)...well, then, please forgive my taking it so damn seriously...most 'important issues of our time' and all that.
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Re: higher standard or double standard?

Post by deveil »

tsk! tsk! tsk!
i do believe i heard you stamping your feet there.......were jou?
( btw,can we get an emoticon for that ?)
such a bad, bad boy...you know better than that. i mean really, is that the way your momma raised you? i dun thin so.
Marco Zee wrote:Ok guys, let me see if I got this right......

It's praiseworthy, laudible, and "enlightened", in the midst of a horrific natural disaster, for this guy to yell profanities at a politician who he never has met before, and deos NOT apologize for his remarks afterwards..........


It's deplorable, unenlightened, and a coarsening of political dialogue if the VP yells the same profanities (minus the "asshole" part) at another politician whom he DOES know, and does NOT apologize for his remarks.

Hugh calls this a "higher" standard,.....perhaps.....but I would call this a double standard.

This guy Marble only had political motiviations for making his comments, nothing personal.

Like I said before, I believe there are times when the F bomb is warranted, and Cheney is not known as a hot head....so....if he used the F bomb on Leahy, I would presume he, at the very least, had some personal justification to do so, and it was not simply due to a "another routine" political disagreement. But, if Cheney simply "lost it" and blurted out the F bomb unmeritoriously, then he should have apologized.

So, what did Leahy say.....what is the whole story here? Has Leahy apologized for what he said to Cheney?

So Joe, Hugh, TQ, Gary, et al....would YOU say this to the VP if you had the opportunity to come within 10 feet of him?

Or, likewise, are you encouraging others to say this to the VP in the future?

I wouldn't be too concerned about this guy Marble, he'll probably get a major role in Michael Moore's next movie.....he's well on the way to becoming a liberal icon. You can have him !!!
Posts: 1336
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Location: garyD - Falls Church, Va

Re: higher standard or double standard?

Post by deveil »

deveil wrote:
Marco Zee wrote:
So Joe, Hugh, TQ, Gary, et al....would YOU say this to the VP if you had the opportunity to come within 10 feet of him?
deveil wrote:.
an observation: a certain party to this 'conversation' employs a specific tactic over and over. keep the other team's offense off the field. use whatever means to make you go 'three and out'. the ole 'say anything' offensiveness to keep YOU worked up and YOU defending, defending ANYTHING, including your 'momma' if need be. CONTROL THE MESSAGE.
fool ya once, shame on him. fool ya twice.......
i think i already answered that. please....do try and pay attention.

deveil wrote:.
anytime it might occur to you to direct a question off into the ether, demanding that someone answer it...well, just keep this handy....you'll already have mine. if you think you may need further clarification, well, buy the book. your cynical word-play(twisting)(and btw, i've satisfied myself that you are indeed NOT sincere) may entertain you...but i ,too, find it wearies me.
but if this is all just entertainment to you (LOL!)...well, then, please forgive my taking it so damn seriously...most 'important issues of our time' and all that.
Posts: 1336
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Location: garyD - Falls Church, Va

Post by deveil »

Marco Zee wrote:Ok guys, let me see if I got this right......
This guy Marble only had political motiviations for making his comments, nothing personal.

SSSSOOOOOO??? what's your point?

Marco Zee wrote:Like I said before, I believe there are times when the F bomb is warranted, and Cheney is not known as a hot head....so....if he used the F bomb on Leahy, I would presume he, at the very least, had some personal justification to do so, and it was not simply due to a "another routine" political disagreement. But, if Cheney simply "lost it" and blurted out the F bomb unmeritoriously, then he should have apologized.
can i, like, get a copy of these 'rules'? or do you just pull them out of your..i mean, make them up as you go along?
Marco Zee wrote:So, what did Leahy say.....what is the whole story here? Has Leahy apologized for what he said to Cheney?
so how far afield are you actually gonna go on this? i, mean, what WAS the guy wearing that day? 'coulda been something about the color of his tie , i guess, right?
Marco Zee wrote:So Joe, Hugh, TQ, Gary, et al....would YOU say this to the VP if you had the opportunity to come within 10 feet of him?

do you REALLY hafta ask? jjheeezz louise that was weak!
Marco Zee wrote:Or, likewise, are you encouraging others to say this to the VP in the future?
are you a 'narc' or something?! ...i mean you were appealing for the GOFUYU to be locked up. what are you after here?
Marco Zee wrote:I wouldn't be too concerned about this guy Marble, he'll probably get a major role in Michael Moore's next movie.....he's well on the way to becoming a liberal icon. You can have him !!!
paraphrasing: me thinks you've already protested WAY too much for that one to pass even the smell test!

roppa dope...roppa dope
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DICK Cheney in action

Post by mcelrah »

I think this has gotten a lot more discussion than it merits. We're talking about etiquette here, not real issues, of which there are many. For the record, I am not one to waste my time waiting in line to see famous people, so would not show up at a VP appearance (especially not with all this good weather for flying and other fun), and no, I would not say anything disrespectful. I imagine Leahy was saying something inconveniently truthful to the VP such as "the Republicans blocked more Clinton nominees than we have Bush ones" and Cheney didn't have anything intelligent to say to that, so he blurted out the F word. Point is, this is the Senate of the United States and yes there are rules. I'm not particularly insulted by this, it's just revealing of Cheney's arrogance. The same sort of attitude that thinks an Army Chief of Staff who says you need more than 250,000 troops to occupy Iraq is not a team player and should be ignored. - Hugh

>From: deveil <deveil@earthlink.net>
>Date: Mon Sep 12 18:43:06 CDT 2005
>To: ot_forum@chgpa.org
>Subject: DICK Cheney in action

>Marco Zee wrote:
>Ok guys, let me see if I got this right......
>This guy Marble only had political motiviations for making his comments, nothing personal.
>(end of quote)
> SSSSOOOOOO??? what's your point?
>Marco Zee wrote:
>Like I said before, I believe there are times when the F bomb is warranted, and Cheney is not known as a hot head....so....if he used the F bomb on Leahy, I would presume he, at the very least, had some personal justification to do so, and it was not simply due to a "another routine" political disagreement. But, if Cheney simply "lost it" and blurted out the F bomb unmeritoriously, then he should have apologized.
>(end of quote)
> can i, like, get a copy of these 'rules'? or do you just pull them out of your..i mean, make them up as you go along?
>Marco Zee wrote:
>So, what did Leahy say.....what is the whole story here? Has Leahy apologized for what he said to Cheney?
>(end of quote)
>so how far afield are you actually gonna go on this? i, mean, what WAS the guy wearing that day? 'coulda been something about the color of his tie , i guess, right?
>Marco Zee wrote:
>So Joe, Hugh, TQ, Gary, et al....would YOU say this to the VP if you had the opportunity to come within 10 feet of him?
>(end of quote)
> do you REALLY hafta ask? jjheeezz louise that was weak!
>Marco Zee wrote:
>Or, likewise, are you encouraging others to say this to the VP in the future?
>(end of quote)
> are you a 'narc' or something?! ...i mean you were appealing for the GOFUYU to be locked up. what are you after here?
>Marco Zee wrote:
>I wouldn't be too concerned about this guy Marble, he'll probably get a major role in Michael Moore's next movie.....he's well on the way to becoming a liberal icon. You can have him !!!
>(end of quote)
> paraphrasing: me thinks you've already protested WAY too much for that one to pass even the smell test!
> roppa dope...roppa dope.
> markemX
Posts: 2323
Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:30 pm

DICK Cheney in action

Post by mcelrah »

Yup, the VP of the United States on the floor of the Senate is different from some guy in the middle of a natural disaster. There is a "double" higher standard for people who are on the payroll, especially the number 2 in the government. Come on, Marco, this is a loser for you. Find something else to talk about. - Hugh

>From: deveil <deveil@earthlink.net>
>Date: Mon Sep 12 16:09:01 CDT 2005
>To: ot_forum@chgpa.org
>Subject: DICK Cheney in action

> tsk! tsk! tsk!
> i do believe i heard you stamping your feet there.......were jou?
> ( btw,can we get an emoticon for that ?)
> such a bad, bad boy...you know better than that. i mean really, is that the way your momma raised you? i dun thin so.
>Marco Zee wrote:
>Ok guys, let me see if I got this right......
>It's praiseworthy, laudible, and "enlightened", in the midst of a horrific natural disaster, for this guy to yell profanities at a politician who he never has met before, and deos NOT apologize for his remarks afterwards..........
>It's deplorable, unenlightened, and a coarsening of political dialogue if the VP yells the same profanities (minus the "asshole" part) at another politician whom he DOES know, and does NOT apologize for his remarks.
>Hugh calls this a "higher" standard,.....perhaps.....but I would call this a double standard.
>This guy Marble only had political motiviations for making his comments, nothing personal.
>Like I said before, I believe there are times when the F bomb is warranted, and Cheney is not known as a hot head....so....if he used the F bomb on Leahy, I would presume he, at the very least, had some personal justification to do so, and it was not simply due to a "another routine" political disagreement. But, if Cheney simply "lost it" and blurted out the F bomb unmeritoriously, then he should have apologized.
>So, what did Leahy say.....what is the whole story here? Has Leahy apologized for what he said to Cheney?
>So Joe, Hugh, TQ, Gary, et al....would YOU say this to the VP if you had the opportunity to come within 10 feet of him?
>Or, likewise, are you encouraging others to say this to the VP in the future?
>I wouldn't be too concerned about this guy Marble, he'll probably get a major role in Michael Moore's next movie.....he's well on the way to becoming a liberal icon. You can have him !!!
>(end of quote)
> markemX
Posts: 2323
Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:30 pm

DICK Cheney in action

Post by mcelrah »

There is a thing called "executive syndrome" - business, government leaders get kow-towed to so much that they start to believe they really are superior. Nobody ever chews them out for screwing up, everyone agrees with them all the time. Politicians are, after all, nothing more than employees. So, as I say, although it's not my personal style, there is a certain merit in throwing Cheney's unretracted words back at him. - Hugh

>From: deveil <deveil@earthlink.net>
>Date: Mon Sep 12 15:56:56 CDT 2005
>To: ot_forum@chgpa.org
>Subject: DICK Cheney in action

>Marco Zee wrote:
> A W H O L E L O T T A W O R D S
>and,oh yeah, also
>So Joe, Hugh, TQ, Gary, et al....would YOU say this to the VP if you had the opportunity to come within 10 feet of him?
>(end of quote)
> i think i already answered that. please....do try and pay attention.
>deveil wrote:
>. kurt vonnegut writes:
> it so happens that idealism enough for anyone is not made of perfumed pink clouds. it is the law! it is the u.s. constitution.
>...george bush has gathered around him...most frighteningly, psychopathic personalities, or pps, the medical term for smart, personable people who have no consciences.
> to say somebody is a pp is to make a perfectly respectable diagnosis, like saying he or she has appendicitis or athlete's foot.
>...congenitally defective human beings of a sort that is making this whole country and many other parts of the planet go completely haywire nowadays. these were people born without consciences, and suddenly they are taking charge of everything.
> pps are presentable, they know full well the suffering their actions may cause others, but they do not care. they cannot care because they are nuts. they have a screw loose!
> and what syndrome better describes so many executives at enron and worldcom and on and on, who have enriched themselves while ruining their employees and investors and country and who still feel as pure as the driven snow, no matter what anybody may so to or about them? and they are waging a war that is making billionaires or of millionaires, and trillionaires out of billionaires, and they own television, and they bankroll george bush, and not because he's against gay marriage.
> so many of these heartless pps now hold big jobs in our federal government, as though they were leaders instead of sick. they have taken charge.
> ...they might have felt that taking our country into an endless war was simply something decisive to do. what has allowed so many pps to rise so high in corporations, and now in government, is that they are so decisive. they are going to do something every fuckin' day and they are not afraid. unlike normal people, they are never filled with doubts, for the simple reason that they don't give a fuck what happens next. simply can't. do this! do that! mobilize the reserves! privatize the public school! attack iraq! cut health care! tap everybody's telephone! cut taxes on the rich! build a trillion-dollar missile shield! fuck habeas corpus and the sierra club and In These Times, and kiss my ass!
> anytime it might occur to you to direct a question off into the ether, demanding that someone answer it...well, just keep this handy....you'll already have mine. if you think you may need further clarification, well, buy the book. your cynical word-play(twisting)(and btw, i've satisfied myself that you are indeed NOT sincere) may entertain you...but i ,too, find it wearies me.
> but if this is all just entertainment to you (LOL!)...well, then, please forgive my taking it so damn seriously...most 'important issues of our time' and all that.
>(end of quote)
> markemX
Marco Zee
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etiquette and cohorts

Post by Marco Zee »


I agree that this is mostly about etiquette, but as you can see, there are people who, like yourself, would not yell obscenities at the VP, while there are others, who claim they would.

I think this story says more about the supporters, adulators, and cohorts of Marble, than about Marble himself.

I am on record as saying Cheney should apologize IF the F bomb was unwarranted, but I have yet to hear what Leahy said to Cheney that incited the comment. So, until I have all the facts, I am withholding final judgment. I suppose "unwarranted" will be largely subjective however, depending on how you percieve things.

I think Cheney did an interview with someone after this incident, but I can't recall what he said, or who the interviewer was.....that's how insignificant it seemed to me at the time.

And Gary, if WE don't solve the problems of the world, who's going to? Non-pilots ???? What do they know ??? LOL.

Have a good one guys and gals,


PS: Christy, I can relate to that anti-authority stuff too,.....you know, the little guy "Dissing The Man" and all. I have a big anti-authority streak in me too. But I don't think I'd use the F bomb on anyone like Clinton, Gore, Kerry, etc.... I'd find something a bit more thoughtful to say.
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