Valle de Bravo - Monarca Open Interim Reports

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Valle de Bravo - Monarca Open Interim Reports

Post by krista »

DAY 1:

It was a 66km track (optimized) or 80km task.

I didn't do so well, but I had a great flight. I launched really early and took my grand old time going to the start cylinder. I ended up going past the start so that I could play the down wind leg to the first turn point. However, then I had a moment of second guessing and spent a good long while checking instruments to make sure that I was on the right course. I had one instrument screwed up, so I wanted to make sure the other was okay. Then I essentially got distracted by the radio comms of a guy in a tree below me, lost the thermal I was in, and then got pinned against the mesa in the strong wind. It was quite a workout, and enjoyable, but HARD.

Great day overall and hoping to do better tomorrow. I love this sport. I'm so happy to be back in the air again!

DAY 2:

So, the second task was a tough one. The wind was super strong and several pilots got pinned. Even the Enzo's were getting beaten. I have never seen an Enzo sink so fast before! Wooo-ee!

I didn't even make it to the start cylinder before dirting out---didn't even reach the official LZ! I was in good company though with a contingent from Seattle and some Mexican pilots.

You can see the sink and wind in the track. Oh well. Better luck tomorrow!

DAY 3:

Cancelled due to wind. Hanging out with sky gods in Valle.

DAY 4:

Hasn't happened yet. Stay tuned for an 8am push to launch and likely weather call.
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Re: Valle de Bravo - Monarca Open Interim Reports

Post by dbodner »

Then I essentially got distracted by the radio comms of a guy in a tree below me,...
Being unable to walk and chew gum at the same time, I'm sure I would've succumbed, too. Thanks for posting your adventures. They've been enjoyable reads.
David Bodner
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Re: Valle de Bravo - Monarca Open Interim Reports

Post by krista »

Day 5:

It was a 70km task west, northeast, south then north to the lake. I only got 45km along the course before me and a handful of pilots got stopped by the headwind. It was a great blue day of flying. Not many people to goal but still a wonderful task. I flew with a group of pilots the whole time, which was a first for me. And! I'm finally starting to get the hang of it! I was finding good, if not even better, lines and thermals then some of the other gaggle when I did my own thing. I think I found at least half of the thermals for the group that went with me. And I am starting to get the hang of lift lines, but haven't quite mastered the convergence. I need to figure out how to stay just under the clouds with full bar, but not going into them or falling out of their suck.

And, hehehe, I flew farther than some really good pilots that task. Which was kind of nice. But alas, I finished 91 of 148. Not very good, well more than half bad, but I'm learning. And there were some impressive pilots there! Great to pick their brains!
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Re: Valle de Bravo - Monarca Open Interim Reports

Post by krryerson »

I am so jealous you are flying and are having a great time in January, flying in Mexico. But so happy for you. Great job and thanks for posting it.
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