Club donation to USHPA

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Club donation to USHPA

Post by darbbb »

I am hoping that as a club we step up and help out with the dire emergency situation regarding our insurance. Our local club here in western Maryland (MHGA) has already voted to donate $1000. I just read a few minutes ago that the Sylmar club in California is donating $5000. Other clubs across the country are following suit, and we should too. This affects all of us.

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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by lplehmann »

I find it distressing to note that other than Brad’s one brief posting above, there has been no mention or discussion of USHPA’s current insurance crisis by either membership or the CHGPA’s leadership.

We’ve all received the various emails from USHPA, and in them one can find the relevant information about the situation and the need for contributions. There’s no need to rehash that here. If you have questions, the national organization has done a thorough job of presenting the problem and addressing questions raised by membership. Just follow the links in their emails.

This note is prompted by the impression that the crisis has elicited no sense of urgency within the CHGPA. In recent years the club’s membership numbers have slowly dwindled and there is ever less actual flying activity, most particularly among the hang gliding contingent.
Along with that decline in numbers and activity, there seems to be a parallel decline in active interest in the administrative mechanisms of the sport on both the national (USHPA) and club level. Newer members, both hang glider and paraglider pilots, seem ever less aware of how sites are procured, administered and retained. For the newcomers, sites are just “there”: one goes, hooks in and jumps. Unfortunately, sites are really like delicate plants that need to be carefully cultivated or they die. In recent years the CHGPA has fully lost the best SE site in the region, lost the lz for the only meaningful East site (and let the launch deteriorate badly), and now has failed to obtain a secure lz for Woodstock, the club’s most actively flown site.

The background to the above site losses is the increasing reluctance of property owners to allow the free use of their land for a dangerous activity that they perceive will expose them to financial risk. I am unfamiliar with the exact circumstances of the loss of those sites, but one of the critical tools in retaining old sites, and acquiring new sites is the reassuring provision of third party liability insurance. Not every land owner requires insurance, but enough of them do that it is a crucially important benefit provided by USHPA on a national scale. Insurance is often the necessary fertilizer that allows the sites to flourish. Nor is USHPA’s insurance limited to site insurance. It also provides Instructor insurance. Just as we need sites, we need instructors to continue providing new members to the sport. Do you enjoy attending large events such as the Colorado Fly Days, or, flying at Big Spring? Those require USHPA event insurance to happen.

Obtaining insurance is not a panacea for the free flight community’s many problems, but it is one of the essential tools for maintaining our community’s numbers in order to thrive. This is a time for individuals and clubs to step up and take concrete steps to address this need: give money. This is not a problem that can simply be sloughed off on others. The amount of money that is needed (over $800,000 from membership) is daunting.
If you fly and don’t contribute, you are simply sticking your head in the sand and hoping that someone else is going to be kind enough to provide you the opportunity to fly. That is childishly selfish. We are a small community and cannot hope to survive by relying upon the charitable efforts of a small part of the membership to bear the load. Just as our sites are melting away due to lack of attention, so too can the larger structures that facilitate our ability to enjoy the most extraordinary sport of all. This crisis truly is an existential threat to the sport.

Please help.

Very sincerely,
Pete Lehmann
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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by mcgowantk »

Hi Pete

I have to admit, being silent on this issue is not a good idea so thanks to you and the others who have posted about this. I am still somewhat in shock that we have to take this extraordinary step, but I guess I will have to get over it and help set up an insurance program for the future.

I recently made a contribution to the insurance fund, and I hope that the club can use some of its funds to make a meaningful contribution too. There is a meeting scheduled for January. Maybe it is scheduled to be a topic for the meeting (provided that donations in January will still be timely).

Can a club officer let us know what the thinking is on this issue?

Thanks to everyone who has contributed.

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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by mingram »

Yes, it will be a topic at the meeting.

We do have insurance on some launches and LZs, so it's possible we could lose access if we let insurance lapse on some sites.

Instructors and training hills also depend on USHPA insurance.

Seems like we all need to give what we can and hopefully the club can as well.
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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by theflyingdude »

Just to chime in on Pete Lehmann's spot-on diatribe, the Mountaineer Hang Gliding Association (USHPA #52) with only 20 member, has voted to contribute 25% of our total on-hand assets ($500) towards the cause and Pete generously matched the contribution by putting up $500 of his own money. The seriousness of this situation cannot be overstated and flying clubs from all over the country are stepping up to the plate by making donations and encouraging their membership to do the same.

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McClave matching donation

Post by jmcclave »

I thought Peter Lehmann's post on the insurance issue was spot on.

In addition to the $1,000 contribution I have already made I will match up to $5,000 in individual contributions from other club members. Send a note to Christa with the amount and date you made your donation. These will be verified with USHPA and I will make the matching contribution after the member meeting in late January.

This is an urgent issue. Please help.

Thank you,
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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by PTerry »


Hello CHGPA Members. I can appreciate the concern and confusion over the recent USHPA Insurance Notice. I know I reacted with both bewilderment and serious concern to the alarmist style notification that was sent to all USHPA members. While it is not true that all flying sights are at risk and not all of the sites that USHPA listed as endangered are in fact impacted by this insurance coverage issue. But with all that aside, there are real overarching issues that the sport of free flight has to deal with and insurance coverage is one of the big ones. This insurance matter could certainly undermine the viability of the sport and the general public's perception of its legitimacy. Without a rapid solution to liability and 3rd party insurance it could cause a cascade of location closures and the knock-on effect for other flying sites could be significant.

While this has been a ongoing issue and matter that the USHPA leadership has been trying to deal with over the years it has indeed reached a crisis point. USHPA is trying their best to communicate the complexities and at the same time come up with an execution plan, action steps, and fund raising tactics to save the day and hopefully the sport's long term survival.

Our plan at the next CHGPA Member's Meeting is to have a presentation, open discussion, and consider a proposed CHGPA donation to the USHPA call for support. On top of that I want to highlight that we have a number of members stepping up with largess to offer large donations and a matching dollar for dollar challenge to CHGPA. It is certainly my hope that the CHGPA Club and individual members distinguish ourselves in the flying community with a significant contributions to USHPA.

Pat Terry
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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by lplehmann »

As Tom and many others have been surprised by the sudden appearance of the insurance crisis and its proposed solution (self-insurance), let me provide a bit of historical context.

As far back as the mid-1990s when I was on the (then) USHGA Board of Directors we had discussed self-insurance as a way to avoid the annual nail biting over acquiring commercial insurance coverage. In the end, USHPA's weak financial position and the fact that every year we eventually did manage to find new insurers meant that we never went down the path of self-insurance. It sometimes came down to the wire before we obtained coverage, and it was occasionally with pretty shaky off-shore carriers. But we did find a carrier. Unfortunately, we have now finally encountered a year where the USHPA has been unable to procure a commercial insurer willing to provide the coverages needed. As a result the organization must fall back on the long considered Plan B, raising a large pool of capital to fund our own insurance options.

In other words, failure to obtain insurance has for decades been a threat hanging over the organization's head. We've tiptoed through the raindrops for a very long time, but we are now getting wet. Neither the problem, nor the proposed self-insurance solution are new.

Pete Lehmann
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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by Dave Proctor »

I agree that Pete is spot on. And I must apologize for my failure to post. This is a necessity if we are to continue to fly. I will add that USHPA is a 501-C3 charity. For me, this means it is tax deductible. The amount of money we (as in all of us, pilots) need works out to about 1 down tube per pilot if everyone contributes. I have made my contribution. The last numbers I saw were less than 500 pilots nationwide had contributed, which is less than 5%. This is a great sport, but it has been dying over the past 20 years. I hope the dwindling number of pilots recognize the seriousness of the situation and take action.


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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by krista »


I am glad that we are writing and acting on this information, and I cannot agree with Pete's points more.

I would like to thank Jim and the anonymous other pilot who are willing to match the personal contributions of the club members. While I have received some emails so far, I can tell from the posts that others have made donations and not yet emailed me. Please email your donation so that I can record it and provide it to the matching parties (documentation from USHPA greatly appreciated).

Contact details: or my last name

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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by markc »

You know what I find *really* irritating?

The lack of communication.

This insurance issue has apparently been dodged for years, with last-minute solutions saving the day on multiple occasions.

And yet, in spite of the fact that a self-funded solution for the problem requires on the order of 1 million dollars.... This is the first that I have heard of it?


How can communication to membership be that poor?

Don't get me wrong, I understand the math, and I will do my part.

But why the sudden panic and deadlines? Where was the notice to the membership of what might lie ahead?

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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by lbunner »

Mark, I understand your concerns. Hopefully you'll take the time to read the documents published on the USHPA web site. There you'll find information related to many of your comments. I only hope that the negative tone of your post doesn't persuade people that are on the fence about this, from donating to the cause. We won't get anywhere near 100% participation from the pilot population. This makes the average donation required to meet the amount required to fund our insurance alot higher than the $100 each. Hopefully this club can unite around this effort and get high participation and subsequent donations to support meeting the goal. Thanks for listening.

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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by markc »

I will be donating to the cause.

I'm sorry, but it is unfathomable to me that the RD's didn't have meetings with their chapters about this issue. YEARS ago.

I'm just a head in the sand weekend pilot....

And I understand that volunteer organizations are under pressure...

But wow, how in the world was this NOT on the agenda at club meetings, given how close to the edge the insurance situation has apparently been? I just don't get that, shaking my head.

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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by markc »

By the way, it's going to be a damn good check.....

But the *next* time I hear from USHPA about a funding emergency like this? Let's just say that my expectations will be higher.

MUCH higher.
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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by krista »

Damn good or darn mediocre, anyone who seeks to fly in the future damn well better be making a contribution even if only for a darn ten bucks.

If people's dues payments and response to this crisis are any indication, we won't be flying in 2016.

Rise up.
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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by pvanoevelen »

Yes agreeing with most of what already has been said above and I am still not sure what to think about this mess... certainly I am conflicted about the American judicial system (both positive and negative) and the consequent insurance mess (mostly negative). A good topic for another thread somewhere.

Bottom line is: I like to fly paragliders, I like to see my hang gliding buddies take to skies as well, in addition I instruct and I fly tandems... the latter in particular is fun, to share that amazing experience with someone who had often no idea at all why it is we do what we do. I would hate to see that all go away. It truly is in jeopardy and apparently has been for a long time but now it is critical.

So give to make sure we can continue this sport within the US, to be able to share the amazing experience of free flight within our own backyards...

Realize though that this is not the end of the story. Our LZ's are in jeopardy (more so than our launches!!) even with the RRG in place. Other threats such as drones and other safety concerns are there as well. We need support in every form we can muster to ensure a healthy future for our sport.

So give, as much as you can spare! And come to our club meetings, this is not just something for the board to take on. We are a niche sport, we have to do it ourselves, together.

Happy Holidays and a fantastic, fun and safe flying year ahead!

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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by CraginS »

OK, I'm in. Just used the USHPA payment link and PayPal.

Already forwarded my receipt to Krista for the chapter bookkeeping.

Hmm, and it appears I can use it for my taxes for 2015.

Merry 5th Day of Christmas, y'all!
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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by chuckok »

I've leveraged a corporate match with a personal donation.

I would encourage others to use corporate match where possible.

Chuck O’Keeffe, H3
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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by Dave Proctor »

Regarding CHGPA club donation. The CHGPA is no longer 501-C3 but USHPA is. So, if 'we', via CHGPA make a donation, it is not tax deductible. If, 'we' make a donation directly to USHPA it is tax deductible (disclaimer, I am not a tax atty, so YMMV). So, rather than funnel $xxx thru CPGPA, why not send 1.5 x $xxx directly to USHPA.

My $0.02
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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by jmcclave »

The donations are being made directly to USHPA. People are notifying Krista so the donations can be matched by two club members who will also make direct donations to USHPA.
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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by CraginS »

USHPA Treasurer Mark Forbes is keeping a running analysis of donations.
Mark Forbes sends out: Ranking.xls?dl=0

As of December 30, here are relevant numbers for our area:

State $ Donations #Donors # Members Donor-%
VA....$ 7,215.00.......34...........159..........21%
PA....$ 6,420.00.......28...........193..........15%
MD....$ 3,895.00......18............94..........19%
WV....$ 1,950.00........8............18..........44%
DC.......$ 900.00........6............12...........50%

See Oz Report Forum
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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by mingram »

Thanks Cragin. I was one of the 12 in DC who hadn't donated yet. Just been busy. FYI, donating on USHPA's site was super fast and easy with payment via Paypal. Took less than 1 minute. Forwarded receipt to the Also going to ask my employer to match.
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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by callen »

While it appears the current insurance issue is the problem it is simply a symptom of a much greater problem, a weak balance sheet. The financials of the USHPA are online and the average current assets over the last 5 years have been around $600k and I think this has been the case for over a decade. The goal of a non-profit should be to make as much money as possible to further it’s purposes and the goal of a for profit should be to make as much money as possible for the benefit of its shareholders. 95% of non-profits fail to understand this and never grow their balance sheet. If the USHPA had grown their balance sheet on a consistent basis this would not be an emergency; they simply would have funded the insurance and worked to replenish the balance. Anyway that’s my $0.02 cents on the situation.

With that mentioned our sport is seriously at risk and we need to dig deep to ensure its survival for our benefit and that of future pilots. On 12/31/2015 I made a donation of $30,000 in the form of appreciated stock in my company BTCS Inc. (ticker: BTCS). My hope is the donated stock greatly appreciates and helps grow the USHPA’s balance sheet. But what’s of most interest is the tax benefits of donating appreciated stock which has been help for more than 1 year. If you own appreciate stock that’s been held for more than one year and are interested in making a stock donation please read the info here ... ties.shtml as there are serious tax benefits. I’ve spoken with Martin at the USHPA and they are close to having a brokerage account open. An appreciated stock donation is a great way to support free flight’s future and potentially get a nice refund from the IRS.

In addition to the $30,000 contribution I have already made I will match $5,000 in individual aggregate contributions for both January and February ($10,000 in total) from other club members. However each months $5,000 donation will be contingent on club members donating in aggregate at least $5,000 in a respective month. Send a note to me with the amount and date you made your donation. I will verify them with the USHPA and I will make a matching stock contribution once the $5,000 threshold has been met.

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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by krryerson »

That is just fantastic!
Thanks for what you are doing for us and USHPA. Also, thanks to all the CHGPA members that have made donations/matching donations.
Will make a donation too, but can never match this; though everything counts and if we all give what we can, we'll make it.
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Re: Club donation to USHPA

Post by mingram »

Wow! Thank you Charlie!!! I know some people who have already donated have felt disappointed at the number of people who haven't yet donated. Hopefully your generous offer will encourage others contribute their share.

I was listening to Gavin McClurg's Cloudbase Mayhem podcast with Josh Cohn who stated that one potential benefit of self insurance is that we could have more control over how claims get adjudicated - whether they are settled out of court or not. Insurance companies are more likely just to settle which may not set the best precedent.
Matt Ingram
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