2005 Bettina Gray submission (Round 2)

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2005 Bettina Gray submission (Round 2)

Post by rs54263 »

Thanks to everyone for their feedback; based on comments so far, I've
managed to eliminate 2/3 of the images (I'm now down to 10).

>13999 (Dan T pulling bent knee'd legs into his harness) different,
captures a moment

Yeah, but I think I have both better launch pictures ("capturing a
moment") and close-ups; my current favorites in those categories are
11067 (better lighting - the colors are more vibrant) and img13855.
(Just because.*)

13862 The sheen on the wing is a nice effect but I'm afraid the glider
is too far away, maybe if you can zoom in and keep the quality

I had the same thought earlier, but I didn't think the 2x zoom and crop
would result in much of a picture; but in light of your comment I
thought I'd give it a try, and it is now in the round 2 collection as

* I've found that some of the best pictures can't be explained with a
"because..."; they're good they just move you in a way that you can't
explain - it's just something that you feel.

Please keep the comments and feedback coming!



from: hang_pilot (09/09/2005 23:19)


I'd be happy to write a glowing letter for you on behalf of the club
for the Bettin Gray award. I'll testify to the education value of your
shots and also how the way you make them available online allows us to
relive our glorious and not so glorious experiences while sharing them
with our friends and family as well.

I'd recommend attaching Sue's letter for a knowlegeable statement on
the artistic merits, too.

I like...

13999 (Dan T pulling bent knee'd legs into his harness) different,
captures a moment

13943 Mark C banking his custom colors U2. I like the way he's clearly
clearing his turn

13862 The sheen on the wing is a nice effect but I'm afraid the glider
is too far away, maybe if you can zoom in and keep the quality

I think you should include at least one launch or landing shot to
reinforce the educational idea...for that shot I like 13906 Proctor (?)
on the ramp at Pulpit and 10916 because it has two gliders in the

I'll have a letter for you next week.

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