As far as I can tell, both BOD members and CHGPA members are able to create polls within the Flight-Topics forum, and vote on them (but looks can be deceiving; if you run into problems, please let us know in this topic!) .
So here's an example, which asks area pilots if they will be able to participate for the two weekends that have been proposed for the 2015 Pulpit Fly-In.
Demo : Use of a Poll for the 2015 Pulpit Fly-In
Moderator: CHGPA BOD
Re: Demo : Use of a Poll for the 2015 Pulpit Fly-In
I like it! Thanks Mark! Bummed you can't make the first weekend. Sorry for the short notice. Your firework display alone is worth trying to reschedule. Wish we were camping at the Pulpit this weekend. Decent weather, albiet light winds, but per Meteor Showers!
Re: Demo : Use of a Poll for the 2015 Pulpit Fly-In
Totally with you on the camping/meteor idea Matt, and sure wish I wasn't stuck in a production-crunch at work this week. Will have to remember that the past three weekends have yielded some pretty darn awesome flights... And try to tell myself that I'm not addicted. No not me, I can stop anytime! I don't need to fly *every* weekend, no sir!
Fireworks are great, but they take planning. I remember one Pulpit Fly-In in particular, with a grand total of 9 people present. I realized then that it's not worth the time/cost if there's no reasonable expectation of a decent turn-out.
Fireworks are great, but they take planning. I remember one Pulpit Fly-In in particular, with a grand total of 9 people present. I realized then that it's not worth the time/cost if there's no reasonable expectation of a decent turn-out.