Woodstock Wed

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Woodstock Wed

Post by garys »

Looks like a good day for Woodstock Wed. I have this week off so may even end up there Tues late. Any interest?
Gary Smith
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by markc »

Jim and Marzena, and I, are eyeing it eagerly!
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by XCanytime »

Hey it looks too good to pass up. However, I would have to be on the road by 1P. Hey Gary could ya be there early Wednesday so I could sneak a flight in before work??? Bacil
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by darbbb »

I'm keeping my eye on this too!

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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by thermalup »

Both eyes are looking at Wednesday (arrival time may depend on velocity forecast).
One eye is casually looking at Tuesday evening (may have other obligations though)
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by garys »

Bacil; Sure, I will get there Tues eve and camp in the campground on the back of the ridge. Probably up at dawn Wed. morning and up to launch as early as you want to fly.
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by mcelrah »

You have my attention... - Hugh
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by markc »

Thinking maybe a partial workday on Wed, then an arrival by early afternoon, 2:00-ish. Let's hope the forecast holds!
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by XCanytime »

Looks ridge soarable pretty early, say not long after sunrise :shock: . Looked at the wrong Woodstock earlier (Woodstock MD). Reboot the timeline. Will try to get there by 8A+ . Try to launch by 9A+ and fly for around 2 hours. Even got Walt to think seriously about coming out. Bacil
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by wmelo »

I am seriously contemplating it!
If I overcome a car issue with my wife, I should be there to help Bacil take off in the morning. Otherwise, I should be there by the end of the afternoon :(

Walt Melo
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by silverwings »

Will most likely be going also with ETA around noon.
john middleton (202)409-2574 c
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by darbbb »

Likely going. Will see who is at the Bridge field or just head on up to launch. ETA about noon

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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by markc »

Big disconnect between the NWS SFC forecast (G30), the NWS hourly (G22-23ish) and the ADDS 3k (15-20 kts). Sigh.

Will make the call based on the 10am update. Crossing fingers!!!
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by thermalup »

30+ mph here in Linden right now at 7am. ETA may be later this afternoon if velocity decreases.
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by darbbb »

Real life beckons, and with the deteriorating forecast, I am backing out. Here's hoping for better days this weekend at Highland or Blue Sky.

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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by silverwings »

ETA at bridge field about 12:10
john middleton (202)409-2574 c
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by markc »

I'm still in, but leaning toward a later-day flight. ETA 3:00-ish
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by XCanytime »

Got my one hour flight in. Took off at 10A in light to moderate conditions on launch with Gary and Walt's help. Got hit with lotsa vertical air out of the slot. Climbed to 500' over and headed down to the Edinburg Gap just dolphin flying and enjoying the view. Conditions were pretty turbulent. At the Gap it was north cross so I had a bit of a struggle heading back, but thank goodness the ridge falls from Waonaze Peak towards launch. After getting back to launch hit lotsa sink and decided to put it down in the main field; could not reach the bridge field. Pretty turbulent coming in but managed a good landing to the north. Walt came down and got me. Thanks Walt! Hit the road to Rockville around 12:30P, just as Gary was preparing to fly. Heard from Walt around 3P that Gary had a pleasant flight getting to 3103' over launch. Bacil
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by George »

After flubbing a couple launches I balled it up to wait for a little softer conditions. I was able to help (and learn) with Walt's launch and then with John. They both took off expertly. Then I took my time and watched the cycles and timed my launch in a nice lull. I flew for 20 minutes in abundant lift but it just wasn't fun in the rough conditions so I landed in the bridge field LZ just as some more pilots arrived.


I wasn't able to get the camera out in time to catch Walt's landing but I did get John.

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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by XCanytime »

darbbb wrote: with the deteriorating forecast
Just curious Brad, what deteriorating forecast were you referring to? Thanks, Bacil
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by silverwings »

A beautiful day there but not the most pleasant flying conditions. A lot of up and down, tight thermals and occasionally some nice lift. Only got close to 2k above but mostly was 600-1000 above. I expected nicer conditions. Launch was mostly 4 -8 with some stronger cycles. Choosing the right cycle made launching a non-event. After an hour I decided to head out and land and got some trashy air on approach but landed OK. Walt headed out about the same time but was a bit lower so he landed a few minutes before me. I wonder if conditions got nicer for Mark and Jim.
john middleton (202)409-2574 c
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by markc »

Conditions did improve later in the day, but it remained a bit on the turbulent side, and it didn't truly go magic due to the increasing north cross.

That said.... Pretty darn nice! Jim and I flew towards the tail-end of the day (winds were wicked strong on the drive out). I'm guessing I launched around 5:00, probably 2:30 airtime. Topped out around 2700' over a couple of times.

I headed to Signal Knob and got to enjoy some nice passes at the end of the ridge. Shadowed one bald eagle for a bit (it was on a mission), and flew with a black vulture. Jim and I traded top-o-the-stack at various points on the run to the north and back. I also ventured south, but the ridge was really soft and the clouds were drying at that point so I headed back to launch.

Never got high enough to think about doing anything serious, it was more of a "Wow, just glad to be up, didn't burn leave-time to no avail!" sort of day. Great visibility, awesome spring green color. Should have put on another layer though, I was cold by the end of the flight, and ditching altitude to warm up.

There was a nasty north-cross cycle very late in my flight, as I was heading back from the south. Tough going! Got back to launch pretty low, just as Jim was heading to the LZ, so I surfed the bubbles for a bit to gain some separation, then followed him to the primary. Was pleasantly surprised that the approach wasn't very rowdy, but I did get gusted a bit just as I was readying a flare.... Adjusted, tried again, pushed-out and held that puppy.... A bit of a thunk onto the basetube, but I'm not complaining!

Many thanks to Jim and Marzena for their help on launch.... And then again for the body ride that Marzena gave me back up top... And then AGAIN for their stereo flashlight-assist while I was breaking down in the dark. Can't thank them enough, especially given that they are hitting the road back to Michigan at 6:00am!!! Sorry that they are heading home, but they mentioned that they hope to be back for a week in the fall, so that's cool!

I was kind of bummed when the NWS 'cast increased the gust factor to 30 this morning, so I can understand Brad's reluctance to gamble on a mid-week flying day. It *did* work out... But... Coulda gone the other way too, ya know?

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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by wmelo »

As my fellow pilots described, it was a really nice day. Although the flying conditions were "waltable", they were challenging.

I arrived very early and met Bacil and Gary on the LA. We helped Bacil who took off beautifully and climbed very quickly. However, after talking with him over the radio, Greg and I decided to wait since it was very turbulent.

After rescuing Bacil on the main LZ, we head back to the LA. I could assist Gary who also had a spectacular launch. BTW, he was the only one who was able to get very high: 5003 msl :) (Do not forget the number 3 after 5000!) After rescuing Gary, John and I set up our gliders and decided to launch :(

If I knew then, what I know now, I would have waited a little longer to launch.

I took off by 2:30 with the help of John and George. Once again, thank you very much both of you! According to John, who observed me, I had a good launch. Unlike Bacil, I dove: it seems I got in a big sink after launching. After struggling a little bit, I was able to easily get over the bridge. It was very turbulent! Although I appreciated the fact I had a practice, it was not very fun to go up and down frequently. I did not get as high as Greg: max 2K above the ridge a couple of times.

I flew for more than 1 h and landed at the bridge field. I was tired! The bridge field was turbulent as expected. I ended up landing on my wheels :( John gave me a body ride and both of us helped our fellow pilot from Michigan who also had an outstanding launch.

Concluding, it was a marvelous day. Although the flying conditions were "waltable", they were difficult to lousy pilots like me. Despite that, I am looking forward to another Spring day at WS.

Walt Melo
walt.melo [at] gmail [dot] com
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by markc »

'lousy pilot' ? Walt, you are doing great! And clearly learning a lot, keep it up dude!
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Re: Woodstock Wed

Post by George »

Walt your take-off was well timed and executed and your landing was safe. What I saw of your flying was perfect particularly hanging in there in the beginning and making it work.

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