Flying Friday @ WS April 24?

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Re: Flying Friday @ WS April 24?

Post by wmelo »

I got a good flight yesterday at WS: flew for 2hs, got a few times 2K ft above the tower, landed safely on my feet in the bridge field.

When I got there, around 1:00pm, Ward was ready to fly. Another pilot was already soaring (I forgot his name).
The gust winds were not as strong as predicted.
I took off by 2:00pm (I think). I flew for 2 hs (I could stay longer, but I was exhausted!). I landed in the bridge field after getting there 2k feet above the tower. The land was good, the take off "ok:" I drift a little bit to left when I was taking off :( Fortunately, I corrected my trajectory quickly and had a safe take off.

It was very sporty, very turbulent, with very strong thermals. I did not relax the whole flight: this is why I was so tired.

My special thanks to Hugh, who observed me, Roger, who helped on the wire, and Gary for the body ride.
Walt Melo
walt.melo [at] gmail [dot] com
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Re: Flying Friday @ WS April 24?

Post by darbbb »

I was the first one to launch yesterday, and indeed it was very much washing machine, rodeo air. Several times my vario was pegged, but it was exhausting flying. I had had enough after 40 minutes, and headed out to land. It was hard to get down, and landing was an adventure, but I hung in there and had a good approach and a one-step landing in the bridge field. Thanks again to Ward, and to Knut, who went the extra mile by showing up to help us launch even though he had no plans to fly himself. Thanks to to the group who gave me a body ride back to the top. All in all, it was a great day to play hooky from work and fly!

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Re: Flying Friday @ WS April 24?

Post by mcelrah »

Sorry for late report. 6-8 folks,Knut (last name), Joe Schad, Gary Smith, Walt Melo, Ward Oldenwald (sp.?), "Ollie"? from NC, "Chris"? From PA, Jim Gibson and Mazena(sp.?) from MI. 'Big thanks to Knut for showing up just to crew! 'Twas a classic spring Woodstock day, active flying in textured strongish air. West cross straightened and ramped up at 4:30. All who launched before that flew for as long as they wanted and landed safely in the bridge field. (One landed with the cows in the regular LZ. How was that?) Matthew and I were discussing: if not done, we should try to get an agreement with the bridge field owners. Anybody know? Is it the house downwind of the triangle field? I suspect the story of a landowner not wanting us is from more than 15 years ago (when I started) and may no longer be true... - Hugh
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Re: Flying Friday @ WS April 24?

Post by andybalkphysics »


The farthest I got is a name and an address for the owner on the Shenendoah County website:

You can "go directly to map" and then navigate to the plot. The owner of the bridge field and the one across the road is the same, but the address for the owner listed doesn't have a state, so I got stuck.

Ward Odenwald
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Re: Flying Friday @ WS April 24?

Post by Ward Odenwald »

Good day at Woodstock. Not fantastic, but an intense training day for spring air thermal turbulence. The morning -> afternoon wind transition is most likely common knowledge to many but what we experienced was another reminder of how conditions can change during the day and launch conditions are not always an accurate indicator of what’s happening out beyond the slot.

At launch (~11AM), the mild conditions that Brad and I observed suggested that the earlier forecasts of 20 mph at takeoff altitude with higher gusts were off. We found only light winds and no significant gusts above 15mph - even up to 12:30. The only event that suggested otherwise was an intense (tree waving) burst that lasted for ~2 to 3 minutes followed by a return to light, straight in conditions. By 1PM, thermals were passing through but not with an intensity that revealed the energy that awaited us. Brad was first off (~1 PM) and I followed soon after. Knut (who came out JUST TO HELP), Gary and Walt wired us off. Thanks!

As Hugh described, “textured strongish air” and at times – angry air. Winds aloft were strong enough to erase most thermal climbs if you stayed with them until they drifted over Fort Valley.

Here are two views, one from a high climb (showing Fort Valley) and one of the Bridge field vegetation. Did not detect any planting activity, yet.

While folding the glider up, a Woodstock Sheriff Officer stopped to ask about the day’s flying conditions and my impression was that he was really happy to see us. As he drove off, Brad and I realized that while we were describing our flights we were standing next to one of the no trespassing signs. Not sure what to make of that but have had only positive interactions with people that have stopped to talk.

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