High Rock Sat.

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Kelvin Pierce
Posts: 77
Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:18 am
Location: Vienna, VA

High Rock Sat.

Post by Kelvin Pierce »

Very nice at the Rock yesterday. I was first to arrive about 11:30 followed soon after by Pete Schuman, Linda, and Carlos. Conditions early were N. cross. Linda soon discovered that she left her basetube at home but stayed and helped us all get launched. I launced first about 1:30 but couldn't get up in the cross conditions. Pete and Carlos launched shortly after and did get up for soaring flights until they both got flushed after about 45 min. to an hour. Pete said that the air was kind of turbulent and that he was only able to get up to 800 over. Linda was nice enough to come down to the LZ and retrieve me. Thanks Linda! Back on launch the conditions were looking much better with minimal N. cross. 2nd launch was at 4:10 and flew till a little after 6:00. Max. gain was 2800 over under some nice clouds. Half way into the flight the clouds disappeared and rest of flight was boating around at about 900 to 1200' over in very smooth air. Curt also showed up for a nice long afternoon soaring flight before heading off to work. Pete and Carols also had second flights with lots of enjoyable air. We all hiked back up together and watched the sunset behind the mountain from launch.
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