So far Joe and I have flown Randolph Utah and north side point of the mt. Randolph is a 1500 ft ridge above a mosquito infested swamp. Had a nice glass off flight there and landed in a new LZ field right below. Second time was even better -- 2400 over. We top landed to avoid mosquitos and because it looked doable. Blowing 20 and the approach thru the rotor was horrible. Not like I thought it would be enjoyable but geeze! I landed ok because of my incredible skills. Joe got ground looped and bent some battens and tore a small hole in his sail. Or maybe it happened when he was busy telling me how terrible the rotor was and his glider got blown away down the backside of the mtn (boing boing boing) and we had to chase it. Anyway it was easily fixable.
Flew Point of the Mtn (North side) yesterday. Really sweet. Easily made the jump back to the main ridge. Maybe 4 HG and 30 pgs but there was plenty of room because there was plenty of lift. You could fly straight out into the valley to the freeway with out losing anything. Wish I has had the energy to fly the PG after I landed the HG. Top landing was easy -- although I was carrying too much speed because of the Randolph experience and overshot a bit.. Hope to have a repeat today
West Trip
Moderator: CHGPA BOD
Re: West Trip
Ah yes, I violated rule number one of ground handling. Don't step away from the glider after unhooking until you are sure you have it tail to the wind. Dumb Dumb Dumb. The bright side is I did not know I could run as fast as i did while still in my harness.
Great flight a Point of the Mountain. 4 HGs and 35 PGs. in one sky. Looking for a repeat today.
Great flight a Point of the Mountain. 4 HGs and 35 PGs. in one sky. Looking for a repeat today.
Re: West Trip
Andy Jackson Air Park in San Bernardino is hosting a fly in this week end (Saturday). Any chance you guys will be able to attend? I'll be there, flying a PG.
Re: West Trip
No we are not going further west than Idaho where Steve needs to be on July 27. I head home from Denver around the 23rd.
Re: West Trip
I hope you continue to have a great trip and keep us posted. Are you going to fly King Mountain?
Re: West Trip
Yes. Will be heading to King about the 20th or that was the plan.
Re: West Trip
Steve has flow two of the last three days and I have flown one of the last three days. We spent Wednesday checking out Francis Mountain 9200 launch 4300 lz. It is north of Ogden, UT. Got there late and after setting up decided not to try it. Thunderstorms to the far south and some ground level wisps on the salt lake that didn't look good. We may give Francis a go tomorrow. Thursday we checked out the "V" at Bountiful Utah. Launch is on the mountain on the east side of town and the LZ is a nice big play ground of the middle school in the middle of town. We both had short soaring flight is very light conditions. I on the Falcon and Steve on the Paraglider.
Today we verified that our gps could lead us to a new site to find the only thunderstorm producing heavy rain and hail. We chose not to fly and returned to Point of the Mountain south side where Steve got a nice sledder for the day on his PG. Tomorrow who knows. We intend to get airborne somewhere.
Staying in one place in a new area and doing day trips to various sites has some real advantages. It allows one to learn that all beer on tap is 4% alcohol and if you want more alcohol you have to buy bottled beer at a restaurant. You can buy other spirits, but only at the state liquor stores. Steve now orders beer with the stipulation that it has to have plenty of alcohol in it or he will send it back pronto. He just cannot keep track of where he set his helmet down after flying.
Today we verified that our gps could lead us to a new site to find the only thunderstorm producing heavy rain and hail. We chose not to fly and returned to Point of the Mountain south side where Steve got a nice sledder for the day on his PG. Tomorrow who knows. We intend to get airborne somewhere.
Staying in one place in a new area and doing day trips to various sites has some real advantages. It allows one to learn that all beer on tap is 4% alcohol and if you want more alcohol you have to buy bottled beer at a restaurant. You can buy other spirits, but only at the state liquor stores. Steve now orders beer with the stipulation that it has to have plenty of alcohol in it or he will send it back pronto. He just cannot keep track of where he set his helmet down after flying.
Re: West Trip
Ha, ha - thanks for the reports. Keep having a great time - Hugh
- Posts: 359
- Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:40 pm
- Location: Cumberland, MD
Re: West Trip
Pete Lehmann and Mark Gardner are also on a West trip to fly in the Canadian Nationals in Golden, BC. They report good flights and spectacular scenery!