Flight Report from Lk. Conroe Texas

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Flight Report from Lk. Conroe Texas

Post by ChuckPyle »

Had 2 great tows and subsequent flights in moderately bouyant air last Sunday over Lake Conroe.? First tow to 2250 ft and second one to a bit over 2300 ft.? Second flight was particularly enjoyable in that I shared a thermal with a mature Bald Eagle for about 15 minutes almost directly over my home before I was forced to land in the marina.?
I think I'll stay away from the?"landing" discussion except to say that landing in the water?adds a slightly different wrinkle to the formula.? Watched a H-2 come in a bit too hot and fast Sunday.? A "Whack" is a whack no matter where you do it!? The results are different only in that it's damn hard to get that whole rig turned back right side up in the water!!!!!!!!? It took 3 people and about 20 minutes to accomplish.? Meanwhile, needless to say, every hollow tube on that glider was full of water --- and heavy!
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Post by breezyk1d »

Chuck; Great news to hear that you are getting in some gliding time. How is the boat towing compared to dry land towing? The idea of landing on the water gives me pause. -Linda
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