Hogback Violations!

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Hogback Violations!

Post by RichH »

It has come to my attention that 3 PG pilots were cited for violations at the Hogback Launch site in Shenandoah National Park. It appears this was some time ago possibly last spring or even 2012 season not sure, but what seems apparent that some are all of these pilots are CHGPA members..The information I received was that a incident occurred (possibly a blown launch) h and that Rangers were called to the scene and violations were issued..I also have heard but not verified that these 3 pilots defied the Rangers "Apparently, a pilot stuffed a launch, was screaming and swearing about it, so spectators called the rangers and when they arrived, they got a bunch of attitude/rude behavior, so they issued violations to all three PG pilots." In a time when we are discussing the direction of CHGPA I find this incident pertinent to the conversation of all our flying futures. If all this information is accurate I'm amazed I have to hear about it from a outside source. That pilot incidents are occurring with out our clubs knowledge that put our whole flying community and our flying sites at risk..We have always been guest to the NP sites and having flown most of these sites I can attest we do not want to loose them because we can't self police our own community. I'd welcome to hear from someone who has first hand knowledge about this incident.
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Re: Hogback Violations!

Post by mingram »

I don't think the facts you heard second hand are correct. The CHGPA board was notified of the incident and decided to keep the incident quiet while the case is pending litigation.
Matt Ingram
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Re: Hogback Violations!

Post by RichH »

Its pending litigation? that sounds pretty serious to me Matt.. I can understand wanting to protect the rights of the pilots but what about the flying communities rights? Could we not explore resolutions to flying incidents with out jeopardizing the rights of the pilots involved..
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Re: Hogback Violations!

Post by lbunner »

This is disturbing especially after the fiasco that transpired at Fort Funston over the last year. This site is in jeopardy due to the actions of a few who chose to violate the rules. The USHPA president had to get involved and the organization had to implement severe actions to keep the feds at bay. This is especially disturbing when our community is trying to get permission to improve our sites.
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Re: Hogback Violations!

Post by hang_pilot »

The primary purpose of CHGPA is to secure access to flying sites. Each member of the executive board knows this is job-one. If it was in their collective wisdom best for the club to handle the Hogback situation through board-level proceedings and not to hash out a course of action in public forums, I trust their judgment and hope others will as well. If a pilot has expertise or perspective that might benefit the board in this matter – if there even is a matter – I suggest that he or she contact a board member off-line to offer assistance.

I am only aware of three national parks that allow hang gliding and paragliding: Yosemite, Fort Funston, and Shenandoah. These are among the most sensitive of all flying sites that are located on public lands. Of the three NPs, the Skyline launches have required the least regulation, partially because the local pilots, by acting responsibly, have not garnered much negative attention. Based on what happened at Fort Funston, I am shocked that the rangers haven’t shut them down; a small group of pilots there sure seem to have become major headaches. With that frame of reference, I could understand the board’s possible rational of handling some of the things related to the Skyline sites that might need club action discretely and deliberately.

As always, I am thankful for the efforts of our club's officers.

Richard Hays
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Re: Hogback Violations!

Post by Richard Hays »

Since these pilots knowingly broke the rules and may have lost the site for all to use because of their lack of judgement and selfish actions....there should be discussion of revoking their ratings. What is to stop them from violating other sites? I have personally witnessed one of these pilots using extemely bad judgement on two seperate occaisions and two different sites and when I approached him about it, was treaded very rudely. VERY rudely. Both times. This one pilot has no respect for our rules, or flying sites or other pilots. There is a pattern here and it should be stopped.

Regarding our Regional Director being notified...I'm glad however did it..did it. The regional directors should be blasting these pilots who put the club in this situation, and should be seriously considering rating revocations.

Richard Hays
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Re: Hogback Violations!

Post by thermalup »

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park in Michigan is another national park that allows hang gliding and paragliding. The launch and landing areas are very public and in the summer months there can be as many as 100-200 spectators in the launch area on any soarable day. Annual permits are required and are verified at the park's entrance gate for hang glider pilots because our aircraft are highly visible on top of the vehicle. Paraglider pilots never get questioned at the gate simply because they show no visible signs of flight intentions. Unfortunately this leaves an opening for non-qualified pilots to sneak into the launch area (and it is rare to see a park ranger in the launch area). I am curious to know the details of the Hogback violations and the litigation outcome because perhaps the lessons learned from the Shenandoah National Park violations could be useful knowledge for preserving flying privileges at Sleeping Bear.
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Re: Hogback Violations!

Post by sailin »


I understand and share in your frustrations and concerns when a flying site is jeopardized. Please understand that this is a very sensitive situation and there is much at stake...both for the piloting community, the flying site and the pilots involved. I would also like everyone to please understand that this is a public forum that anyone, at any time, can view. Please use patience and tolerance as this situation evolves in both its "legal" aspects and flying site aspects.

A BOD member was made aware of the situation soon after it occurred. He made the rest of us on the BOD aware of the situation to the best he knew about it. We talked as a BOD and decided against posting anything on the forum about the incident due to the current legal status of the situation. The situation was talked about in person at our September General Membership meeting with everyone that attended. It is an ongoing situation right now, both legally and locally.

I appreciate your understanding. If you would like to call or email me at any time, I would be happy to talk with you.

Thank you,

Joe Schad
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Re: Hogback Violations!

Post by Joe Schad »

Are the three pilots involved in this incident still flying Shenandoah national par sites?

If they are I would like to know who they are. I fly Dickey's a lot and don't want to see it closed because of stupidity.

Pete Schumann
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Re: Hogback Violations!

Post by Pete Schumann »

I agree with Joe. I've been flying all 3 of the Skyline sites since the early 90's with a few other HG pilots. I would hate to see us loose any of these sites. I will hold my thoughts until we find out what really may have happened.

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