Accident Reports

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Accident Reports

Post by air_medal »

As Brian has said, the USHGA Accident Review Committee (meaning him and I) do read the mail on this listserve. I myself have only been doing this for a couple weeks now, after susbscribing as a result of the airspace controversy. I do not, however, monitor this listserve for purposes of collecting data for the USHGA HG Accident Review column.

I consider this forum is a (semi-)private area where local pilots can discuss local issues, including local incidents. I do not wish to suppress valuable discussion for fear that sensitive information might be broadcast outside the intended audience without the authors knowledge or permission.

If you think you have had, or know of, an incident the knowledge of which would benefit pilots outside the local area, I would ask that you cut and paste your report into a USHGA report form (available on the web) and send it in that way. We can and do receive multiple reports concerning the same incident, so don't worry about trying to collect everything that's out there, just send in what you know. Only reports recieved by "The Committee" in this way (and not even all of those) will be included in the HG Magazine column.
Joe G.
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