For issues related to CHGPA's operations and responsibilities

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Post by sailin »

Please comply and pass on to all pilots immediately. Thank you.

In response to a Buchanan State Forest email thread that took issue with how we were currently operating at the Bills Hill site, there is going to need to be some changes to our everyday routine when we fly Bills Hill. Someone flying the site will have to contact the Buchanan State Forest Office each and everytime we fly the site...before we launch. (Buchanan State Forest Phone Number 717.485.3148) They have someone in the office 7 days a week and want a call regardless of the day, weekend, or holiday. If no one answers then leave a message. Also, we will continue to be allowed to do small scale clearing of the low brush in the slot to maintain its safety, but not do anything that is outside the current slot footprint or cut anything that is higher than your waist. I am trying to schedule a meeting with Steve Keiper of the Buchanan State Forest to engage discussion about a larger slot clearing and potentially planting grass seed. The hope being that this would eliminate or greatly reduce our need to do the continual slot maintenance. Stay posted for more on that.

Please see the entire email chain below for the specifics. PLEASE pass this info on to all pilots ASAP. Thank you.

From: "Keiper, Steven D" <skeiper@pa.gov>
To: 'Jonithan Brantley' <jonithanbrantley@yahoo.com>
Cc: "bod@chgpa.org" <bod@chgpa.org>; "Smith, James" <jamessm@pa.gov>
Sent: Friday, October 4, 2013 8:04 AM
Subject: RE: Hang Gliding Certificate of Insurance


The following are the answers to your questions:

1) The clearing of small growth (less than waist high) in the traditional footprint that you have been maintaining can be cleared due to safety without notification. Any cutting of trees, widening of the area or planting of grass needs prior approval. We can meet to discuss clearing the site further.
2) We still would like notification. Someone works here 7 days a week, so if you leave a message on our voicemail someone will know that you are up there. The office number is listed below.

Thank you for your cooperation in these matters.

Steve Keiper| Forester
PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Bureau of Forestry | Buchanan State Forest, District 2
440 Buchanan Trail
McConnellsburg, PA 17233
Phone: 717.485.3148| Fax: 717.485.9283
E-mail: skeiper@pa.gov

From: Jonithan Brantley [mailto:jonithanbrantley@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 8:36 PM
To: Keiper, Steven D
Cc: bod@chgpa.org
Subject: Re: Hang Gliding Certificate of Insurance


My sincerest apologies for the issues you have been having with our group. We will correct these concerns right away.

A couple of questions for you, if I may:

1) This launch site quickly becomes over grown and unsafe to launch. It is pretty typical that before we fly this site, we have to do some clearing of the over growth to make the launch safe again. Is is this type of clearing that you would like us to stop without prior notification, or was there some larger tree clearing that took place? Can we open up a dialogue to do a larger scale clearing sometime later this fall, and then plant some sort of grass seed so the over growth does not continually return?

2) Regarding the notification prior to flying Bills Hill. Often times we do not know we will be flying the site until the day before or even 12 hours before. Sometimes this happens on a weekend or holiday. What is the best way to get a hold of your office to give prior notification?

The Capitol Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association is committed to safe flight and upholding all the terms of our agreement with you. Thank you for bringing these issues to my attention. They will be addressed.

I look forward to further dialogue with you.

Jon Brantley
CHGPA President

From: "Keiper, Steven D" <skeiper@pa.gov>
To: 'Jonithan Brantley' <jonithanbrantley@yahoo.com>
Cc: "Smith, James" <jamessm@pa.gov>
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 3:12 PM
Subject: RE: Hang Gliding Certificate of Insurance


There are a few items that have come to our attention regarding your groups use of Summit Road (Bills Hill) launch site:

1. We have received complaints regarding some of your group members driving at unsafe speeds on Buchanan State Forest roads. Please remind all of your members that the posted speed limit is 25 mph. Some of your members have been warned but they may be fined if it happens again.
2. This is a reminder that it is a violation of your agreement to cut live trees on State Forest property without prior notification to the Bureau of Forestry. Please make sure your group members are not cutting trees without permission.
3. Flagging hung for wind monitoring must be removed when you leave the site. It begins to accumulate over time.
4. It is also stated in your agreement that your group must notify the Bureau of Forestry prior to launching from State Forest Land. Most times when members of your group are using the site there has been no prior notification.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in these matters.

Steve Keiper| Forester
PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Bureau of Forestry | Buchanan State Forest, District 2
440 Buchanan Trail
McConnellsburg, PA 17233
Phone: 717.485.3148| Fax: 717.485.9283
E-mail: skeiper@pa.gov
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Post by sailin »

Can someone please link this thread and site protocol update in the PG yahoo group....ASAP ?????? Looks like the east winds will blow again midweek and we need to be compliant with the updates right away.

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Post by tomceunen »

cross post on PG Yahoo forum is a fact
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Post by sailin »

thank you Tom

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Post by hang_pilot »


When you call, let them know we will be flying the "Summit Road site". Bill's Hill is our name for the site (the same rangers manage Fisher Road, so there's actually room for confusion).


Thanks so much for keeping up good relations with the rangers! I used to call once or twice a year, just to check in and see if they had any concerns. If we have a calendar for the BOD, probably should make sure that's on there.

All the best,
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