Member Feedback Required

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Member Feedback Required

Post by PTerry »

Hello CHGPA Members

If the Club updated our Web Site, Forum, Facebook, Twitter, Photos/Video Sharing -- What would you like to see?

Thanks in advance for the feedback.

CHGPA - IT Committee

Any questions or concerns, please contact me directly.

Patrick F Terry
c: 202-309-5362
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Re: Member Feedback Required

Post by markc »

We're interested both in issues of content (what would you like to see that you don't?), and of capability (what would you like to be able to do you that you can't?).

We'd love to hear ideas from you!

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Re: Member Feedback Required

Post by FlyingFelix »

I think it's all pretty nice and you guys in charge of keeping this going is awesome!
A small change I'd like to see: I believe everyone should be able to post videos (and pictures?) directly in the online forum , as well as being able to edit personal posts (yes, I know how to do it as I do this on other online forums, this site is just not giving em the options). I heard there has been problems in the past that led to this features not being available to everyone, but I hope everyone's gotten civilized enough to allow those features be "turned back on".
Perhaps another change I'd like to see is a clear difference between the "parked" threads and the regular ones (not sure that can be changed though).
A small problem I also have: many times before posting a reply or new post I get signed out (sometimes within minutes of logging in) . Is that just me? Sucks when I type some lengthy text and I lose it all this way...

And I want to see more action around here dear pilots! :mrgreen:
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Re: Member Feedback Required

Post by rasmussenv »

I'm not a good source for ideas - I think it works pretty well. The only thing I really don't understand is why my login doesn't work to enter the 'members only' area. I know how to get there - the 'common' username and password to use, but I go there infrequently enough that I do not remember from one time to the next and have to look it up on my electronic password cheat sheet. Seems odd that if I am a member, and am logged in, I can't get to the member's only area .... but I can live with that. I assume there are technical or other reasons I am simply ignorant of.

Mostly I am just very grateful to have this resource and to Marc for maintaining it for us all these years. THANK YOU!
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Re: Member Feedback Required

Post by markc »

Another source for ideas are the websites of other clubs. If you've run across something elsewhere that made you go "wow!", then please pass it along.

About editing of posts: Yeah, I agree Felix, it's time to lighten up about that. The policy dates back to the origin of the website, when (email-based) topics periodically devolved into flamewars. The thinking was to keep people accountable for what they posted, when they posted it, to help tamp down the flames.

But things have been pretty civil for years now, I think it's time for a change. Will take care of that next week.

The issue with timeouts when composing a long post can be a big PITA, I agree. Basically, there's a time limit during which you have to 'do something', otherwise you run into that problem. There are good (security related) reasons for this, but the timeout period *is* config'able. I'll look into doubling it, provided it isn't excessive.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you can hit 'Preview' while composing a long post, and that will keep your session alive. I do that a lot, esp. when mobile.

Valerie, we could integrate the forum and the member's area, by making use of the forum's authentication mechanism. We'd have to convert the relevant pages to be PHP-based, but that might not be a huge deal. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Re: Member Feedback Required

Post by Rich E »

How about updated site guides, maybe google earth links, workable and preferred wind directions, hazards, any DNLs/'difficult' landowners, any specific site etiquette etc.


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Re: Member Feedback Required

Post by mcelrah »

I posted this on the PG list too: would like to see a "push" feature, an e-mail notification even for new topics that you have not already discovered and started following. Alas, I do not visit ChgPA every day and I might miss the "going to High Rock this afternoon" topic until its too late (yes, I'm a subscriber to "High Rock magic"). Also, I would like to know how some members seem to be able to post pictures. Could we have a CHGPA app for my iPhone so I could share pictures to the forum? - Hugh
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Re: Member Feedback Required

Post by CraginS »

A few years ago there was talk of moving our club communications mode from the web site and forum to Facebook. I will reiterate what I said then - Facebook is a closed and proprietary service, with some insulting privacy policies for their products (users) in order to satisfy their customers (advertisers). Therefore, I have no problem with setting up FB or Twitter as optional extras, for those who want to play in that pond, but we need to keep the club-owned site and forum as our core communicant media. I, and some other members, will not be able to participate if we move to either FB or Twitter, because of our own privacy and security concerns and decisions.

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