The reporter

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The reporter

Post by breezyk1d »

If I recall correctly, she indicated she was from the Hagerstown
newpaper (I think the one that might have run the story about the
fly-in? Not sure.) Said she had a photographer with her. I basically
told her what my experience level is, and suggested that she should talk
to the other pilots standing around (Karen, Danny, Sheila, and other
[photogenic <hee, hee>] longtimers in the sport and familiar with High
Rock [sorry Matthew, you didn't make the photogenic cut!][just busting
your chops as you had already launched], and I pointed you guys out to
her.) As I was about to carry my glider to launch, I didn't spend much
time with her.

-----Original Message-----
From: kcarra []
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 3:24 PM
Subject: Finally an HR Flight

I did see a reporter and a photographer up at launch. I saw them
interview Linda Baskerville. Linda, do you have more info?Karen Carra
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