HR weekend launch directors

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HR weekend launch directors

Post by brianvh »

Looks like sunday will be the day to fly. Unless we get another change in
the forecast, the saturday launch directors will be released. The very
few experienced folks who want to attempt a dead air launch early in the
morning should make their own arrangements and contact wxbrief to make
sure there is no TFR in effect.

If the pattern bears out, I'd ask those who volunteered for saturday to
consider putting in an hour on sunday so everyone gets a chance to fly.

Brian Vant-Hull
Posts: 1982
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Location: Tacky Park

HR Saturday

Post by Matthew »

Oh yea of little faith. You know it's only Thursday. Saturday afternoon looks light WSW or light and variable to me with good conditions for thermals-- quite High Rockable.

Joe Schad
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Saturday flying

Post by Joe Schad »

The forecast could change as it often does. Shall we look again friday?

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