Highland Opening

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John Simon
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Highland Opening

Post by John Simon »

The Flight park opened a couple weeks ago, but this Saturday seems to be the day... as Sunday is not so good looking. Come on out and let's kick it off right.

Hope to see you there,

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Re: Highland Opening

Post by FlyingFelix »

I'll be there. Hope the weather holds
John Simon
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Re: Highland Opening

Post by John Simon »

Just looking at the wx.... I am going to say Highland will be 500 fpm and 5000' tomorrow... maybe more. Light winds and 55-60 on the ground. Hope to see you guys.
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Re: Highland Opening

Post by FlyingFelix »

Yeah, finally a good day at highland - ill be there early to get re-aquatinted with towing.
Hope for a great day!
Danny Brotto
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Re: Highland Opening

Post by Danny Brotto »

Was planning on Highland today but a sinus issue will keep me grounded this WE. Have fun and good luck!

Danny Brotto
Ward Odenwald
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Re: Highland Opening

Post by Ward Odenwald »

Good turnout at Highland! Conditions were just about ideal with many pilots getting high and leaving the neighborhood (yours not included which explains the “just about” rating). Had one flight on Highland’s WW Sport 2 and it was great! Didn’t stick in the air for long but it felt good to be back searching for thermals and fighting to keep my weak-link from snapping while watching the Dragon Fly “bob-and-weave” its way up past an amazing Spring view. Here are two views of the flight, nothing special, but significant to me. Ward
On Tow
On Tow
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Re: Highland Opening

Post by FlyingFelix »

Highland was awesome today.
I counted 16 gliders from up on my first early flight today.
Everyone flew, some got to serious heights and distances and then back.
Here's a pic of one of the many "close encounters"
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Re: Highland Opening

Post by mcgowantk »

It was pretty awesome at Highland Saturday. Lots of pilots and altitudes depended more on how warmly dressed you were rather than the thermals.

I flew for 4 hours and did a triangle to Harrington, somewhere south of there, and back to Highland. I don't know the distance yet (I have to learn to download track logs to a Mac) but maybe 40 miles or so. My max altitude was around 8,000 (that was base). I also had some nice thermals in the 600+ range. It was good to see such a big group of pilots. Highland also seemed busy with tandems.

In all, a great start to the season at Highland.

Tom McGowan
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Re: Highland Opening

Post by stevek »

Great flight Tom! Have any idea what the temp was at 8k?
John Simon
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Re: Highland Opening

Post by John Simon »

Basically spectacular out at Highland Saturday. Tons of pilots, great weather... eagles, vast cummies, tandems some beer and lots of familiar faces. Great to see everyone after a slow winter (for me anyway).

I arrived to 15 gliders or so already setup and hussled to get going. The guys were towing quickly and no significant waits developed. Tom "LoneWolf" McGowan launched and took off East for a triangle. Charlie, Jim and myself setup a smaller one to the north to accommodate Charlie's schedule and the fact I hadn't flown in a while, the more the merrier was our mantra.

After a weak link break for landing practice, I pinned off on my second tow at 1800 or so and climbed at over 800 fpm to 5000'. Later, Charlie got near 8000' and I got 7000' or so, climbs were consistently 500-700fpm and some at 800 on my averager. Jim saw 1000' on his, and the instantaneous lift was outrageous. But the climbs were in general very consistent and fairly wide and smooth. There were a few that were just mean and unwelcoming, and I had to run away from two of them ( I don't very often run from lift) , but soon found more friendly climbs. Very, very cold at 7000.. (Well, 6960'). Somehow, with all the lift and cummies and eagles... I managed to get down to 600', unzipped and started scratching my head a bit, wondering how this could be (again). Some vultures saved me, as I saw at least 15 of them all circling at 200' or lower. Hmm odd but no other options. I head there and punch a tight bullet at 500 then 600 then 700 fpm and have to crank it up to stay there. By 2500' it turns nasty and I have to run away, but there is plently of lift under this cloud and I get a more friendly 500' and happily settle in. I couldn't hack temps above 6000' as my gloves aren't up to it. Still, Charlie and I made the triangle and Jim on his new to him glider made an out and back out of the flight.

Last Temp I saw was 35 at 5900', and Kirk said he saw 29 at 6500' later. Must have been 20 or so at 8000' with the strong lapse rate. WE all had beers in the LZ and enjoyed a beautiful afternoon. I was in the air for 1:24 but could have flown much longer. As I hadn't flown in a while and my neck was getting sore, I succumbed to beer suck and landed. 24 mile triangle in 8-16mph west winds. Tom really crushed it as usual fighting the winds on his long leg back from the East. Still I'm happy for my first flights of the year. Next time we go big.

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Re: Highland Opening

Post by mcgowantk »

I didn't look at the temperature but my camel back froze solid during the flight.

Tom McGowan
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Re: Highland Opening

Post by mingram »

Wow! Frozen camelback! Climbs to 8k! Nice!
Matt Ingram
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Danny Brotto
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Re: Highland Opening

Post by Danny Brotto »

John Simon,

Am I missing something? Vast Q's? I flew Highland on Saturday and it was blue.

It was good though... unless you ran into the vast sink I ran into :shock:

Danny Brotto
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Re: Highland Opening

Post by mcgowantk »

This was from a couple of weeks ago. I still need to download my flight. It was a day for big miles.

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Re: Highland Opening

Post by air_medal »

I need to sell my vario, because I'm tired of trying to download my flight on a Mac...

You are right Danny, it was blue last weekend, and there was plenty of sink to be had - despite what the "I couldn't figure out how to get down" crowd had to say. Those are probably the same guys that eat 4 meals a day and still can't seem to keep their weight up. Nevertheless, 5500 ft at 5pm confirmed that there was commensurate lift, if you weren't too unlucky in your timing.

Joe G.
Danny Brotto
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Re: Highland Opening

Post by Danny Brotto »

Opps, I see that was an old thread... not this past weekend but a month ago :oops:

Danny Brotto
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