Meeting Minutes from March 8, 2013 (Spring Meeting)

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Meeting Minutes from March 8, 2013 (Spring Meeting)

Post by sailin »

CHGPA Spring Kick Off Meeting Minutes – March 8, 2013

Meeting Starts at 1930 after some pizza and drinks.

Big thanks to John M. and Marney for opening up their home in Bethesda to the club. Thank you!!!

Below is just a summary of the meeting. Please view the recorded webcast for actual coverage. Please forgive me if anything has been omitted or reported in error. If there is something below that you feel is inaccurate or missing let me know.

Welcome to the club new members in attendance!! Some H2s and P2/3 (sorry can’t remember everyone’s names ☹ )

Future meeting and Fly In dates set:

May 11-12 Pulpit Fly In

July 12, 2013 CHGPA Summer Meeting

September 13, 2013 CHGPA Fall Meeting

October 18-20 High Rock Fly In

December 13, 2013 CHGPA Christmas Party

Treasurer’s Report:

We need everybody that is a member to pay their dues. We have collected just over 50% of the dues we collected last year. Not that many people left the area. If you haven’t paid up yet please do so ASAP. You can use Paypal or write a check.

Discussion started on CHGPA and MHGA joint membership and how it should be handled. The history is that it has been challenging to reconcile money and information and the whole process has been overly complicated. The club supports streamlining things and having each respective club responsible for collecting its own dues and membership information. The clubs will continue to have a close relationship and promote and support each other.

Discussion started on the status of the High Rock LZ. In recent years there has not been enough flying there and subsequent low pilot donations to help Emma Jane pay the property taxes. This past year a club member took it upon themselves to pay that tax bill. This year the club supports paying those taxes with a combination of member donations and the club making up the difference. Collections to be completed by June 2013.

Discussion started regarding the increasing of club dues. It is pointed out dues have not been increased in quite some time (over 10 years??). No consensus on this yet.

Discussion started on Woodstock Launch Improvement. Patrick Terry presents his proposal and takes questions and comments regarding it. There is also another proposal on the table from local pilot John McCallister using soil and grass seed. Comments on the proposals include:

1) There is a majority opinion present that the launch needs improvements to make it a safer paragliding (and some say hang gliding) launch. The comments include the need to widen the slot, create a surface that does not grab lines, and create a flatter runway surface lower down in the slot.

2) Some want to wait and see what the Forest Service will allow and what kind of review process will be needed before we commit to one proposal.

3) The Patrick Terry proposal includes things that some members do not think is necessary: hang glider set up area, wind blocks, path improvement, permanent wind socks. Question raised about the use of gravel due to shifty-ness on footing and appearance.

4) The John McCallister proposal incites some concerns from members regarding the ability of the soil to grow grass, the possibility the soil will erode away and the constant maintenance it would require.

A motion is made to allow Patrick Terry to take his proposal forward to the Forest Service and see what they will allow and what kind of Forest Service review would be needed. The results of that information would be brought back to the CHGPA BOD for discussion and decision on how to move forward.
Vote is cast on this motion. All except one vote yes.

Patrick Terry and John McCallister should be introduced to possibly discuss improvement strategies together.

Discussion on High Rock cube status. There is erosion/concrete missing on at least three of the sides that needs to be repaired. Matthew Graham is trying to find someone that can give us an estimate and do a proper repair.

Discussion on purchasing LZs. Comments regarding the need to plan for the future and be in a position to acquire an LZ if it becomes available (no specific site given priority but it is pointed out that we own the launch at the Pulpit). No resolution is reached.

Safety talk started by Tom M. Reminder to hook in and be diligent about checking to make sure others are hooked in. Reminder to new pilots flying XC this season to talk with some more experienced pilots first, and get information that can keep you more safe and have a better flight.

Safety equipment talk started by Jon B. There is some exciting technology out there (Delorme InReach and Spot) that can help locate you and keep accountability of you in an emergency. They can also be used to make free flight a “spectator sport” for our friends and loved ones that aren’t flying with us (they can follow your flight live from home on a computer). They use satellite technology to transmit your location and to transmit and receive messages and calls for help.

The club held its annual election for Officers.

Club Officers Elected:

President: Jon Brantley
Vice President: Matt Ingram
Treasurer: Carlos Weill
Secretary: Patrick Terry
Flight Director: Bacil Dickert

Meeting adjourned approx 1015pm. Thanks again to John and Marney!!!!

Look forward to flying with everyone!!!!
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Re: Meeting Minutes from March 8, 2013 (Spring Meeting)

Post by davidtheamazing1 »

Thanks everyone who participated! Videos are just available for 30 days.
* Meeting invite & Agenda
* Video from the meeting (parts 1&2)

We lost a few minutes of the broadcast.
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