Flying Saturday

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Flying Saturday

Post by Matthew »

Ridgely or Bills?????

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Re: Flying Saturday

Post by Lostgriz »

I would love to Fly Saturday. The forecast that I saw for Ridgely didn't look great..... I have never been to Bill's.
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Re: Flying Saturday

Post by mingram »

Bills Hill is a east facing ridge near Breezewood, PA (2 1/2 hours from DC). This site is approved for P2/H2s. If you haven't flown the site before you should to get a site briefing from someone who has because the LZ can be a long glide if you're not in lift.

For new P2s: Ridgely is a hang glider aerotowing park called Highland Aerosports in Ridgely, MD. They aren't currently setup for paraglider towing. Blue Sky in Manquin, VA can tow paragliders via scooter/truck. Contact Steve Wendt at Blue Sky to see when he's available to teach/tow paragliders before you go. If you haven't towed before he typically teaches morning and evenings.

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Re: Flying Saturday

Post by AustinKasserman »

I'm down for Bills or Blue Sky on Saturday. Haven't done either.
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Re: Flying Saturday

Post by eggzkitz »

Forecast for Bills was looking really nice earlier in the week... now, not so much :(
Jeff Eggers
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