Pulpit paraglider launch & high rock

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Dan T
Posts: 1082
Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2005 5:58 pm
Location: Northern VA

Pulpit paraglider launch & high rock

Post by Dan T »

How much if anything did the club pay or volunteer to add the paraglider
launch at the Pulpit? My recollection is that the hangglider community is the one
who built the launch that has yet to launch that so far has been used
exclusively by paraglider pilots. If that's the case, how does it differ from a
request to support High Rock from our entire flying community?

I haven't launched from High Rock in over two years, but I have no objection
making the contribution proposed. I also managed to land there recently after
launching from the Pulpit. It is a "goal" destination of choice for most of
the hangglider pilots who fly from the Pulpit. My guess is that a paraglider
pilot will soon achieve a similar crossing followed by many more. Losing the
LZ would be a loss to the both wings not just a loss to the people who foot
launch from the Rock itself.

I can see the towheads making a somewhat better case, however I don't know
whether or not any of them would object to contributing to this common cause.
Perhaps we could give them individually the option of opting out if they felt
that it was an unfair or unaffordble financial burden.

Dan T.

In a message dated 8/8/05 5:21:58 PM, Daniel.Broxterman@suntrust.com writes:

<< I have not made up my mind how I personally think we should restructure
the landing fee system, but as things currently stand my inclination is
to not ask paragliding and aerotow pilots to share the burden. It's not
fair and I don't want to alienate anyone. >>
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