Annoying Florida post....Not from Lauren!!!

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Paul Tjaden
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Annoying Florida post....Not from Lauren!!!

Post by Paul Tjaden »

:D Been waiting for this one since arriving here in December.

Launched about 1:15 into a mostly clear sky with a few thin Q's forming and South winds at 5 to 10. Greg Dinauer was supposed to fly with me but got held up flying his sail plane. I Had thought about a downwind to the North but the sky looked better to the South so decided to try an out and back to Fantasy Of Flight ( a really cool aircraft museum 25 miles to the South). Pinned off at 1500 feet into solid lift at 500 plus on the averager and headed out from 3800 feet. Stayed high and comfortable with CB improving to 4900 as I approached the Seminole sail plane port about 10 miles south where I pimped off numerous sail planes and numerous sail planes pimped off me. At 9 or 10 miles from my goal the sky started to look less friendly and climbs slowed significantly. It was becoming very difficult to make headway against the 8 to 10 knot headwind. I was also getting a bit fatigued after nearly two hours so I decided to run for home. Got a bit low once or twice but always managed to find something when I really needed it and got home with about 1500 feet to spare. Wish I could have reached my goal but still a pretty great day for early Feb. Ended up with 2:42, 4944 and about 30 miles.

Cold front moving in tonight. Probably screw up the flying weather for several days again so it was sure nice getting this one in today.

Come and visit!

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Post by pink_albatross »

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Post by jimrooney »

Ok, one more not from Lauren ;)
(yes, I'm trying to make you jealous... so you'll come visit)

Tuesday was good (tandems soared for hours) but blue. Wednessday brought those wonderful South winds and brought qummies with them. If you haven't been to Quest, high preassure and South winds (any variant of South) bring the best soaring conditions.

I took my usual wind dummie slot as the sky looked like it was starting to pop (12:30 - 1ish?). As usual around here, the tow plane was only necessary till the first good thermal and a quick climb to cloudbase (then 3.5k)

As I got up there, I saw flocks and flocks of geese heading North (Spring is coming your way guys!). It was just then that the silliest thought occurred to me... I wonder if they soar? Normally I don't think of geese as soaring birds, but I mean they're going cross country and all, so you'd think they would, but why flap so much? As quickly as I thought it, I found my answer... yup. Hahahaha, of course they do! They're XC masters! They were running the streets! Some would even take breaks and go on glide.

As if I didn't feel stupid enough, I kept blundering into thier path (hey, I like streets too ya know). Boy oh boy, How I must have looked like the total retard bird to them! Here's this big dopey red bird flying SOUTH! Hahahahahahaahahahaha... I even disrupted a couple formations as they diverted around me. As if that wasn't enough, get this... they tried helping me out! HA! One formation turned around and came back to get me! Honk honk, hey stupid!, this way! Honk honk. (of course I honked back) They flew with me for a little while then one by one gave up and went on thier way.

God that was fun!
The rest is the usual "there I was stuff". Paul and Zach launched soon afterwards. For some reason there was a lull (2pm myth anyone?), but everyone and thier brother eventually came out to fly. Lots of happy (sunburnt) faces in the LZ. Soaring continued till after 4pm.

500fpm to 5k (a couple cores as strong as 800fpm... yes, on the averager)... brailess soaring. Better over Quest than to the South btw. Hopefully this is the beginning of the Spring uptick.

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