New High Rock Protocol

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

Moderator: CHGPA BOD

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Posts: 450
Joined: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:01 am

New High Rock Protocol

Post by stevek »

You no longer have to stop off at EJs, sign the log and pay. The log book is now in a plastic container on the picnic table. You do not pay EJ. The club or somebody or an organization yet to be formed will tell you how much you owe on a semi annual or annual basis. The cost will be based on usage. EJ will get a check. The concept is to pay her property taxes or as much of them as we can.

You can still stop in and say hi.

Bring new pilots in to meet her as usual.
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