SAC working big time 7/23

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SAC working big time 7/23

Post by XCanytime »

???? In no big hurry, left later than usual, after 9A.? Once to the PA border clouds were popping big time to the north.? The sky looked great with streets galore.? Arrived at 12 noon to good launch conditions, 12 to 18 MPH, a little cross here and there.? Joe and Karen Gorrie and Bob Beck were already set up.? There was a big blue hole in the sky over the whole SAC ridge and many miles upwind.? Around this hole were clouds galore.? Joe took off around 12:30 and easily got up.? Jim Carroll then showed up.? Jim helped me off around 12:45 and I stair-stepped my way above the ridge to the east.? Hung around there and gained to 1500' over in light lift.? Saw Bob get airborne and he joined Joe and I above the ridge.? Joe was hanging down to the west of launch, getting pretty high.? Bob joined him and they specked out.? I went down there to see what was happening.? Struggled for a long time before I got a good one where they were and took it to 2300' over.? Meanwhile Bob and Joe were out over the valley stinking high still.? Karen took off, got up for a little while, then stepped in a pothole and landed.? After an hour of flying, I decided to go in and land.? Set up over the field, and I see a glider heading out to land at my altitude.? I spiral down and land, and Jim Carroll lands right behind me after a sled.? Jim and I get a ride up with Tom Gartlan.? Back at launch Glen Rohrerback is set up, Doug Rogers shows up, and Joe lands from a multiple hour flight to help Karen off for her 3rd flight.? I set up for a second flight.? Tom, Karen, and Glen launch and get up.? It starts shutting down when Jim Carroll launches.? I get on launch while Jim scratches at windsock level, which is the borderline for getting up at the SAC.? I launch in light air, exit the slot low, see Jim to my left heading for the slot, and turn right.? Don't gain any to speak of, turn around in some light lift, and head back towards the slot.? See Jim on the other side of the slot.? Step in a little hole and go out to land.? Jim finds some small lift on his side of the slot, tenaciously figure 8s in it, and gets up.? He didn't want a second sled!? Bob Beck is in the LZ lounging after coming down from a multiple hour flight getting to 4650' over.? See Doug and Joe launch and get right up with no problem.? All 6 pilots get high, with Jim Carroll and Doug Rogers getting the highest, 5K' and 4.9K' over respectively, drifting over the back and ending up over Good Spring Mt., the ridge on the south side of the valley behind the SAC.? Doug said he was still at 4K' over when he reached the SAC ridge after exiting the thermal.? Afterwards we grabbed some dinner at Jacks Spot on Rt. 125.? A great day at the SAC.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Bacil
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