Anyone paragliding Pulpit or elsewhere this week?

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Anyone paragliding Pulpit or elsewhere this week?

Post by kylek »

Hi. I'm a P2, new to the area, from California, and wondering if anyone is thinking about trying to fly during the week this week. I recently joined CHGPA and looking to meet some other pilots to fly with. I have a very flexibile schedule and hoping to meet some folks who want to fly during the week. I'm thinking Pulpit if the weather cooperates but I'm open to anywhere if I can find an observer to fly with.


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Re: Anyone paragliding Pulpit or elsewhere this week?

Post by sailin »

Hi Kyle,
Welcome to the club!!
I am keeping an eye on the weather at the Pulpit for Tuesday....looks like it might be okay right now. I am not an observer.

Hope to see you out flying,

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Re: Anyone paragliding Pulpit or elsewhere this week?

Post by pink_albatross »

Hi, welcome Kyle,

for you and any other P2s: I am an observer, but only fly on weekends.
I signed up as observer in order to give P2s an opportunity to get airtime, so I welcome your call!

In the past I have called P2s to encourage them to come out when I fly, but after too many "life is interfering with my desire to fly" replies, I have learned to not push and let you all get in contact with me (or other observers) at your own leisure.

That said, I welcome any calls and love to talk flying, so please do NOT be shy about calling me!
Send my an email to e-46-kim-@-ya-hoo--.--com (remove all slashes) and I'll send you my cellphone number.

If I cannot fly on a particular weekend day, I try to stay in touch and find out if other observers are going out and are willing to observe (If you are willing to drive XC retrieve for observers, I bet you will always find one to observe you at the beginning or end of the day :-) We have some very experienced observers in our club, some of whom have done very well in international competitions(not me), so you might also benefit from carpooling for a good brain-picking opportunity :-)

Regards and I hope to hear from you soon!
-- ellis (PG and HG observer, but while I will observe any P2, I will only observe solid H2s with recommendations from other HG observers)

p.s. this also goes for visiting pilots
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Re: Anyone paragliding Pulpit or elsewhere this week?

Post by Matthew »

I'm a PG Observer heading to Pulpit on Tuesday. The main crew of PGs are going to Woodstock.

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