High Rock Wednesday

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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High Rock Wednesday

Post by mcgowantk »

Anyone interested in High Rock tomorrow?? I am taking the day and should be there around 11:30.
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High Rock Wednesday

Post by randyweber7 »

I have never flown High Rock. Is there a special list that one needs to be
on because of gov. security? I have today off and am thinking about where
to fly.

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High Rock Wednesday

Post by mcgowantk »

You don't need to be on a list if the expanded TFR is not in effect.? However, it helps if you have a cliff sign off.? If not, then you need to launch with an observer, which I am.? You also need to sign a waiver with Emma Jane before flying.?
Feel free to come out.? My understanding is that the expanded TFR is not in effect.? My cell is 703/ 501-9532
Tom McGowan

rlweber@rica.net wrote:
I have never flown High Rock. Is there a special list that one needs to be
on because of gov. security? I have today off and am thinking about where
to fly.


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High Rock Wednesday

Post by brianvh »

You're not on the list that was submitted, but don't let that keep you
from coming. TFR's are infrequent since W. prefers his ranch to
camp David. The main thing that's required is to sit and chat a spell
with Emma Jane and Harry, the landowners. Best done after you fly, but
stop to sign the waiver first.

Brian Vant-Hull

On Wed, 20 Jul 2005 rlweber@rica.net wrote:

> I have never flown High Rock. Is there a special list that one needs to be
> on because of gov. security? I have today off and am thinking about where
> to fly.
> Randy
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