Call for High Rock Volunteers!

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Location: manhattan, New York

Call for High Rock Volunteers!

Post by brianvh »

Dear all;

Since for the 30th anniversary we expect an influx of pilots new
to High Rock (or who haven't flown the rock in years) it is important that we
have some management system in place. This is good for safety, and good to let
the Secret Service see us taking our role seriously in case of a TFR (we have
just submitted paperwork for a waiver).

I have set up a duty roster for 2 hour shifts running from the 8
am sled rides to the 8 pm final glassoff on saturday, and 8 am to 6 pm on
sunday. We hope to have 2 pilots per shift to check to see if pilots are
waivered, assist in hang checks and wire crew, and manage spectators.
This adds up to 20 volunteers if we completely fill the roster, and if we
have fewer then we may assign single flight directors during the lighter

Please help out by volunteering 2 hours of your time. Send me an
email specifying when you cannot volunteer and when your preferences are.
There is no guaruntee that you'll get your preference, but it doesn't hurt
to ask. I have an empty roster posted on the High Rock page, and will
begin to fill it once I have enough names. None of the placements will be
final until the day of the fly-in.

Even if you do not feel you are experienced enough to be a High
Rock flight director, you will be paired with a more experienced pilot and
can still help out with nearly all duties required of you. This is an
excellent opportunity for those not experienced with the Rock to observe
launches and get guidance from more experienced pilots.

Thank-you in advance!

Brian Vant-Hull
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