Reserve parachute throw/repack

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Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by mcelrah »

Peter Humes, our new tandem PG administrator, has found a large octagonal barn near Charles Towne WV (near Harper's Ferry) that would be suitable for subject clinic. There are large beams from which we could suspend ourselves in our harnesses, be spun by assistants, throw our 'chutes and then repack them with written instructions and some assistance from those who have done it before. This is an excellent opportunity to get at least one experience of actually throwing a 'chute - and it's important to "fluff up" and inspect the reserve periodically. The following dates are available: 4/2&3, 5/7&8, 5/14&15, 6/4&5. Rent is $100 for a 10-hour day, plus $10 if we want/need the heat turned on. We will discuss this at tonight's meeting, but would like to get commitments from those who cannot attend tonight for a repack clinic on one of these dates. - Hugh
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by pch »

Hi Hugh,
Did we get any HG pilots for the this? We PG'ers sure could use some experienced HG'ers for this clinic.
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by mcelrah »

Ya, there is plenty of interest across the board ,but I don't think we nailed down a date...
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by uplandann »

I vote for 4/2&/or3 looks good for me, so far. Would one need to attend both days or just one?

Ann H-2
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by pch »

This is just a one day event Ann. Seems like 4/2 or 3 is the best weekend. So what's the best day everyone? - Peter
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by brianvh »

I know when I used to run this thing we'd have problems with european paraglider chutes that didn't come with packing tabs. The manuals talked about using a comb like device, real PITA that was, we had to give up on them. It's good to have a pg instructor running this, may know how to deal with that particular snag. Or maybe the europeans wised up and put tabs at the top of the chutes.
Brian Vant-Hull
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by mcelrah »

Heck, let's just pick one - say the Saturday. It's sure to be soarable, so can we get started early, take a break to fly, then make a party of it when we resume later? (This may be a stretch - just sayin'.) - Hugh
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by kcarra »

Aren't we waiting to see whether Betty would be available for any of the dates?
Karen Carra
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by mcelrah »

Well, I guess I better call and see whether she is doing a trip... Thought someone else was calling... - Hugh
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by kcarra »

Matthew is calling - he is unable to post today
Karen Carra
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by mcelrah »

OK, just got off the phone with Betty: she has baby showers and weddings the first couple weekends, but can come 14-15 May, or 4-5 June. Deal is we cover transportation and lodging (sometimes kind-hearted people put her up at their home) - so we will have to charge a fee for the clinic, but it is well worth it. Her presentations provide a lot of motivation and information. She also has ideas for a different way to rig the suspension for the parachute throwing (involves a drop instead of just spinning) to provide greater verisimilitude without throwing up. - Hugh
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by sailin »

If there is a vote then mine is for June 4th........or May 15th (May 14th & 15th is Pulpit Fly In though)

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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by mcelrah »

Incorporating a repack into the fly-in might actually be a good idea... that said, June is better for me. - Hugh
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by lbunner »

ECC starts on the 5th of June. Might work best on the 4th if some of you are going to the ECC.
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by mikel »

Just think.... If it's near Charles Town, we could finish off the day by going to the casino :shock:
Mike Lee

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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by pch »

Yeah, make it a weekend, there are also accomodations right adjacent to the barn. I can ask about the fee if anyone does want to stay it's within easy access to Woodstock 50mi(1hr) S, or Pulpit 70mi(1 1/4hr) N. Saturday nights at the track/casino are good too, 4mi E.
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by uplandann »

Hmm this topic had dropped to the 2nd page....

I vote for the 4th of June... any consensus? We'd probably better decide soon before Betty fills the dates.

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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by mcelrah »

Thanks for putting it back on the first page, Ann! I see 3 votes for 4 June, so that's as scientific as it gets. Peter, please book the barn and I'll confirm with Betty. Need to fix a total for expenses - I guess we can ask for RSVPs and make a sliding scale for a fee based on how many show up. CHGPA BoD is willing to front some money if needed and might forgive part of the loan. Matthew and Karen have graciously offered Betty a stay at their spa/home.
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by pch »

Yeah, thanks Ann. I couldn't get in touch with the ops. mgr. for the barn this evening, concerning the Sat.6/4 date. Will probably hear from her tomorrow. I'ts probably still open. So, should I book it? Not sure, but she probably wants some deposit. Talk to you tomorrow Hugh.
Peter H.
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by mcelrah »

OK, I have confirmed 4 June with Betty Pfeiffer of High Energy Sports. (There was some discussion that this is already late in the season, but this is when we could get both Betty and the barn - she does a really good clinic. If you don't want to wait that long to get a repack, I would say it is well worth it to repack sooner, then have the experience of launching without leg-straps, getting turned upside down, gift-wrapped in your glider, etc. - and have to get your reserve out under these stressful conditions and throw it.) Given the excellent barn that Peter Humes has arranged for, we should have sufficient elevation to pull each pilot up the arc of the suspension rope - and then the "turbulator" will drop him/her without warning. Betty says this technique is actually better for providing the stress that we want to induce than the traditional method of spinning, beating with broom handles, etc. She also advocates loud noises (horn, firecrackers) - let your prediliction for tormenting your fellow pilots run wild.
We will be covering the cost for Betty's travel from LA and the barn rental, so there will be a charge, although the club directors may choose to forgive part of the money they put up in advance. We will need to take reservations and advance payment to ensure people show up. Based on my conversation with Betty, here is a list of desired infrastructure:

- ropes and other rigging materiel. For the"skycoaster" method outlined above, we will need a way to pull the pilot up the arc from the side, and then suddenly release him/her - a tow release with a long actuating line attached will work. May need a pulley arrangement for the side pull. We need more than one rig for multiple stations.
- ladders/platforms - for safely getting pilots suspended in their harnesses - and allowing them to run off a platform without leg loops connected (!)
- for the hang-glider pilots, one or more old control bars/frames (to practice climbing up into if you launch unhooked) - suspended from ropes
- mats (for practicing dropping out of the harness as a last resort if no one comes to get you out of the tree).
- a "chief turbulator" to supervise the pilots enthusiastically tormenting their buddies
- lecture area with chairs, projector (Betty will bring her PC) and screen
- someone to be in charge of setting up and troubleshooting this IT (to err is human, to really screw things up, ya gotta have a computer)
- tables - need 30 feet = 3 x 10-foot tables (Betty will bring straps for stretching chutes on the tables) - need 2-4 sets of tables depending on how many packing stations we need to get people done in a reasonable time
- tape or rope to keep people from crowding around the packing tables. Betty and perhaps one other expert para-rigger have to maintain their concentration to guard against mis-packing. The owner of the reserve being packed would certainly be invited inside the tape.
- someone to be in charge of the repacking area, make sure people flow through effciently, have all the materals etc (Betty will provide "packing assist loops" and high-quality rubber bands for the parachute risers).
- after throwing but prior to packing, each pilot should bring his/her balled-up chute to a separate inspection table to check porosity, rip strength, bug-juice damage etc.
- reserve chute inspector
- pilots should bring their packing manuals, if they have such - especially paraglider pilots with their screwball European reserve chutes.

Now these are not demands, these are desiderata in the interests of getting the most out of the clinic. We should fulfill as many as we can but not give up if one or more is too hard to come up with. We may not have any master para-riggers, but many of us have gone through at least one such clinic. Betty would like to meet with a core group of volunteers, perhaps the evening before (3 June) to train them, set up the tables with straps, suspension points from the beams, releases, bedsheets (to simulate getting gift-wrapped in a paraglider), ladders, mats, etc.

Peter, can we get access to the barn the evening before?

Pilots should bring harnesses (duh), helmets, boots, gloves - try to simulate as closely as possible what you would be wearing if/when an emergency occurs.

- Hugh
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by pink_albatross »

Wow... I bet admission will be less than to King's Dominion.

]OK, I have confirmed 4 June with Betty Pfeiffer of High Energy Sports. (There was some discussion that this is already late in the season, but this is when we could get both Betty and the barn - she does a really good clinic. If you don't want to wait that long to get a repack, I would say it is well worth it to repack sooner, then have the experience of launching without leg-straps, getting turned upside down, gift-wrapped in your glider, etc. - and have to get your reserve out under these stressful conditions and throw it.) Given the excellent barn that Peter Humes has arranged for, we should have sufficient elevation to pull each pilot up the arc of the suspension rope - and then the "turbulator" will drop him/her without warning. Betty says this technique is actually better for providing the stress that we want to induce than the traditional method of spinning, beating with broom handles, etc. She also advocates loud noises (horn, firecrackers) - let your prediliction for tormenting your fellow pilots run wild.


- ropes and other rigging materiel. For the"skycoaster" method outlined above, we will need a way to pull the pilot up the arc from the side, and then suddenly release him/her - a tow release with a long actuating line attached will work. May need a pulley arrangement for the side pull. We need more than one rig for multiple stations.
- ladders/platforms - for safely getting pilots suspended in their harnesses - and allowing them to run off a platform without leg loops connected (!)
- for the hang-glider pilots, one or more old control bars/frames (to practice climbing up into if you launch unhooked) - suspended from ropes
- mats (for practicing dropping out of the harness as a last resort if no one comes to get you out of the tree).
- a "chief turbulator" to supervise the pilots enthusiastically tormenting their buddies

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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by hang_pilot »

I'll take responsibility for getting the tables on-site. If someone has access to those, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll contact a local rental supply company and let Hugh know the costs for his budget. (I'll PM Peter to ask if the facility has any we can rent or borrow.)

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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by pch »

This is what is 'on site' at the barn: Ladders, scaffolding, chairs, 10 tables(6' & 8'), lecture area adjacent to the barn, and yes we will have access to the barn the night before. The barn is booked for us Sat. June 4th 8:00AM - 8:00PM. Are we going to the casino later that night?
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by mcelrah »

Thanks for jumping in, Daniel! If we split up the tasks, it won't be an indigestable bolus. "Many hands make light work." - Hugh
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Re: Reserve parachute throw/repack

Post by mcelrah »

They don't serve alcohol there, do they?! Got any dancers with feathers on their heads? - Hugh
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