Flying Tomorrow (7/2)

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Flying Tomorrow (7/2)

Post by hang_pilot »

Don’t have my site guide with me.? Does High Point take North o.k.?? Seems like lift will be better in that area.

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Post by markc »

I honestly can't remember if H. Point takes a North, sorry Daniel.

I'm thinking of a trip up to the Sac, and then possibly
Jack's tomorrow. Maybe camp out somewhere....

--mark c.
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thinking about the pulpit today

Post by bhardwick »

anyone else?
- Brian
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Flying Tomorrow (7/2)

Post by huddlec »

You can fly it when it's north, but you have to have a glider that can still make it into the wind to the LZ and it's a bit of a hike. A Falcon wouldn't begin to make it unless the lift was a SURE thing. JR is the person to talk to.

"Broxterman.Daniel" <> wrote:

Don?t have my site guide with me. Does High Point take North o.k.? Seems like lift will be better in that area.


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Flying Tomorrow (7/2)

Post by hang_pilot »

This is a bit out of date.? Is about flying Sac on 7/2.? I was responding to a message from Kevin on 7/3 that was off-list, only I thought I was on-list. ?
Talked Mark C into going to Sac with me yesterday, conversation went something like this:
Mark:? I don’t know, it’s a long drive and there’s a good chance we’ll sled, but I might be convinced…
Daniel:? Let’s do it.
Mark:? O.K. I can leave in 20 minutes.
BTW: I was already on the road when Christy posted about High Point (thanks, anyway, Christy).?
For those of you, who haven’t flown Sac, it’s a fairly shallow-slope slot.? You launch off an earthen mound that’s there to provide an extra measure of clearance over the trees at the bottom of the slot (especially needed in light winds). ??Mark and I were the only pilots there.? I guess everyone with no conflicting commitments was hanging at Hyner.? As I had never flown Sac, Mark let me go first so he could assist.? If I got up, I told him I would fly for about an hour and then help him if he didn’t decide to self-launch in the meantime.?
It took about 15 minutes to get high enough above the ridge to do a 360.? About 30 minutes into the flight, I had my first good climb to 2k over launch. ?About then, I watched Mark getting into position and eventually self-launching. (There’s nothing like a good climb to inspire other pilots.)? Thank you Mark!? If he hadn’t self-launched, I wouldn’t have been able to fly for 3.5 hours, another personal best!?
My best climb was to 3,288 over.? For a while, as Mark said over dinner, it felt like a spring day:? very rowdy. ??When I flew into a thermal, it was like someone was trying to yank the basetube out of my hands.? ?When I fell out of a thermal, it felt like jumping off a house. ?I can only imagine what it’s like flying in the desert, mid-day, mid-summer.
The 2nd half of the flight was more mellow and I came down by choice to pee.? Mark saw me boxing the field and came over to land.? He probably got in 3 hours himself.? ?We had dinner near Hershey and then Mark headed toward Pulpit to campout with plans to fly Jack’s or Bill’s today.?
I’m leaving town tomorrow for a week, not sure if I’ll be on-line.? Hope everyone has a good time over this long weekend, flying or doing whatever else brings you **JOY !**
Daniel A. Broxterman
Loan Officer
SunTrust Mortgage
301-507-6090 Phone
301-507-6070 Fax
301-275-6584 Cellular

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Lauren Tjaden
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Highland Sunday and Monday

Post by Lauren Tjaden »

Highland was fun, if not epic, on Sunday. Christy Huddle showed off great landing form resulting from tips she got from Kevin. Larry Huffman joined Paul and Ric N (looks like Ric was flying a new, VERY slick ship, now no one will ever be able to catch him on his COMBAT) on an attempt for the beach. PK beat them all out on his U2 -- the only king posted glider -- with his still modest 14 mile trek to the east. Tom, Tad, Hugh, Carlos, Christian, Erika, and countless others flew.
I figured it was poor judgment for me to fly when I couldn't pick up a glider (due to my shoulder injury, due to a moment of being stupie) and moped around the airpark, trying to depress all the happy pilots. Finally Cindy felt sorry for me and wheeled out the Decathlon. We flew first to Lewes beach in her beautiful, green striped, aerobatic plane, and then all the way south past Ocean City, right over the beach. (Wait, 500 feet off the beach, that was it). She let me fly for at least half an hour, and I felt grateful, though I have to admit I like my hang glider more.
Arrived back in time to watch the new tandem students absorbing knowledge and muscle memory. Enjoyed beer, gin, and cheap dinner at Sam's with some of the above mentioned friends.
I heard some stellar flights occurred at the Pulpit on Saturday. Those of us who are grounded want reports! Hey, I just looked at my Yahoo account, and I see that you Sky Gods did indeed have great flights. Major congrats.
BTW, AOL sucks. I still don't have the Pulpit reports from that email address. Why should email take 48 hours to appear?
The phone rang a few minutes ago (today is Monday). Paul is at Cape Henlopen with Ric, watching Karen and Jabin play in the surf while they break down. I hear Larry landed short. Maybe I can call him and see if he want to go out to dinner with me and eat some worms.
PS. My horse is lame, too. What is with my mojo?

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Flying Thursday 14 July?

Post by mcelrah »

The weather doesn't look that great, but I can get a hookey day
Thursday, so may come out and fly the Phantom. Will have the glider on
the car just in case. Alternatively, go kite the paraglider? We
working stiffs have to take what we can get.

Yesterday, after fixing my oscillation-on-tow problem (well, at least I
had one good tow to altitude without breaking a weak link or having to
pin off), I met Sallie at the boat for a very nice sunset dinner sail
in light air. It was great seeing everyone at Ridgely ; sorry I had to
rush off. Life is good - even if one does have to go to work the next
day. - Hugh

On 11 Jul 2005, at 17:49, Lauren Tjaden wrote:

> Highland was fun, if not epic, on Sunday. Christy Huddle showed off
> great landing form resulting from tips she got from Kevin. Larry
> Huffman joined Paul and Ric N (looks like Ric was flying a new, VERY
> slick ship, now no one will ever be able to catch him on his COMBAT)
> on an attempt for the beach. PK beat them all out on his U2 -- the
> only king posted glider -- with his still modest 14 mile trek to the
> east. Tom, Tad, Hugh, Carlos, Christian, Erika, and countless others
> flew.
> I figured it was poor judgment for me to fly when I couldn't pick up
> a glider (due to my shoulder injury, due to a moment of being stupie)
> and moped around the airpark, trying to depress all the happy pilots.
> Finally Cindy felt sorry for me and wheeled out the Decathlon. We flew
> first to Lewes beach in her beautiful, green striped, aerobatic plane,
> and then all the way south past Ocean City, right over the beach.
> (Wait, 500 feet off the beach, that was it). She let me fly for at
> least half an hour, and I felt grateful, though I have to admit I like
> my hang glider more.
> Arrived back in time to watch the new tandem students absorbing
> knowledge and muscle memory. Enjoyed beer, gin, and cheap dinner at
> Sam's with some of the above mentioned friends.
> I heard some stellar flights occurred at the Pulpit on Saturday.
> Those of us who are grounded want reports! Hey, I just looked at my
> Yahoo account, and I see that you Sky Gods did indeed have great
> flights. Major congrats.
> BTW, AOL sucks. I still don't have the Pulpit reports from that email
> address. Why should email take 48 hours to appear?
> The phone rang a few minutes ago (today is Monday). Paul is at Cape
> Henlopen with Ric, watching Karen and Jabin play in the surf while
> they break down. I hear Larry landed short. Maybe I can call him and
> see if he want to go out to dinner with me and eat some worms.
> Lauren
> PS. My horse is lame, too. What is with my mojo?
> Lauren
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