Blue Sky Saturday

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Blue Sky Saturday

Post by rancerupp »

Had a fun day at Blue Sky today. Got there late, about 2pm but it SURE WAS GOOD TO SEE HOLLY AND SCOTT THERE. Holly, you are looking very good. And you STILL make great cookies. Many were there celebrating Holly's recovery. And a happy birthday to Daniel too.

I took the next hour to put in my 34 battons, watching others getting towed up and stay up. I should find a way to leave my battons in and still fold it up. Ha Ha.

Did not really find any huge lift during the tow but Tex did drop me off in a light thermal. I rode that to 4100 (slowly, though). Didn't really have any problems with drifting. Had fun playing ping pong up and down with Mike and Jason. I saw others towing and flying, but don't know who.

Ended up with 1:11 overall. Not what I expected looking at the sirrus clouds on the way down. It's nice to have a nice flight on the first try. Till next time guys.

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Post by Scott »

Thanks Rance---it was GREAT to be back at the flight park with Holly and see everyone. Yesterday marked my first time back in the air too. I waited 'til later in the afternoon to do some truck tows. It might seem like nothing, but I was dealing with a bit of nervousness/uneasiness at flying again after what happened to Holly and all we've been through.

Steve was great, and before I said anything, he came up and said "I know what you're thinking Scott---just relax, and let's just have a nice, easy, uneventful flight and a solid landing. You'll feel a lot better after that."

My first tow and flight were great. It felt SO GOOD to be back in the air again. At altitude, I let go of the basetube, let my arms hang down for a moment, and just relaxed. Really nice. :) Even better, I nailed my landing with a solid no-stepper. Aaaahhh!

After a few more truck tows, I transitioned to my first truck launches off an aerotow dolly. Those went smoothly, and I was relieved launching from the dolly was easier than I'd expected. Being a newbie, I dropped the dolly about a foot on my first launch, but released without a drop on my second. Holly was there wiith me, giving some helpful advice.

This evening I do my first solo aerotows---WOOHOO! (Conditions permitting, of course.)

I can't wait 'til Holly is back up there with me---which she will be before long! Holly remarked that it was goood for her just to watch other pilots aerotow---confirmation that yes, flying is safe and she can do it again.

We all had a great time hanging out after flying. The evening offered a beautiful sunset with clouds glowing brightly in the fading light. Daniel Shapiro's birthday celebration was great as well, with a special birthday peach pie and ice cream! (Everyone laughed when Charlyn, Daniel's wife, said "Okay---let's light the pie!")

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Blue Sky Saturday

Post by hang_pilot »

Did you get to solo aerotow?? (sorry if I missed that in a later post)

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott []
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 10:24 AM
Subject: Blue Sky Saturday
Thanks Rance---it was GREAT to be back at the flight park with Holly and see everyone. Yesterday marked my first time back in the air too. I waited 'til later in the afternoon to do some truck tows. It might seem like nothing, but I was dealing with a bit of nervousness/uneasiness at flying again after what happened to Holly and all we've been through.

Steve was great, and before I said anything, he came up and said "I know what you're thinking Scott---just relax, and let's just have a nice, easy, uneventful flight and a solid landing. You'll feel a lot better after that."

My first tow and flight were great. It felt SO GOOD to be back in the air again. At altitude, I let go of the basetube, let my arms hang down for a moment, and just relaxed. Really nice. ImageEven better, I nailed my landing with a solid no-stepper. Aaaahhh!

After a few more truck tows, I transitioned to my first truck launches off an aerotow dolly. Those went smoothly, and I was relieved launching from the dolly was easier than I'd expected. Being a newbie, I dropped the dolly about a foot on my first launch, but released without a drop on my second. Holly was there wiith me, giving some helpful advice.

This evening I do my first solo aerotows---WOOHOO! (Conditions permitting, of course.)

I can't wait 'til Holly is back up there with me---which she will be before long! Holly remarked that it was goood for her just to watch other pilots aerotow---confirmation that yes, flying is safe and she can do it again.

We all had a great time hanging out after flying. The evening offered a beautiful sunset with clouds glowing brightly in the fading light. Daniel Shapiro's birthday celebration was great as well, with a special birthday peach pie and ice cream! (Everyone laughed when Charlyn, Daniel's wife, said "Okay---let's light the pie!")


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Re: Blue Sky Saturday

Post by Scott »

hang_pilot wrote:Scott-Did you get to solo aerotow?? (sorry if I missed that in a later post)
<big sigh> Nope. :( We waited around 'til 3pm Sunday but the weather never cooperated (rainy, cloudy, windy) and I didn't want to make Holly sit there any longer waiting on me.

I'm hell-bent on doing it this weekend though---I've let Steve know I plan to be there from Friday afternoon through Wednesday morning next week, and I'm not leaving 'til I do it! (I'm on the top of his schedule list.)

I really want to get back to flying the mountains...but I've been on a sort of mission to aerotow...and I've found it hard to think of the mountains 'til I accomplish that mission. Doing cart launches while truck towing was a good first step, since that's one less new thing to focus on.


PS - Launching from a dolly was easier than I thought...but I was surprised at how subtle the feedback from the grab line was that told me I was flying and to let go. The first time I had a death grip on the line and almost had no idea I was flying ('til I dropped the cart a foot!). I lightened my touch on the line afterwards (just a couple fingers) but was still surprised at how subtle the timing was.
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Blue Sky Saturday

Post by hang_pilot »

[Scott wrote] Launching from a dolly was easier than I thought...but I was surprised at how subtle the feedback from the grab line was that told me I was flying and to let go. The first time I had a death grip on the line and almost had no idea I was flying ('til I dropped the cart a foot!). I lightened my touch on the line afterwards (just a couple fingers) but was still surprised at how subtle the timing was.
[Daniel] I think the general consensus is better to hang on too long than to come out too early!? Sorry you got blanked again.? Better luck this weekend.

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