Boat Tows on Lake Conroe, TX

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Boat Tows on Lake Conroe, TX

Post by ChuckPyle »

An awesome day for boat tows. And I just can't express the "coolness"
factor in being able to set up in my back yard and have Gregg come by, mount
my Falcon on his boat, make a couple of traditional tows (1,350' and 1570',
respectively) with extendo's -- landing north of an island in 3-1/2 feet of
water and then end my flying day by landing in the marina at my home on the
third and last tow.

Gregg and Jack, as usual, provided expert winch and boat handling. Wind was
a bit "switchy" which caused me to go to the "back-up" plan while setting up
for landing in the marina. Three flags near my home were each showing
different wind directions. Using the floats (versus the pontoons) is much
less forgiving -- actually requiring decent landing tecnique? Landing
upwind really is highly recommended with the floats so when I noticed my
landing "trajectory" was covering way too much horizontal distance relative
to the vertical drop, I knew I was setting up for a downwind landing -- at
which point I abandoned that strategy, set up for a low 180 and actually did
land into the wind with sufficient altitude and plenty of open water to add
to the safety factor.

An extra "bonus" on the day was when another pilot borrowed my Falcon to fly
& film. He's producing a music video to comemorate his 50th birthday in
which, of course, he is the star of the video. He's also the musician (four
instruments), vocal, lyrics writer (some admittedly "stolen"), producer,
editor, etc etc. Other activities in the video will include him
motorcycling, sky diving and scuba diving. Wish I could recall all the
lyics to the song he's written but the first bit was something like "I
sometimes wonder what life would be if I had kept my feet upon the ground."
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Boat Tows on Lake Conroe, TX

Post by brianvh »

Please provide an address, the number of extra beds available, and
where you hide the key.

Brian Vant-Hull

On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, Chuck Pyle wrote:

> An awesome day for boat tows. And I just can't express the "coolness"
> factor in being able to set up in my back yard and have Gregg come by, mount
> my Falcon on his boat, make a couple of traditional tows (1,350' and 1570',
> respectively) with extendo's -- landing north of an island in 3-1/2 feet of
> water and then end my flying day by landing in the marina at my home on the
> third and last tow.
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