Passing of Richard D. Newton, Former CHGA President

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Passing of Richard D. Newton, Former CHGA President

Post by davidtheamazing1 »

"He was a Master-rated hang glider pilot (oldest Master rated Pilot in 1984 in the U.S.); Director of National Aeronautic Association and U.S.H.G.A. and President of the Capitol Hang Glider Association." ... =142179434

He specifically left instructions to his next of kin to be sure and inform the CHGPA club, so please pass the word on to any that may have known him.
Richard Hays
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Re: Passing of Richard D. Newton, Former CHGA President

Post by Richard Hays »

I hate hearing stuff like this. But time marches on I guess.

I didn't know Dick all that well, but I did fly with him on occaision and work with him on matters between the two clubs. What I do recall is that he was a very, very nice man. Always smiling and willing to lend a hand. A good and safe pilot. A very good President of the Capitol club. You could just tell the guy loved to fly and loved hanggliding especially, and all those involved in the club.

Y'know...people come and go thru our club(s) doors. Very talented and unique people. You take for granted that they'll always be around. Its easy to forget that "so and so" hasn't been to a meeting in awhile or have been seen at the flying site lately. You just kinda think they're taking a break or something. But time marches on and people....wonderful people move on as well. But I hope never to be forgotten.

Dick had the reigns of the club. He was respected and you always felt that he had matters well in hand. His presence made you feel that way. He will be missed but not forgotten.

Richard Hays
President-Maryland Hanggliding Association
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