A first for me at the pulpit sat.

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A first for me at the pulpit sat.

Post by hepcat1989 »

I almost forgot about a launch I had witnessed saturday. Denis Scheele launched his topless talon from the pg launch. He had five of so steps into straight in wind- off he went.It looked nice, sure would be good to get those boulders out of the way! Has anyone else watched this type of launch at the pulpit? Pretty cool. Shawn.
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A first for me at the pulpit sat.

Post by rs54263 »

As far as I know, that's the first HG launch of any sort from the
ground at the Pulpit. We had talked about it being possible
(eventually) to launch Falcons out of there, but never seriously
considered higher-performance gliders. Part of me thinks this is
really cool, but part of me also wonders "What was he thinking?!"


from: hepcat1989 (06/19/2005 10:56)

I almost forgot about a launch I had witnessed saturday. Denis Scheele
launched his topless talon from the pg launch. He had five of so steps
into straight in wind- off he went.It looked nice, sure would be good
to get those boulders out of the way! Has anyone else watched this type
of launch at the pulpit? Pretty cool. Shawn.
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