Blue Sky on Friday (Holly Visit)

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Blue Sky on Friday (Holly Visit)

Post by hang_pilot »

Hi, Scott (everyone) -
I’m planning on flying at Blue Sky on Friday.? Forecast looks good right now, hopefully others will want to go, too.
If I don’t see you two there, I’ll stop by on the way home (will call first).?
Quick question: when you mention boosting the shakes, are you talking about using a weight-gain supplement?? If not and you’re interested, there’s a GNC close to my office.? I’d be happy to pick some up for you…help to get the caloric intake higher.
Let me know if you’re interested in the supplement.?
301-275-6584 Cellular

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott []
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 11:59 AM
Subject: Holly's Accident
Hi Everyone:

Holly continues to recover at home. The hospital gradually seems a more distant memory. Each day gets a little bit more normal, as we slowly return to things like watching movies, puttering on our laptops together, and doing household chores.

Holly had a followup appointment with the doctors yesterday. They said she's looking good, no problems with healing. Even better, she's going back on Thursday next week to get her jaws un-wired---WOOHOO! We're both looking forward to that.

I've been gently pushing Holly to keep going more during the day (instead of sleeping), and to take small walks, go to the bookstore with me, just anything to get her moving again. I know it's a huge effort to get your body moving again after two straight weeks of lying in bed. The swelling in her face has gone down a lot, and in a few more days she'll start looking almost normal, though the worst thing now are the wires and bands holding her jaws together---they're terribly uncomfortable for her. Another 10 days and those will be gone.

Her diet has been pretty minimal, as she can't even eat mushy soups---it's got to be pure liquid. So we've been doing lots of "Boost" shakes, chicken and beef broth, cranberry juice, and fresh fruit smoothies. She's probably lost 10-15lbs, and the doctor told us to increase her daily caloric intake---more Boost shakes!

She still has a tough time with it all. Imagine living your life, then just waking up one day in the hospital, beat to hell, and not remembering how it happened (she still doesn't). I know it's been difficult for her, even though she knows most of the details of the accident. She still has what can only be described as occasional low-grade anxiety attacks, where she thinks everything is a dream, and wonders when she'll really wake up. I'm trying my best to be "real," to be her link to normal life...and I've told her that the more we can do "normal life" things, the better off she'll be. Like any accident victim, the temptation is powerful to just languish in bed, obsessing over discomfort and injuries...but I've told Holly---very forcefully---that I won't let her go there! And I'm incredibly proud of how she's hung in there and improved each day.

We're planning to go down to Blue Sky tomorrow or (more likely) Friday. I really need some airtime, and Holly says she would be up for a visit (and a change of scenery). I also think it's important to both of us to make that symbolic step of flying again (even if it's just me for now). And for the record, Holly still fully intends to fly again!

Some of you have visited Holly and we're both very grateful for your visits! They do us both a world of good---and help bring back that vital connection that Holly has with all of you. Please don't hesitate to call or visit anytime you like---you are always welcome, and visits will always help!

Thanks for all your continued love and support, and we hope to see you all soon!

Scott (on Holly's behalf!)

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Post by Scott »

Grounded for now...

As hard as it is, I've decided to stay grounded for now. I was eager to start flying again, but then pondered the "what ifs:" what if I was in an accident? Unlikely, yes...but Holly hasn't fully recovered from her life-threatening accident, and Holly's accident was hard on my daughter Kate (who loves Holly as much as I do).

There is no way I could allow even a remote possibility of me getting hurt so soon after the last accident, and putting Holly and Kate through it all again.


So for the next couple of weeks, I guess I'm sticking to gentle hikes, and helping Holly get back to 100% again. It won't kill me. <weak smile>

We're still planning to go to Blue Sky today or tomorrow just to say hello...but I'm not sure which day it'll be. Life around the house gets dreadfully boring, so we're scratching for things to do that...
a) aren't too strenuous for Holly, and
b) don't involve being a long way from home (in case anything happens to her)

It's not easy when our lives are normally focused exclusively on high-energy, active outdoor sports. We're both going a little nuts. We know big improvements are coming over the next week, culminating next Thursday when Holly gets her jaw un-wired.

Thanks for your continued support,
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