BlueSky Friday

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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BlueSky Friday

Post by tdilisio »

Managed to escape work today and headed to BlueSky.

The wind direction was cross and it was hard making a decision which way to launch... most of the day we launched from the S-N direction. Later in the day N-S seemed best.

I was the first to tow and released at 800ft right into a thermal that took me to almost 4000ft agl. stayed up for about 45 minutes until the flush cycle hit. 2nd tow was about 770ft and a sled ride.

Both landings were decent. Great day. Needed that. Damn camera didn't work, though.

ChuckOK had a good flight, too.

Chutes in for a repack before heading to Quest... so I'll be grounded this weekend.
tdilisio at yahoo dot com
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Re: BlueSky Friday

Post by chuckok »

Nice day to skip work, head to Blue Sky to pick up equipment after getting chute repacked ...

Dead West cross ... Managed about 800' pin-off ... but, caught a little zero sink ... then ... a little up ... managed about 3,100' wandering over the golf course before I made my way back toward the field droping to about 2K ... then circling back up to 3K ... probably could have done it again, but an awful lot of work ... need to get those soring arms in shape!!! :roll:

All in all ... a great day!
Chuck O’Keeffe, H3
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Re: BlueSky Friday

Post by RichH »

Congratulations Tony and Chuck they were awesome flights on a very light day at the field..Way to go!!
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