The Region 9 XC contest

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Dan T
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The Region 9 XC contest

Post by Dan T »

During the East Coast Championship competition I had the chance to have
breakfast in town with Pete a couple of days. While we were waiting on breakfast
one morning he showed me the results of this year's Region 9 XC contest. The
results were that damn few pilots bothered to sign up and fewer still recorded
any flights. Pete declared that the level of participation is eroding to the
point that it may not be worth while to continue the contest.

Losing this contest will be a significant loss to our community. It
motivates us to get out and fly and gives us a special reason to look forward to
Spring. The only way we are going to keep it is to continue to participate in it.
If you have participated in this contest in the past or even if you haven't,
and you have an interest in XC, I encourage you to let him know that you are
interested and that you will sign up next season. The way to keep the contest
going is to participate in it.

By the way, for those of you who have never seen one of his trophy plaques,
they are really nice. If the last place finisher in the East Coast Challenge
can win one so can you.

Dan T.
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The Region 9 XC contest

Post by rs54263 »

>> The results were that damn few pilots bothered to sign up and fewer
still recorded any flights.

Isn't the Region 9 XC contest limited to Spring? Didn't the weather
pretty well suck this Spring for flying at all, let alone for going XC?

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The Region 9 XC contest

Post by XCanytime »

The weather this spring was not as bad as the 2002 spring season, or the 2003 spring season, where in 2003 it rained 7 weekends in a row (from early May to late June) and wiped out literally every weekend in May 2003.? There were halfway decent XC conditions at least one day of 6 of the 11 weekends of the contest this year, so no one can claim that there weren't opportunities. I flew every weekend in May (4), and went XC twice (should have gone XC at least 4 times).? With the success of the ECC, I hope that the newer pilots in the Sport Class will enter this rewarding contest.

???????????????????????????????????????????????? Bacil
Paul Tjaden
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The Region 9 XC contest

Post by Paul Tjaden »

In a message dated 6/13/2005 6:11:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Isn't the Region 9 XC contest limited to Spring??

There are 2 sections to the contest. One section is run?until Memorial Day, and there is some small entry fee, maybe 25 bucks. (I would have killed to have done well in this last year. I spent DAYS visualizing my beach flight that never happened. This year we were out of town until after the finish, and Florida flights don't count). Pilots are ranked in different categories according to their experience, for instance, so that Alek doesn't have to compete against Tom.
The second part of the contest runs the whole season, and I believe that there's no entry. You should submit your flights to Pete at the end of the year when he requests them, though. I believe Pete runs the contest as a service to the hang gliding community and to keep some sort of record of the XC flights that occur in the region. I think Pete may also be motivated by trying to encourage, through the contest, other pilots to experience the joys of XC flying. I've got all the rules and what the awards are for copied on my computer somewhere, and if anyone would like them, I am happy to send them. Please contact me off list.
One important item to remember is that Pete's last name has TWO Ns, DAMMIT, and if you want credit for your flights you had better spell it correctly. It's LAYMUNN. You know these Sky Gods have their egos.
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The Region 9 XC contest

Post by hang_pilot »

You can read about Lauren’s first mountain flight at
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 6:48 PM
Subject: Re: The Region 9 XC contest
In a message dated 6/13/2005 6:11:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, ( writes:
Isn't the Region 9 XC contest limited to Spring??

There are 2 sections to the contest. One section is run?until Memorial Day, and there is some small entry fee, maybe 25 bucks. (I would have killed to have done well in this last year. I spent DAYS visualizing my beach flight that never happened. This year we were out of town until after the finish, and Florida flights don't count). Pilots are ranked in different categories according to their experience, for instance, so that Alek doesn't have to compete against Tom.
The second part of the contest runs the whole season, and I believe that there's no entry. You should submit your flights to Pete at the end of the year when he requests them, though. I believe Pete runs the contest as a service to the hang gliding community and to keep some sort of record of the XC flights that occur in the region. I think Pete may also be motivated by trying to encourage, through the contest, other pilots to experience the joys of XC flying. I've got all the rules and what the awards are for copied on my computer somewhere, and if anyone would like them, I am happy to send them. Please contact me off list.
One important item to remember is that Pete's last name has TWO Ns, DAMMIT, and if you want credit for your flights you had better spell it correctly. It's LAYMUNN. You know these Sky Gods have their egos.

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Flying Lobster
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bad spring?

Post by Flying Lobster »

I was only down in DC for a week and a half this spring--but most of the days I went flying on featured some of the best conditions I have ever seen in the region, and I've been flying there since 1987.

You can't fly if you don't set up, you can't set up if you don't come out, and you aren't going to come out if you're going to stay at home all day searching for perfect conditions on the internet. Perhaps selling your glider and get a bowling ball will have better results.

Great Googly-moo!
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Re: The Region 9 XC contest

Post by markc »

XCanytime wrote:There were halfway decent XC conditions at least one day of 6 of the 11 weekends of the contest this year, so no one can claim that there weren't opportunities.
Hmmm, I dunno... Didn't the March and April weekends pretty much
completely suck? Sure, a couple flyable days.... But not much more
than that! Those unable to fly during the week were really screwed
this year.

The poor (weekend) conditions for 3 out of the last 4 spring seasons
certainly hasn't helped generate enthusiasm for the Region IX
contests... Maybe we need to do something to up the ante? Some
prizes (or cash) donated by area clubs perhaps? In bad years,
that might keep the interest level up. And if the ECC is at Highland
again next year, that might also help.

--mark c.
Posts: 2620
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The Region 9 XC contest

Post by XCanytime »

Sunday March 20th Nelson Lewis flies 80 miles XC from Tobacco Row Mt.? Local gamblers went to Woodstock in the PM that very day and got some serious airtime and altitude gains.? Certainly seemed XCable.? Last weekend of April/May Sunday May 1st rowdy but big altitude gains at Woodstock.? The next 4 weekends produced halfway decent conditions.? We can't do anything about the weather.? It is what it is.? But statistically it wasn't that bad this year.

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Bacil
Flying Lobster
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Post by Flying Lobster »

It was indeed a bad spring--P Lehmann only managed to go 128 miles on one of his xc flights. Look at the New England HG and PG list serve--many long flights around 100 miles during the same period of instability that also existed over much of region 9.

I think it is fair to say "I couldn't/didn't/wouldn't go because of X..."

But it certainly is not accurate to say that good xc conditions were not available. Just as a statistical example, 4 of days I flew in region 9 during my 10 day visit featured thermals of 400 to 740 fpm for much of the afternoon and cloudbases of 7K plus.

I personally didn't go xc because .......X

Great Googly-moo!
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Post by rancerupp »


Please don't stop the contest. I still plan on participating in the year long part. Bacil has graciously offered to mentor me in some XC at WS. However, it has been MY schedule that has prevented it. I appreciate the work (and it is work) you have done to keep this up during past years.

As soon as I get back to Va I plan on hitting this hard. My dream is eventually to fly from Blue Sky or from WS to home. I want to keep this phase of my training in as safe a realm as reasonable though. XC should be planned, not happen as an accident. Hope to be joining you XCers soon.

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XC and Region 9 Contest

Post by Matthew »

Two things come to mind on this topic. One is marketing. Posting something announcing a contest may be insufficient for those who are new to the sport or to the fence sitters. The fence sitters aren't going to enter something unless you beat them over the head and sell the thing hard-- write a newletter article espousing the contest and joys of XC flying, recruit pilots at the local clubs to sell the idea and hold a seminars on XC flying to promote the contest, contact the people who regularly enter and nag them to nag others to enter, put out several reminders on the various hg forums, etc.

The other is that XC flying is sometimes just a big PIA-- landing out and waiting forever in the heat for a ride, imposing on friends, being lost despite having a GPS and maps, pissing off a landowner by dropping in on their private land. I only go XC when it's convenient (i.e. the rare times I have a driver), it looks too good not to go XC, going XC will get you out of the chop on the ridge and into better air (like at the Pulpit) or when going XC is the only way to stay up-- an occurrence that sometimes happens later in the day at Ridgely. I personally enjoy going XC in the PG more than the HG in that you can hitch hike back easier and you can land in smaller fields.

John Simon
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The Region 9 XC contest

Post by John Simon »

Where can I read about the XC contest and rules?? I did not know it was more than just a spring deal.? I was not ready this spring to enter, but maybe now I can give it a whirl?? I know the login name for the CHGPA members only area, just forgot the password so if it's in there maybe a little hint??
John Simon

-----Original Message-----
From: rancerupp []
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 11:14 AM
Subject: The Region 9 XC contest


Please don't stop the contest. I still plan on participating in the year long part. Bacil has graciously offered to mentor me in some XC at WS. However, it has been MY schedule that has prevented it. I appreciate the work (and it is work) you have done to keep this up during past years.

As soon as I get back to Va I plan on hitting this hard. My dream is eventually to fly from Blue Sky or from WS to home. I want to keep this phase of my training in as safe a realm as reasonable though. XC should be planned, not happen as an accident. Hope to be joining you XCers soon.


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The Region 9 XC contest

Post by hang_pilot »

I’ve responded to John’s password request off-line.? The following is copied from Pete’s post to the old server on 3/8/05.
OK Folks,

Finally, here are the actual rules, etc for the Region Nine 2005 =
Regional Contests. I would be grateful if readers of this list in more =
distant parts of the Region would disseminate this announcement within =
their local flying communities.

If you chose to enter, please copy the Entry Form found at the bottom =
of this mess and mail it to me with the $15 check made out in my legal =
name of Lawrence Lehmann. Banks can be narrow-minded.

Let's hope that Nelson Lewis' recent fifty miler is an omen for the =

Pete Lehmann


(March 19-May 30)


January1-December 31

The 2005 Regional Championship will once again be a weekend =
cross-country contest in which pilots may fly from any Region Nine site =
(plus exceptions listed below) during the contest period. The pilots may =
fly as often as they like, and their three longest flights will be =
totaled to determine the winners. Depending upon participation, there =
will be as many as five classes: Open, Sixty Mile, Rookie, Paraglider, =
and Rigid.

There will be no requirement to formally enter the Yearlong X-C contest. =
At the end of the flying season I will solicit flight information from =
all pilots who might have flown X-C within Region Nine. My intention is =
that the resulting Yearlong article become a comprehensive record of all =
cross-country flights within the Region, whether by residents or =
visiting pilots.


There are no changes this year.


XC flying is a special type of flying that requires specific skills =
to be accomplished safely. The critical cross-country skills are landing =
skills. If you have doubts about your ability to chose and assess =
possible landing fields, and safely deal with the unexpected conditions =
encountered going into an unknown LZ, don't go cross-country. If you are =
whacking landings in your home lzs, places with wind streamers and =
familiar approaches, you have no business going XC. Period.

Neither this nor any other contest is worth getting hurt. Be careful.

1. DATES: WEEKENDS FROM MARCH 19-MAY 30 including Good Friday (March 25) =
and Memorial Day (May 30).

You may enter the contest after March 25, but your flights will only =
count from the day of the postmark on your entry form.=20

2. PERMITTED LAUNCH SITES: Contestants may launch from anywhere in =
Region Nine, plus from the following sites which are the principal =
launches of Region Nine pilots living on the periphery of the Region: =
Laughery Creek, IN; the Toledo,OH area tow sites over the border in =
Indiana; Redwing Airport in Jobstown, NJ; Santinis, Manukachunk, and =
Skytop in NJ, and Katydid, NY. Tow launches are limited to a maximum =
release height of 3,000 above the tow strip. Distance measurements are =
from the point at which the tow starts on the ground.

3. ELIGIBILITY: The contest is open to any current Intermediate or =
better USHGA pilot flying a class 1,2,or 3 hang glider. Membership in =
Rookie and Sixty Mile classes is defined as pilots who have not flown =
further than 25 and 60 miles, respectively, anywhere east of the =
Mississippi prior to March 15. All Class One flexwing pilots will also =
be ranked in the Open class. Bi-wingual pilots may fly both types of =
wings but will be scored in two separate classes. Paragliders and rigid =
wings will, subject to adequate participation (five entrants/class), be =
scored separately and without further sub-division.

When relevant, the top-placing pilots whose address of record is in =
Region Nine on the contest's opening day will be considered for the =
Region's slots in the Nationals.

4. FLYING DAYS AND PERSONAL SCHEDULING: All flights are to be made on =
weekends, including Good Friday and Memorial Day. Pilots who work on =
weekends may fly on their regularly scheduled off-days whenever, and =
however irregularly they may occur up to a maximum of twenty-four days
the length of the contest. This implies an honor system for those pilots =
as I cannot verify that they didn't change their schedules to get a =
crack at a good XC day, or that they didn't have more than twenty-four =
days off. Expect to hear from me if you submit three contest-winning =
Wednesday flights.

Pilots who miss contest days due to previously scheduled absences may =
re-schedule make-up days subject to the limitations below. It is the =
pilot's responsibility to contact me and make arrangements for make-up =

MAKE-UP DAYS must be scheduled at least four days in advance. In =
addition, no pilot may have more than four consecutive days in any =
seven-day period. After re-scheduling missed days, one can have the =
following maximum number of flying days in each month: March (6); April =
(10); and May, (11). This means that if you miss days in one month you =
will have only the limited flexibility of using one or two extra days =
during each of the three flying months.

5. PERMISSIBLE FLIGHTS: Straight-line distance from launch or the =
beginning of a tow on the ground to landing location. With camera, GPS, =
or witness confirmation pilots may use a remote start point after hill =
launches (not tow launches).

6. FLIGHT REGISTRATION: If you have a gps, I strongly suggest you save =
the gps tracklog on your computer. If you can't do that, note the =
lat/lon of your landing and write it in your logbook. Mail, fax, or =
e-mail me a record of your three best flights no later than June 15. I =
will send all contestants a reminder/registration form shortly before =
the end of the contest.=

In the event of very close results, I reserve the right to conduct my =
own measurements, and they will be final.=

7. WINNER DETERMINATION: Winners will be determined by the largest total =
miles accumulated in three flights of up to a maximum of sixty miles per =
flight. The first tie-breaker will be the greatest total distance, and =
the second tie breaker will be the single-longest flight.

There will be plaques for the first three places in all classes, and I =
will submit to Hang Gliding an article detailing the results.=

8. ENTRY FEE: $15


This contest provides recognition for the single longest flight in =
Region Nine. It is common that there will be different winners in the =
two contests. The Regionals, with its three flights and the sixty-mile =
flight limit, measures consistency, while the Yearlong contest =
emphasizes attitude. Ya gotta be there, ya gotta go a long way, and, ya =
gotta be a bit lucky. Winners will receive certificates and achieve =
immortality in the pages of Hang Gliding magazine. Distances will be =
measured in a straight line but remote start points may be used subject =
to the above verification requirements.

ELIGIBILITY: There's no formal requirement to enter this contest. All =
pilots entered in the Regionals are automatically entered in this one =
too. =

If you intend to enter ONLY this contest, please fill out and =
email/mail/fax me the Entry Form. It is not required that you do so, =
but it makes it less likely that I will miss including your long flight =
in the results.

SITES: Anywhere in Region Nine plus the exceptions listed in the =
Regional's rules.

DATES: January 1-December 31, 2005




Designate which contest(s) you would like to enter:

____ 2005 Regional Championship ($15 entry fee)

____ 2005 Yearlong Cross-Country Contest (No Fee)


Pilot Name____________________________________________________________



Home phone:_____________________________Cell =

Work phone:______________________________

E-Mail___________________________________ FAX #_________________________

USHGA#__________________ Rating__________Total Hours_____________

Approx. Total Region 9 XC miles?______Longest XC East of =

Open/60-Mile/Rookie Class/Rigid/Paraglider? (circle one)


Glider Type_______________________________________________________

If you don't have regular Saturdays and Sundays off, what are your off =

If entering the Regionals, please return the completed form with a $15 =
check made out to my legal name:=20

Lawrence Lehmann

5811Elgin St.

Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Yearlong Contestants can simply email/fax/mail their form. There is no =
-----Original Message-----
From: John []
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 2:34 PM
Subject: RE: The Region 9 XC contest
Where can I read about the XC contest and rules?? I did not know it was more than just a spring deal.? I was not ready this spring to enter, but maybe now I can give it a whirl?? I know the login name for the CHGPA members only area, just forgot the password so if it's in there maybe a little hint??
John Simon

-----Original Message-----
From: rancerupp []
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 11:14 AM
To: (
Subject: The Region 9 XC contest


Please don't stop the contest. I still plan on participating in the year long part. Bacil has graciously offered to mentor me in some XC at WS. However, it has been MY schedule that has prevented it. I appreciate the work (and it is work) you have done to keep this up during past years.

As soon as I get back to Va I plan on hitting this hard. My dream is eventually to fly from Blue Sky or from WS to home. I want to keep this phase of my training in as safe a realm as reasonable though. XC should be planned, not happen as an accident. Hope to be joining you XCers soon.


The information transmitted is intended solely for the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of or taking action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you have received this email in error please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.
Seeing Beyond Money is a service mark of SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Paul Tjaden
Posts: 398
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2005 10:28 pm

The Region 9 XC contest

Post by Paul Tjaden »

This is the info about the yearly XC contest below. There are also different categories for different experience level pilots.
This contest provides recognition for the single longest flight in Region Nine. It is common that there will be different winners in the two contests. The Regionals, with its three flights and the sixty-mile flight limit, measures consistency, while the Yearlong contest emphasizes attitude. Ya gotta be there, ya gotta go a long way, and, ya gotta be a bit lucky. Winners will receive certificates and achieve immortality in the pages of Hang Gliding magazine.? Distances will be measured in a straight line but remote start points may be used subject to the above verification requirements.
ELIGIBILITY: There’s no formal requirement to enter this contest.? All pilots entered in the Regionals are automatically entered in this one too.?
If you intend to enter ONLY this contest, please fill out and email/mail/fax me the Entry Form.? It is not required that you do so, but it makes it less likely that I will miss including your long flight in the results.
SITES: Anywhere in Region Nine plus the exceptions listed in the Regional's rules.
DATES: January 1-December 31, 2005
John Harper
Posts: 22
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The Region 9 XC contest

Post by John Harper »

During the contast days I flew 10 times. Going XC 7 of those, Spring was good in VA.
----- Original Message -----
From: markc (
To: (
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 1:35 AM
Subject: The Region 9 XC contest

XCanytime wrote: There were halfway decent XC conditions at least one day of 6 of the 11 weekends of the contest this year, so no one can claim that there weren't opportunities.

Hmmm, I dunno... Didn't the March and April weekends pretty much
completely suck? Sure, a couple flyable days.... But not much more
than that! Those unable to fly during the week were really screwed
this year.

The poor (weekend) conditions for 3 out of the last 4 spring seasons
certainly hasn't helped generate enthusiasm for the Region IX
contests... Maybe we need to do something to up the ante? Some
prizes (or cash) donated by area clubs perhaps? In bad years,
that might keep the interest level up. And if the ECC is at Highland
again next year, that might also help.

--mark c.

Posts: 2620
Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:45 pm

The Region 9 XC contest

Post by XCanytime »

On Saturday May 7th there were big XC conditions at the Sac.? The forecast was dead nuts for the Sac, north at 10 to 20 MPH.? Cloudbase was way the heck up in the sky, yet I was in the ridge run mode, and ran into a different airmass to the west towards the river.? To the east were cumies stinking high, and that same day Kevin Carter flew from upstate New York 100+ miles into PA.? Had I gone to the east the story may well have been different.? No pilots from our area showed up.? The Sac is a friendly ridge-run site, with a scenic 18 mile hop west of launch to the Susquehanna River.? Two small gaps (don't even compare to the Edinburg Gap) and a third "saddle" to jump.? Well worth the drive on a north 10 to 20 MPH forecast.

????????????????????????????????????????????????? Bacil
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The Region 9 XC contest

Post by hang_pilot »

Speaking of cross country….for those of us stuck at desks today…here are two interesting essays (one by Pete Lehmann and the other by Mitch Shipley) selected by Mark C. and posted in his Listserv Picks section of the CHGPA website:

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Seeing Beyond Money is a service mark of SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Lauren Tjaden
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The Region 9 XC contest

Post by Lauren Tjaden »

I think it is interesting that you ferreted out Pete and Mitch's old posts. They are both tremendous pilots. Pete and Larry (Larry is Pete's best flying buddy) have told me that one of the most beneficial traditions they have is that after flying, they talk to each other about what they could have done better, and what they did right, etc. Larry gave me some forms a couple years ago for pilots to fill out, analyzing their flights. I am happy to forward this form to XC pilots. Even if you don't fill out the form, I think it is really good to think about what you did right each time you fly (and focus on THAT) and also to think about areas where you could have performed better. Like, almost as soon as you land.
Ha, I think about what a pilot said when I was at Woodstock a couple years ago, giving out advice to someone. Wisdom from the hang twos, was the quote. Quite true, though?I still believe what I said was valid. But take all I say with a bushel of salt. I am the hang two of the XC world -- but, still,?I have LOTS of advice.

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Speaking of cross country?.for those of us stuck at desks today?here are two interesting essays (one by Pete Lehmann and the other by Mitch Shipley) selected by Mark C. and posted in his Listserv Picks section of the CHGPA website:

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