Boat Towing In Texas!

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Boat Towing In Texas!

Post by ChuckPyle »

Ohmigosh! Getting back in the air is AWESOME after such a long layoff and
doing it via boat tow is indeed "unique". Imagine heat index numbers in the
100's -- then imagine landing (intentionally) in the lake. That's the way
it went on two more flights this weekend. First tow to about 1410' followed
by extendo. Second tow to 2050' followed by long extendo (caught some lift
over McDonalds!!). Extra bonus was landing in my back yard -- more
acurately, landed in the cove and swam home. Had to land downwind, but with
pontoons mounted all that's required is to keep plenty of airspeed and come
skidding in for a floatplane style landing. Given that I had to dodge a
couple of boats in the marina area and compensate for winds circulating in
the cove, Tow Operator/instructor, Gregg Ludwig, signed me off for
Restricted Landing Field rating!
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Boat Towing In Texas!

Post by hang_pilot »

[Chuck] Extra bonus was landing in my back yard -- more acurately,
landed in the cove and swam home.

[Daniel] Very cool. Man I would have killed for a cool lake to jump
into this weekend.

Send us pictures!

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