Forum software upgrade : Evening of Tuesday Jan 05

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Forum software upgrade : Evening of Tuesday Jan 05

Post by chgpa »

I'll be updating our forum with the latest release of phpBB
(version 3.0.6) within the next hour or two.

When that happens, the forums will be disabled for a while.
My apologies in advance for any inconvenience!


PS: Though I'm not going to give anything away... I will say
that this update is a pre-requisite for the addition of a new
feature which I hope will provide some fun during the winter
flying doldrums. So stay tuned! :)

PPS: Oh yeah, these updates can often go awry, so if
you see that the forums are down tonight/tomorrow....
Well, them's the breaks!
Site Admin
Posts: 129
Joined: Fri Dec 05, 2003 12:50 am

Re: Forum software upgrade : Evening of Tuesday Jan 05

Post by chgpa »

Ok, the update is mostly finished, so the forums are back
again. Please report any problems viathe Forum HelpDesk
forum. Thanks!

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