Notes from the last place comp finisher

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Dan T
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Notes from the last place comp finisher

Post by Dan T »

This was a treat that I wouldnt' have wanted to miss. In spite of less than
ideal conditions we flew 6 out of 7 competition days. In addition I got a
chance to fly a U2 on the preceeding Saturday. What a sweet glider, I never
should have touched it, now I know my Ultra Sport is an antique. This small meet
was attended by some of the best pilots in the country including but not
limited to a four time national champion, a world record holder, the person who
literally wrote the book on hang gliding, and numerous other outstanding pilots.
They would all freely share their experiences at the price of asking.

If you were a baseball fan this would be akin to being invited to sit in the
dugout during the Allstar game. Even better actually because you'd actually
get a couple at bats.

Other people have already talked about the hospitality and accommodations, I
won't add to that other than to say that they have understated both. One
thing I didn't see mentioned was the fact that Rob Kells not only offered up
several demo gliders, he helped troubleshoot and tune any Wills Wing glider there.
Several pilots took advantage of this opportunity and left with more
effiecient giliders than they brought, all at no charge.

In summary the comp provided for all the flying you could possibly ask for,
assured retrieves, terrific comradarie, and an opportunity to learn from some
of the best. I could hardly ask for a better vacation. If you get an
opportunity to go next year I stronly encourage you to do so. I certainly will.

Dan T.
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The comp

Post by breezyk1d »

Hey, at least you got to compete Dan! I was just a cart dragger!

I was there only on the weekends , under the guise of helping out, to learn all that I could. There is nothing to compare to being there for getting your hands on a good understanding of a competition: the scoring (at least I have some idea of what the complicated system is composed of now], the strategies, the issues, the task committee, the overlap between tasking and competing, the frantic GPS waypoints uploading requests, the downloading of the daily GPS tracks, and simply having your own flying and safety questions addressed at your whim. There was so much sage advice there, it caused me to drink heavily to assuage my burden of information (no wait, that was Daniel B. on the last night!)

From simply getting to ask Paris Williams about the Altair Saturn design he created (there is one for sale and I am considering purchasing it) to having multiple secondary releases addressed by Danny Brotto (25+ good flying years) and Pete Lehmann (20+ good flying years) over idle breakfast conversation and morning coffee - you couldn't beat it for the information value and laid back attitude.

I was surprised by the friendliness of the competitors. They were not out to cut each other's throats but to do their very best on a given day. They freely discussed their successes as well as their mistakes and what they thought they should have done instead, if it didn't go their way.

The competition was completed safely, and with good spirits, and with reduced aching muscles [there was a superb masseuse onsite ( a hang 4 pilot from the Tennessee Treetoppers)] Kudo's to Highland!

The competition director David Glover must double as a stand up comic in his free time. He didn't spare Davis Straub, Dennis Pagin, Paris, Pete, nor any of the long time competitors in his friendly hazing at the daily pilot's meetings which I witnessed. If you thought these top of the heap competitiors were picture perfect in their flying, you just had to be there to see how they each had to struggle with the daily factors of strong versus weak lift, someone else's success the day before, the luck of the day, and their own comp standings.

What a treat to have the comp in our own backyard, so that we don't have to travel very far for the experience. Next year, count me in on the Sport class! Danny B., Daniel B., John Simon, Dan T. from our local area all flew their hearts out in the grueling heat of the noon-day sun, and represented our local pilots overwhelmingly in the class.

Paul Tjaden held the lead in the Rigid wing class and whomped those big name pilots he was competing against. Turned out they were competing against Paul! Guess who might make the World Team? (2 guesses...and they both start with a T.)

Erica and I retrieved carts together with Arielle, the 12 year old Hang 1 currently training at Highland [read your last issue of USHGA], and the first weekend Bob. Drew held down that hot chore during the week with the help of Bruce who played captain hook from the golf cart. Barb kept everybody stoked with supplies of breakfast and lunch goods, and a discount was available at Sams (now serving wine and beer ; [and oil and vinegar for the purists among the greek salad eaters],...

There is one photo in Ralph's sequence shots which I thought really captured the hustle and the spirit of eveyone: one tug landing in the background as another tug lifted off with a pilot in the foreground. It took quite a bit of work to get those 30 pilots in the air within an hour or so of one another.

Yahoo! Can't wait till the next ECHGC at Highland!
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Alek too!

Post by breezyk1d »

Alek! I left Alek B. out of the lineup! What an oversight! He was one of the pilots that inspired me to think I might be able do enter the comp next year. Even if he has bailed and gone to New York, he's still one of our "local pilots" and gave the Sport class an additional angle and run for the money. Way to go Alek! - Linda B.
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