Florida flying (with Steve K)

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Lauren Tjaden
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Florida flying (with Steve K)

Post by Lauren Tjaden »

Not great soaring in FL but over 80 degrees and light winds. Lots of solo pilots here, including our wonderful friend Steve K. Paul took these pics yesterday evening and I put them together in a little slide show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMowgubseSE
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Re: Florida flying (with Steve K)

Post by theflyingdude »

Hey Lauren,

Why is there 5 1/2 minutes of blackness and silence after your one minute of sunset photos? Did it suddenly get dark and quiet or were you sucked into a singularity? :D

Lauren Tjaden
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Re: Florida flying (with Steve K)

Post by Lauren Tjaden »

Ah, I just saw that this morning. I uploaded a different (fixed) video to Youtube but thought no one would want to go the bother of seeing it. I put in music and unfortunately hit "select all" so it put all of my background music in after all the video. So the footage is less than a minute and then you have the black-hole-thing. Well. I am certainly no computer whiz.
Lots of fun flying again today. Not brilliant soaring but Kinsley got maybe an hour. 83 degrees, though, and no wind. Could be worse like it is up north hahaha!!!
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Re: Florida flying (with Steve K)

Post by markc »

Great pics, thanks for sharing them Lauren. I've yet to capture a really dramatic sunset
from the air... Looks like it was a fine time to be flying!

John Simon
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Re: Florida flying (with Steve K)

Post by John Simon »

Hi Floridians,
Nice photos. Let me know what software you settle on... I'm looking too. Anyone else have good (easy and cheap) video software recommendations?

Take Care,

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Re: Florida flying (with Steve K)

Post by DanTuck »

Beautiful pics!!!!

Hey John,
If you use Windows 2000 or newer, you have a program called Windows Movie Maker. It comes with all Windows packages since then - XP, Vista, I think 7 has it. It is really simple and easy to use as long as you're not editing HD video, especially AVCHD codec. I'm not sure how savvy you are (I'm not very) but here's some quick instructions for you or anyone else, I'll include a few pics too. I'm using Vista so your screen may look a little different.

1. First, save your video from the camera or memory card to a folder on your computer, Videos will do fine.
2. Next, open the program - Go to the Start menu at the bottom left of your screen, and then click on All Programs at the bottom. (pic 1)
3. From the programs list you should be able to find Windows Movie Maker. (pic 2)
4. When you open the program, you will see on the left of the control panel a section called "Import" Click the buttons and find the right folder (Videos or wherever you saved it) to bring the files onto your control panel. (pic 3)
5. The bottom of the control panel is the video timeline. All you have to do is click and drag the files down to the timeline. Then you can cut out the boring parts using the "Split" button on the right, or rearrange the clips, mix in pictures, whatever. (pic 3)
6. The same goes for music. Just import it and then drag it down to the Audio/Music part of the timeline at the very bottom. (pic 3)
7. Below the "Import" area are the "Edit" buttons. Here you can add video effects and transitions between clips, also titles. (pic 3)
8. Finally, when you've spent way too much time on it, you render it using the "Publish to" buttons. I always choose the "This computer" option.

If you're an Apple guy, I'm 99% sure there is a Mac equivalent (maybe iMovie?) that's probably even easier to use. But I can't help you on that one, I'm a PC dude. Also, hopefully your camera records .avi files or something else other than .mov files. Windows Movie Maker won't edit .mov or .mp4 files. It likes Microsoft PC file types.
I know that there is lots of free, downloadable software out there but I've never used any of that. You can also purchase better editing software like Pinnacle, Sony Vegas, or Adobe Premiere for PC or Final Cut for Mac. I use Pinnacle Studio 12 but that's mostly because my cameras record AVCHD and Windows Movie Maker can't "cut it."
Hope it helps and good luck!!!
Start Menu (pic 1)
Start Menu (pic 1)
All Programs (pic 2)
All Programs (pic 2)
WMM Control Panel (pic 3)
WMM Control Panel (pic 3)
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Re: Florida flying (with Steve K)

Post by stevek »

John Simon
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Re: Florida flying (with Steve K)

Post by John Simon »

Thanks for the heads up Dan. I think it's gonna be HD... I'll check it out though, I remember it from a while back when I found it on XP. Sorry for hijacking...

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Re: Florida flying (with Steve K)

Post by theflyingdude »

MovieMaker is not included w/ Windows 7, but you can download a free copy from the Microsoft website.

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Re: Florida flying (with Steve K)

Post by stevek »

Heading back. Had a great time. Maybe could have done better on the timing but still had quite a few soaring flights. Very light stuff so good practice. Great to see Paul and Lauren.

Loaded up on some serious fireworks in SC. Can't wait! Nothing illegal mind you just sparklers for the kids.

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Re: Florida flying (with Steve K)

Post by lbunner »

JR, just how long would you have watched the blackness in Lauren's video? :D
Flying Lobster
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Re: Florida flying (with Steve K)

Post by Flying Lobster »

Vid on a mac is just better and faster. Why suffer winworld crashes?

Great Googly-moo!
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