Paris ground school

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Paris ground school

Post by brianvh »

This was most definitely worth it, partly because of the material, and
partly because Lauren Tjaden sat in on it two. First time I've seen her
and Paul for, god, at least half a year ago. I think we actually
benefited from the rain: with no pressure to fly, we just dug into
everything in great detail, I mean *everything*. Restricted LZ landings
through the best way to get out of sink given wind and route direction,
to setting the gps...etc...etc...3 hours, and all wonderfully presented.
I think the essence of good teaching is you end up wondering why you didn't
think of it yourself, it seems so obvious. Paris is a great guy, if you get a
chance to sit in with him, go for it.

Brian Vant-Hull
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