Pulpit or anywhere

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Pulpit or anywhere

Post by MRWilkens »

I realize it's a bit late but I just got back into town tonight and saw that the pulpit might b flyable tomorrow. If any observers would be willing to sponser a new h2, let me know, I'm down! I can offer an xc pickup driver, post flight dinner/ beers, whatever.

If not no problem, will keep my eyes to the sky, peace

Mr. Matt
matthew.r.wilkens at gmail dot com
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Post by kcarra »

I'm still leaning toward Pulpit. Might end up at High Rock if too North. TFR at HR till 1:30 today.

What's the concensus???

I'd be happ to Observe any Hang 2s. Give me a cal-- contact info is on the web--
http://www.chgpa.org/Education/h2p2_gui ... sInfoTable
Karen Carra
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Re: Pulpit or anywhere

Post by Danny Brotto »

AOPA lists the TFR to expire on Sunday at 9:30 am local.

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Re: Pulpit or anywhere

Post by markc »

Count me in for going... Somewhere!

I dunno, direction's better for the Rock, but there are more
options at the Pulpit....

Hey Carlos, you still want to carpool?


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Re: Pulpit or anywhere

Post by markc »

Carlos and I have talked ourselves into giving the Pulpit a try, and if things
aren't good there, we'll bail to HRock.

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Re: Pulpit or anywhere

Post by Danny Brotto »

Just spoke with WX-BRIEF; TFR extended to 1:30 local.

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Re: Pulpit or anywhere

Post by CraginS »

I'm planning on being on the road in the direction of Pulpit/HR shortly after 11:00
Happy to fly either site today.

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Re: Pulpit or anywhere

Post by markc »

Quite the crowd at The Pulpit today! Tony, Peter, Carlos, me, Dave B, Karen, Matthew,
Laslo, Tom C, Craig, Dan Tk, Rich Bloomfield, Mike and Julia, and Steve K. Plus BH-Bob
(just out for a cruise on his new Yamaha), and Danny B (who headed to High Rock after
seeing some very cross cycles).

The PGers got the best of the day. I think I heard that Tom C made it to I-81 and Rt 30?
Matthew got 2200' above launch, and I think Laslo was also specked out pretty high.

My first flight was around 3-ish, and it was definitely cooking. But the winds were light,
and fairly cross at times. One bad choice (a pass over launch), and then a moment's
inattention, and my short flight was over. Very frustrating, as Tom and Laslo beamed
out shortly after.

Carlos had an extendo, Peter sledded to the secondary, and Steve (PG) was also in the
secondary. Carlos and I packed up, picked up Steve, and headed back up top, where
things were definitely looking better. Somehow I dredged up the energy for another try,
and was rewarded with close to an hour of airtime, maxing out at 300' over. Thanks for
your help with the set-up Carlos!

It was a hit-or-miss day. Tony, Dave, Dan, and Craig all had flights, some soaring and
some sleds. Not long after them, Karen, Rich, and I were all able to stay above the ridge
relatively easily. Go figure.

Very north cross, and I found it more challenging than fun, I have to admit. But hey,
I ain't complaining! :)

Big welcome back to mountain flying for Rich B! I think this was his first Pulpit flight in
maybe two years?

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Re: Pulpit or anywhere

Post by DanTuck »

Fun day out there. I had driven in the morning to meet Steve Ziegler(a retired and hopefully one day returning pilot) in York, PA to pick up his never-flown Lookout GTXC harness for a test flight. Rt. 30 looked like a nice straight shot to the Pulpit so I hopped on it. Ugh!!!! That was a mistake. I didn't even get to the Pulpit until 3:00, set up right away and then sat on the ramp with Cragin, Tony and David B. It wasn't looking too bad, borderline soarable and I was short on time so I decided to give it a shot. I suited up and by the time I was on the ramp, a cloud had moved in and shut it down. Five minutes later the sun came back out, Laszlo launched his PG from the new pad and I followed him off the old ramp. Like the past couple at the Pulpit it was another scratchy, low flight. I only managed about 250' over the ridge, made a couple passes at the ramp for the spectators and flew for about 35 minutes. I set my landing approach, everything was cool, an then on final I transitioned to the downtubes. Doh!! Leg loops are way too loose. So I just slowed down and did one of those moonbounce landings and ran it out for a soft touchdown. Otherwise the harness fits nice. Plus it will match my new glider! :) Tony and Laszlo landed shortly thereafter. Overall a nice flight but I haven't had a nice high flight for awhile. Blah summertime. Still a good day.

PS - Cragin landing was so nice that I didn't even know he had landed, didn't make a sound. And he was only 30 yards frm me. Nice one!

PPS - I'm not in too much trouble. Whew! Thanks again Mark.
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Re: Pulpit or anywhere

Post by Danny Brotto »


You might want to double check whether the leg straps are too loose or in fact where they are physically sewn into the harness body is too low. Too loose leg straps can me taken up and that’s not a problem. There is a problem when the leg straps are connected too low to their anchor points in the harness. No amount of tightening will keep you from sinking away from the DT apex and the ensuing loss of flare authority.

Many of the early pod harnesses had the later feature. Unless you had a long torso or long arms, flare authority was severely compromised. I think most of the newer pods have addressed this (but those configurations that do not allow full up rotation are another matter.)

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Re: Pulpit or anywhere

Post by tomceunen »

The flats work working well with lots of cummies big and small. I landed east of Chambersburg next to the mountains. I almost jumped over them but the other side was blue no cummies anymore.
I flew over the Windy Knoll Icecream farm and shot a nice pic of the maze.
Bye Janni, thanks for the great support and new launch at the pulpit. Seeyou at the Wank one day!
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Re: Pulpit or anywhere

Post by CraginS »

I thought launching at 5:30 would be late enough for glass-off. Darn it, no such luck. Thanks to Carlos and Steve and Dave for crewing me off. I excited all of us with a turn toward the trees just off the ramp, but got that corrected. After 12 minutes of struggling over 16, I did pull off a most satisfying landing. Here you can see two views of the start and the finish.

Once on the ground, I also got a nice shot of Mark C's approach and landing:

IT was nice flyign after so many weeks off.

Oh, the drive home was not so stisfying. Paving work on two lanes of the beltway gave me a nice drive of one hour to cover 11 miles from the 270 spilt to the Legion bridge. Oh, well. It was sitll a great day.
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Re: Pulpit or anywhere

Post by dbodner »

Oh, the drive home was not so stisfying. Paving work on two lanes of the beltway gave me a nice drive of one hour to cover 11 miles from the 270 spilt to the Legion bridge.
Me too. But, I also got to experience the closure of the GW parkway. I'm still catching up on sleep.
David Bodner
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