Woodstock Saturday 5/29 First Edinburg Gap Jump

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Dan T
Posts: 1082
Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2005 5:58 pm
Location: Northern VA

Woodstock Saturday 5/29 First Edinburg Gap Jump

Post by Dan T »

I managed a first yesterday. My first jump onto Short Mountain. A couple of
weeks ago I'd spoken to Tom McGowan about how best to do it. I followed his
advice as best I could, approaching the mountain from the west. The venturi
was very noticable and I consumed nearly all of the elevation I carried in to
the crossing attempt. By the time I cleared the venturi I was well below the
top of the ridge. Clearing the venturi was almost like flying through an
invisible curtain. I could immediately tell that I was out of it and I started a
slow climb up the contour of the ridge. Once I managed to get above the ridge
line the flight to the South end was relatively routine. A couple of thermals
sprinkled along the way combined with enough ridge lift to keep me on top.

When I reached the south end I learned to my surprise that there were no
easily reachable fields even there. Worse, the sea of trees in front of the next
ridge was every bit as daunting as those along Short Mountain. I decided I
had enough adventure for the day and chose to fly to a field rather than attempt
the jump back to the next ridge. A long glide in rotor gave me a little more
adventure than I planned on or wanted. None-the-less I managed a landing
that left me and the glider in one piece and a 17.3 mile XC in the book. It was
my longest in a couple of years.

I saw John for much of the flight. He was very low and very persistent.
Great flight John.

Get well soon Holly and don't give up!

Dan T.
Flying Lobster
Posts: 1042
Joined: Fri Feb 25, 2005 4:17 pm

Post by Flying Lobster »

Congrats on a great flight, Dan. And thanks for looking for me afterwards. My grandeois plan never materialized, thinking I could easily get high and stay high, going over the back in NW street. I flew for two hours before finally getting to 4K plus, but by that time I was pretty beat, late, knarly west winds, the usual excuses. So I just flew up and down the ridge for 3 hours watching the antics below from my high seat. Saw lots of gliders get REALLY low, but by later in the day the thermals seemed pretty bullit-proof. I don't know who it was, but I saw one topless up near the north point get low between the ridges and barely squeak back through rotor to the front. A few whacky launches too. Please balance those gliders before launching!

Great Googly-moo!
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