Training Hill Possibility

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Training Hill Possibility

Post by hang_pilot »

Last weekend after bailing on Pulpit, I tried to kite in light winds at Hooverville Elementary in Waynesboro on Rt. 16 just before the 550 junction.? The school has a 60’ (?), west (?)- facing grassy hill with a small flat area in front that is definitely long enough for a paraglider fly-out and probably a hang glider, too.?
Has anyone tried to fly this hill?

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Richard Hays
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Training Hill Possibility

Post by Richard Hays »

I stopped by there to check it out. Nice hill but the LZ could be an issue.
I think it faces SW. Falcons' could easily reach the parking
lot/building/basketball hoops if launched from atop the hill. Not sure about
the stat. but I'm sure Eddie Miller or maybe even Shawn Ray could be of some


>From: "Broxterman.Daniel" <>
>Subject: Training Hill Possibility
>Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 13:58:10 -0400
>Last weekend after bailing on Pulpit, I tried to kite in light winds at
>Hooverville Elementary in Waynesboro on Rt. 16 just before the 550
>junction. The school has a 60' (?), west (?)- facing grassy hill with a
>small flat area in front that is definitely long enough for a paraglider
>fly-out and probably a hang glider, too.
>Has anyone tried to fly this hill?
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