Sunday @ Blue Sky 1+hr to 7500

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Sunday @ Blue Sky 1+hr to 7500

Post by rancerupp »

Took off in rowdy air after the dufus in front of me towed and broke a weak link. Got more than an hour and climbed to 7500 at one point. Not real rowdy once you got above 1000 or 1500. Sure like this top-less glider.

Oh, Oh, I didn't say that was me that went to 7500. Gotcha!! :O) Someone else had that great flight. They can tell on themselves. I was the dufus. I waited 30 min and got back on the horse (so to speak) and towed again. Much better. Only got a half an hour but I did manage to stay upwind of the field the whole time. That in itself was good enough skills training for me considering the winds aloft. A nice time was had by all.

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