Ridgely Sunday

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Ridgely Sunday

Post by mcelrah »

John Simon, Bryan Althouse, John and PK, and I were the solo fliers.
There were a bunch of tandems. Lift was punchy at first. Lots of
clouds, pretty low. First tow of the season, so I elected to stay with
the strap-on fin (Sunny strongly recommended it). Enjoyed being in a
gaggle with sailplanes. Dennis (sailplane pilot) was trying to take
pictures of hang-gliders in the air, but alas the camera didn't work.
Two flights, reasonable tows. Windsor dumped me out in a thermal on
the first one, about 40 minutes. I mistook the wind direction and power
whacked. Inspected the glider before launching again for 35 minutes,
somewhat better landing but no medals. Broke down early so as to get
son Jasper home in time to get ready for his trip to Canada tomorrow.
NO BRIDGE TRAFFIC IN EITHER DIRECTION (1130 eastbound, 530 westbound).
- Hugh
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