Pulpit Sunday

All things flight-related for Hang Glider and Paraglider pilots: flying plans, site info, weather, flight reports, etc. Newcomers always welcome!

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Pulpit Sunday

Post by XCanytime »

I'll add just a few notes to the Pulpit report.? I took off around 1:15P when a long, dark cloud street was headed right for launch.? Launch conditions were moderate.? Got up and spent a frustrating 1:15 in the air, getting 700' over max.? The flush that John mentioned put me on the deck for a good 15 minutes, going back and forth just above the trees in the chop.? Stepped in a big hole around 16 and immediately headed out.? Another one of those visual sights that gets your attention:? your ground speed is very slow, you are sinking, and making the main field looks iffy for a few seconds.? A few seconds later things are looking better, and they turn out fine.? While in the LZ watched John struggle between 700' to 1200' over, just not getting high enough to go OTB.? Sparky gives me a body ride up.? We witness Dan's low save, and see him go OTB.? We thought it was John, so John's driver Rich goes to retrieve John, who happens to be still in the air.? We launch Hugh, then I set up to launch again.? Hugh gets up easily and joins John.? I get airborne around 5P and see John and Hugh upstairs going OTB.? I spend another frustrating 1:15 getting to 1200' over in one thermal, but still not enough to go OTB.? More flush cycles ensue, but not to the extent of the one earlier.? Shawn joins me in the air and he has a nice flight.? Finally it's around 6:15P and I give up on OTB and go in and land after Shawn.? Sparky comes in to land in his CSX with the clamshell drag unit deployed on his keel.? He and Shawn pack up and go back up top.? Linda Baskerville makes the main LZ on her first flight at the Pulpit.? John, back from his XC, graciously drives my car down to the LZ.? As John, Linda, and I are ready to head to the top, we see Sparky descending to a landing right at the breakdown area in his paraglider.? Airborne are Matthew in his paraglider and Karen in her hang glider.? Within an hour Sparky flew his hang glider and paraglider.? Now that's efficient use of flying time!? Pretty beat from tussling with the chop just safely above treetop level in all the flush cycles that hit in the 2 flights. I counted at least 2 in the first flight, and 3 in the second.

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Bacil
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Pulpit Sunday

Post by XCanytime »

The Pulpit is looking good for Sunday.? Should be more elevators going to the top floor, cloudbase, versus last Sunday's frustrating climbs for some.? C'mon out.

?????????????????????????????????????????????????? Bacil
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Post by hepcat1989 »

yeah, last sunday was tasty, i'm hungry. Shawn noonish?
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Pulpit Sunday

Post by XCanytime »

???? The more the merrier!

?????????????????????????????????????????? Bacil
Danny Brotto
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Last Sunday...

Post by Danny Brotto »

Last Sunday I flew a 200 km task in 2:31 getting to 7,000 ft on lsat climb for a 35 mile final glide at MC 4... oh right, different glider.

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Pulpit Sunday

Post by mcelrah »

Can you unpack some of the terms: "lsat climb" "MC 4" "P6"? - Hugh

On 20 May 2005, at 21:33, Danny Brotto wrote:

> Last Sunday I flew a 200 km task in 2:31 getting to 7,000 ft on lsat
> climb for a 35 mile final glide at MC 4... oh right, different glider.
> P6
Danny Brotto
Posts: 708
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Post by Danny Brotto »


Sorry? I was feeling a bit glib when I wrote that.

I flew my sailplane last Sunday and it was pretty good. We have a club level competition racing series every weekend. My flight is posted here:

http://www2.onlinecontest.org/olcphp/20 ... 438ec30ed8

"lsat climb" should read ?last climb?? the final thermal I took (fumble fingers)

?MC 4" refers to the Macready setting I entered to feel comfortable with a long final. Typically on course, you set the Macready number for the expected climb in the next thermal. If you expect the total climb in the next thermal to be 200 ft/minutes (~2 knots) you will maximize your overall speed by flying faster than best glide speed to get there. Even though you?ll loose more altitude getting to that next thermal, you?ll get there sooner and make the overall time up in the climb.

Typically one sets the MC a bit more conservative than the climb expected next thermal as you can never guarantee that you?ll reach that hypothetical next thermal. When climbing in your final thermal (i.e. not needing a ?next thermal?) you want to climb high enough to fairly guarantee making it home so you?ll set a pretty high Macready.

"P6" is the contest ID on my sailplane, ?Papa Six?. The contest designator is ?owned? by the pilot so sometimes sal iplane pilots greet with salutation of their contest number instead of their names. These insignias are typically marked on both sides of the vertical stabilizer and the underside of the right wing. There has been mention of a sailplane cruising over Woodstock launch a few weeks back. I mentioned that the pilot was Baude Litt?s from a HG pilot?s local report of his ?LBL? contest number. That day, Baude flew from our glider port to Burnt Cabin?s (McConnelsburg ridge), up to Thompsontown, down to Massanutten Peak, and back home? total almost 700 km. You can see his flight trace here.

http://www2.onlinecontest.org/olcphp/20 ... 438ec30ed8

If hope this is not too off topic and that no one has issue with my occasional posting of adventures with the other world of soaring. Please let me know is I?m breaking protocol with such posts.

Danny Brotto
Dan T
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Pulpit Sunday

Post by Dan T »


I think the posts are great. I have a hunch most of the rest of us do as well. I don't often envy the sailplane pilots but once in a while I do.

Keep it up!
Dan T.
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Pulpit Sunday

Post by mcelrah »

I suppose that competition hang-glider pilots are using much the same
calculations as sailplane drivers - or should be. If it's not too much
trouble, what is a Macready number?


On 21 May 2005, at 07:51, Danny Brotto wrote:

> If hope this is not too off topic and that no one has issue with my
> occasional posting of adventures with the other world of soaring.
> Please let me know is I?m breaking protocol with such posts.
> Danny Brotto
Posts: 182
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Pulpit Sunday

Post by heaviek »

No Way man!? You better keep this stuff coming!? We all need a taste of how the other half lives.
Kev C

From: Danny Brotto [mailto:dbrotto@comcast.net]
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 1:52 PM
To: hg_forum@chgpa.org
Subject: Pulpit Sunday


If hope this is not too off topic and that no one has issue with my occasional posting of adventures with the other world of soaring. Please let me know is I’m breaking protocol with such posts.

Danny Brotto
Posts: 2620
Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:45 pm

Pulpit Sunday

Post by XCanytime »

For the in-towners this weekend, the Pulpit is looking pretty good for Sunday.? Looking for interested pilots.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????? Bacil
Posts: 684
Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:15 pm

Post by hepcat1989 »

yeah, what time ya gonna be there? Shawn.
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