
For non-flying fun with pilots, friends, and family.
Ski trips, Ethiopean-nights, movies, biking, climbing... All that fun stuff you can't do in the sky.

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Post by Spark »

Flying here has been sparse lately due to strong westerly winds, so I've been skiing often.

It was good last Friday - sunny and light winds. We tried out a new digitial camera that also can record HD video.



Colton shot this video of me.

... and I shot some vid of his snowboarding.
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Re: Ski

Post by charlieg »

Spark -- wow, is that really you? Impressive! And nice moving camera work in the second video!
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Re: Ski

Post by brianvh »

Spark is notorious for skiing backwards down double black moguls, all the time keeping up a running monologue with his distracted companions who are doing their best just to stay upright while skiing the normal way. So yeah, that's really him.
Brian Vant-Hull
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Re: Ski

Post by pink_albatross »

I'm surprised Sparky wasn't simultaneously on the phone while following his son, filming...
You're slacking, Sparky! ;-)
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